《眼科学报》全面实行线上投稿,作者可登录投稿网站:https://journal.gzzoc.com/ykxb/ 进行稿件提交。
1. 评论
· 字数:建议1500字以上
· 图表数量:建议至少2张图片或表格
· 参考文献:建议至少25篇
2. 原创性研究
· 标题
· 摘要(建议400字以内,包括背景/目的、方法、结果和结论四个部分)
· 正文:包括介绍、材料和方法、结果和讨论
· 参考文献:建议至少25篇
3. 综述
· 非结构化摘要:建议字数超过400字
· 正文:建议3000字以上
· 图表数量:建议至少5张图片或表格
· 参考文献:建议至少35篇
4. 临床实践指南
5. 手术技术
6. 专家共识
7. 专家述评
Eye Science now operates exclusively via online submission. Authors can submit their manuscripts through the submission portal: http://https://journal.gzzoc.com/ykxb/
The journal does not have strict formatting requirements for submissions. If authors need a reference for manuscript formatting, please refer to previously published articles. The journal primarily accepts the following types of manuscripts:
1. Editorials
Editorials provide timely and in-depth commentary on clinical or laboratory ophthalmology, often echoing the topics of articles published in the same issue. All editorials are by invitation only. Specific requirements are as follows:
● Word count: a minimum 1,500 words is recommended
● Figures/Tables: 2 figures or tables are perferred
● References: a minimum of 25 references is suggested
Original research includes two categories: research articles and research reviews. For research articles, the content requirements are as follows:
● Title
● Abstract: About400 words, including the subheadings of Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions
● Main text: Including the subheadings of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion
● References: a minimum of 25 references is suggested
Research reviews cover various forms such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and the form should be clearly indicated in the title. The requirements follow those of research articles.
3. Reviews
Reviews cover all aspects of clinical and laboratory ophthalmology. While reviews may be invited, unsolicited submissions are also welcome, though prior discussion with the editor is recommended. Specific requirements are as follows:
● Unstructured abstract: About 400 words
● Main text: Minimum of 3,000 words is perferred
● Figures/Tables: 5 figures or tables are perferred
● References: a minimum of 35 references is suggested
4. Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for patient care, based on a systematic review process. The development process should follow a scientific methodology, including protocol drafting, registration, defining clinical questions, searching existing guidelines, and evaluating evidence. There is no fixed word limit, but the language should be concise. The abstract is suggested over400 words, and the main text should include sections such as Introduction, Methods, Main Body (including recommendations and discussion), and Conclusion, with key recommendations clearly highlighted.
5. Surgical Techniques
Manuscripts on surgical techniques should detail procedural steps in a step-by-step manner, and are encouraged to include expert commentary and comparisons of different approaches. The word count is suggested over6,000 words (excluding references, figures, and tables). The abstract should be unstructured and recommended over 400 words. The main text should include sections such as Introduction, Preoperative Preparation, Step-by-Step Procedure, Postoperative Considerations, Discussion, and Conclusion, with highlighted key points.
6. Expert Consensus
Expert consensus articles are the result of experts' evaluation and judgment of key clinical issues, similar to clinical practice guidelines but developed with more flexibility. There is no fixed word limit, but the writing should be concise. The abstract is suggested over400 words, and the main text should include sections such as Introduction, Methods, and Main Body (including recommendations and discussion), with key recommendations summarized.
7. Expert Commentaries
Expert commentaries offer in-depth analysis of previously published articles and are generally by invitation only.
For any questions during the submission process, please contact us via email at ykxb@gzzoc.com or call +86-20-62876237 for further assistance