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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Application of kite flap and rotary flap in repairing eye/eyebrow anterior layer defect

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2023年4月 第38卷 第4期 312-320 发布时间:2023-04-18 收稿时间:2023/4/19 14:43:39 阅读量:4398
kite flap rotary flap Flap transfer Propulsion flap Eyebrow defect Eyelid skin defect Eyebrow reconstruction Eyelid reconstruction Repair and reconstruction
Objective:To investigate the therapeutic efect of kite fap and rotary fap on superfcial tissue defect of eyebrow/eye caused by eyebrow/eye trauma or benign tumor resection, and to evaluate the prognosis, repair effect and aesthetic score changes. Methods: A total of 34 cases of eyebrow/eye trauma or benign tumors who underwent surgical resection were collected between May 2018 and May 2020. Te maximum defect diameter was not more than 1/2 of the length of eyebrow/eye. According to the location and scope of the defect, local kite flaps and rotary flaps were designed at the adjacent along the dermatoglyphic direction, and the sliding local transfer faps were promoted to the defect area to repair the eyebrow and eyelid ocular defects in stage one. Follow up for 6 months to observe the fap healing, defect repair efect, complications, patient satisfaction and aesthetic score. Results:All the skin faps survived, and the wound healing was Grade I A. The skin color, thickness, hair condition, texture and eyebrow shape distribution of the local skin faps were basically similar to the non-surgical side. Tere was no obvious change in the tissue morphology around the faps. Te eyebrows on the skin faps grew well, and the surgical incision was concealed in the skin lines with no distinct scar hyperplasia. All patients did not need operation again. Te defects were not swollen, bilateral continuity and symmetry were good, without eyebrow and eye deformation, without trichiasis, entropion or ptosis, etc. Te eyelid/eyebrow were beautiful and functional. The patients were satisfied with the surgical results. The aesthetic scores of patients at diferent postoperative monitoring times (1 day, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months) afer surgery were (73.50 ± 7.79), (76.97 ± 6.84), (82.21 ± 6.11) and (87.06 ± 6.07) points respectively, which were significantly higher than the preoperative scores (50.59 ± 9.71) points, and the diferences were statistically signifcant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Te kite fap and rotary fap can be used to repair the eyebrow/eye skin and sof tissue defects in Phase I, which can restore the shape and function of the eyebrow/eye well. Te patients are satisfed with the efect of the defect repair, and can obtain a higher aesthetic score. Te operation is simple and easy, the efect is reliable, and there was no obvious complications.
    眉眼位于面部显要位置,是人类面部重要器官与美学标志,双侧的完整对称对容貌影响巨大[1]。眉、眼睑外伤及良性肿物对容貌的影响很大,手术切除后易造成组织缺损,若强行拉拢缝合会导致眉眼严重畸形,如眉下垂、睑内外翻、成角畸形及闭合不全等[2]因此对术后创面修复要求高,若缺损处理不当,既影响美观及眉眼功能,同时也伤害患者心身健康[3]。为了彻底切除病变,良好地恢复眉眼外观、形态及功能,同时避免发生并发症, 2018 年以来笔者团队根据眉眼皮肤缺损的大小、原因、位置采用风筝皮瓣及旋转皮瓣进行I期修复,取得满意的疗效,现报告如下。

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象   


1.2 手术方法

    皮瓣设计制作:根据眉/眼缺损的大小、部位、形状及范围,按邻近皮肤纹理走向设计标记单侧或双侧风筝皮瓣和(或)旋转皮瓣,部位隐蔽且组织活动性良好。沿划线切开全层皮肤,在真皮下充分游离皮瓣两边及缺损周围组织,形成带蒂单侧或双侧皮瓣,牵拉皮瓣覆盖创面。根据张力情况,有时需掀起皮瓣前端基底部,一般不超过皮瓣长度1/3避免皮瓣血供不足。先行分层减张法修复继发缺损深部组织(6-0可吸收缝线,完整修复肌层,可靠减张缝合皮下组织),避免出现凹陷畸形;缺损处6-0可吸收缝线中间固定1针皮瓣组织,使创面达到无张力覆盖,皮下组织均匀间断减张缝合,修剪皮瓣边角组织,直至美观平整;最后皮肤组织7-0缝线间断缝合,术毕用妥布霉素地塞米松眼膏涂抹创口,适当加压包扎,冷敷24h。术后24h换药,敞开伤口,每日1次使用0.3%妥布霉素滴眼液,擦洗创口,观察皮瓣情况,若出现不良反应,及时采取治疗措施,6~7d拆线,切口有张力者延迟2~3 d拆线,之后可辅助使用抗瘢痕凝胶涂抹伤口,持续3~6个月。

