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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Acquired visual loss attributed to an accommodative spasm after FS-LASIK surgery: a case report

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2021年12月 第36卷 第12期 972-976 发布时间:2021-12 收稿时间:2023/5/9 9:07:59 阅读量:3615
accommodative spasm visual function examination visual function training
本文报告1例2 8岁男性青年患者,行飞秒制瓣准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术 后1个月视力进行性下降,小瞳下行电脑验光矫正视力,右眼为0.3(-0.25×86°),左眼为0.2(-0.50×91°)。眼前节及眼底检查未见器质性病变,视觉电生理检查未见异常。视光专科检查示负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA):+2.00 D/?10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:右眼(oculus dexter,OD) 10 cpm(+),左眼(oculus sinister,OS) 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU)12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2△BO@D,13△BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD +1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS +0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0,进一步证实了“调节痉挛”的诊断。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次,结合调节放松训练。4周后,裸眼视力及屈光度稳定在正常范围。临床上对于