1.3 观察指标 

    评估术后眉/眼缺损修复情况,观察形态,详细记录术后不良反应的发生情况。手术前后(包括术前与术后1 d及1、3、6个月)进行美学评分。记录术后6个月时疗效评价情况和患者对手术效果的满意度结果,计算有效率与患者满意率。

1.4 统计学处理

    所有数据使用SPSS23.0进行统计学分析,计量资料用 (x±s)表示,治疗前、后1 d、1、3、6个月美学评分采用重复测量数据方差分析,两两比较采用Dunnett’s T3检验,计数资料用例(%)表示,以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 一般情况


2.2 患者治愈情况


2.3 患者满意度


2.4 美学评分分析


1 34 例眉眼前层缺损患者在手术前后的美学评分变化
Table 1 Changes in aesthetic scores before and after operation in 34 patients with anterior eyebrow/eye layer defects


图1 34例眉眼前层缺损患者在手术前后的美学评分变化
Figure 1 Changes in aesthetic scores before and after operation in 34 patients with anterior eyebrow/eye layer defects

表 2 典型病例介绍
Table 2 Introduction of typical cases


图2 右眼内眦色素痣切除术皮肤缺损修补
Figure 2 Skin defect repair after removal of pigmented nevus on the right eye inner canthus
男性患儿,6月龄,自出生发现右眼内眦色素痣,随年龄增长逐渐增大。(A)右眼内眦色素痣术前照片,缺损大小为7mm×9mm;(B)标记切除范围及设计风筝皮瓣及旋转皮瓣;(C、D)术后1 d闭眼与睁眼,内眦形态良好,无睑内外翻及内眦变形;(E)术后1个月,内眦形态良好,切口处稍红,瘢痕不明显;(F)术后3个月,内眦形态良好,瘢痕不明显,两侧对称。
The boy was 6 months old, found right inner canthus pigmentation nevus at birth with gradually increasing with age (A) Preoperative photo of right inner canthus pigmented nevus, defect size 7 mm× 9 mm; (B)  Mark the excision range and design kite flap and rotating flap; (C,D) Closed and opened eyes 1 day postoperation, with good inner canthus morphology and no internal and external eyelid inversion or inner canthus deformation; (E)  One month after surgery, the inner canthus was in good shape, the incision was slightly red, and the scars were not obvious; (F) Three months after surgery, the inner canthus was in good shape, no obvious scars and bilateral symmetry.


图3 左眼上睑外侧色素痣切除术皮肤缺损修补
Figure 3 Repair of skin defect after removal of lateral upper eyelid pigment nevus in left eye
(A)左眼上睑色素痣术前照片,缺损大小为12 mm×10 mm;(B)术中切除范围及风筝皮瓣设计;(C)术后即刻,上睑形态良好、眉毛形态良好,无睑内外翻,无上睑形态改变,无眉眼部的变形;(D)术后1周拆线,上睑、眉毛形态良好,切口处稍红,瘢痕位于眉下,不明显。
(A) Preoperative photos of pigmented nevus on the upper eyelid of the left eye, with a defect size of 12 mm×10 mm; (B) Intraoperative resection range and kite flap design; (C) Immediately postoperation, the upper eyelid and eyebrows were in good shape, there was no internal and external eyelid inversion, no changes in upper eyelid shape, and no deformation of the eyebrow and eyelid; (D) the sutures were removed 1 week postoperation, and the upper eyelid and eyebrow were in good shape. The incision was slightly red, and the scar was not obvious which located under the eyebrow.


图4 风筝皮瓣在眼部应用示意图
Figure 4 Schematic diagram of kite flap application to eye
(A)眉毛头端缺损修复,采用单侧风筝皮瓣,使尾端向头端伸展推进,保持眉头形态,将acb向眉头移位修补缺损;(B)眉毛中间部位缺损修复,采用双风筝皮瓣,切口隐藏于眉内及眉毛上下缘,注意术中切口顺应毛囊方向,避免破坏毛囊,将A与a推进重叠至同一位置,B与b推进重叠至同一位置;(C)眉毛尾端缺损修复,采用双风筝皮瓣,术中注意眉毛形态及保护毛囊,皮瓣推进与图(B)相似;(D)上睑内上方缺损修复,采用单风筝皮瓣,切口位于眉下与缺损边缘,将皮瓣向鼻侧推进使d与D重合,abC向鼻侧推进修补缺损,颞侧对位缝合;(E)上睑中央较大缺损,使用改良双风筝皮瓣,采用眉下及重睑切口,往中央推进,使纵向切口无张力,做工字形双蒂风筝皮瓣,使A区域与B区域均向中央推进修复缺损;(F)上睑颞上方缺损修复,采用颞侧风筝皮瓣进行修复,切口隐藏于眉下,皮瓣推进与图(D)相似;(G)上睑内下方缺损修复,采用不对称双风筝皮瓣修复,注意上睑形态及睫毛走向,避免睑内外翻、倒睫,沿重睑线设计皮瓣,使A与a推进重叠,修补缺损;(H)上睑中央中等大小缺损,采用双风筝皮瓣,切口放置于重睑切口处,皮瓣推进与图(G)相似;(I)上睑颞下方缺损修复,采用不对称双风筝皮瓣修复,术中注意眼睑形态,避免发生睑内外翻、角膜暴露等,皮瓣推进与图(G)相似;( J)内眦下方缺损修复,采用鼻旋转皮瓣联合下睑风筝皮瓣进行修复,术中做到无张力缝合,保持内眦形态不变形,ABC为风筝皮瓣,abc为旋转皮瓣,将A与a,B与b推进重叠修复缺损,将c移至原a处,修补旋转皮瓣继发缺损;(K)内眦上方缺损修复,采用鼻旋转皮瓣联合上睑风筝皮瓣进行修复,皮瓣推进与图( J)相似;(L)外眦缺损修复采用改良双风筝皮瓣进行修复,术中注意保持外眦形态,内层肌肉固定于外眦部眶骨膜,保持外眦的形态,充分游离abc皮瓣,将C移至原外眦处,内层固定于外眦部眶骨膜,ab分别移至上下睑缺损的AB处,即a与A,b与B重叠。
The black circle represents the tissue defect site, the red line represents the flap design, and ABCabc represent the location where the design flap is shifted and overlapped (A) Repair of eyebrow tip defect using a unilateral kite flap, extending and advancing the tail end towards the head end, maintaining the shape of the eyebrow, and shifting the acb to the eyebrow tip to repair the defect; (B) Double kite flaps were used to repair the defect in the middle part of the eyebrow, and the incision was hidden inside the eyebrow and the upper and lower eyebrow edges. Attention was paid to the incision direction during the operation following the hair follicle to avoid damaging the hair follicle. A and a while B and b were pushed and overlapped to the same position; (C) Repair of eyebrow tail defect using a double kite flap, paying attention to eyebrow morphology and protecting hair  follicles during the operation. The flap advancement is similar to Figure (B); (D) Single kite skin flap was used to repair the upper inner eyelid defect. The incision was located under the eyebrow and the defect edge. The flap was advanced to the nasal side to make d coincide with D, and abC was advanced to the nasal side to repair the defect, with temporal alignment suturing; (E)Repair the large defect in the center of the upper eyelid using the improved double kite flap, and the incision was made under the eyebrow and double-fold eyelid line, advance the flap to the defect center to make the longitudinal incision tensionless. The I-shaped double-pedicled kite flap was used to push the area A and area B to the center to repair the defect; (F) Repair of the upper eyelid and upper temporal defect using a temporal kite flap, the incision was hidden beneath the eyebrow, and the flap was similar to figure (D);(G) The defects in the lower and inner upper eyelid were repaired by asymmetric double kite flaps. Paying attention to the shape of the upper eyelid and the direction of the eyelashes, to avoid eyelid inversion and trichiasis. Skin flaps were designed along the double eyelid line to overlap A and a to repair the defects. (H) Medium size defect in the center upper eyelid was repaired by using double kite flap. The incision was placed at the double eyelid incision, and the flap was similar to figure (G); (I) The lower temporal defect of the upper eyelid was repaired by asymmetric double kite flap. During the operation, attention was paid to the eyelid morphology to avoid eyelid inversion and corneal exposure, etc. The flap advance was similar to figure (G). ( J) Repair of the defect below the inner canthus using a nasal rotating flap combined with a lower eyelid kite flap. During the surgery, tension free suturing was achieved to maintain the shape of the inner canthus without deformation. ABC was kite flap and abc was rotary flap. A and a, B and b were pushed to overlap to repair the defect, and c was moved to the original location a to repair the secondary defect of the rotary flap. (K) The upper inner canthus defect was repaired by nasal rotation flap combined with upper eyelid kite flap. The flap advancement was similar to Figure ( J). (L) Improved double kite-flap was used to repair the defects of the outer canthus. During the operation, attention was paid to maintaining the shape of the outer canthus. The inner muscle was fixed in the orbital periostium of the outer canthus to maintain the shape of the outer canthus. The abc flap is fully free, and C is moved to the original outer canthus. The inner layer is fixed to the orbital periosteum of the outer canthus, and a b were moved to A B of the upper and lower eyelid defects respectively, whereas a overlaps with A and b overlaps with B.

3 讨论





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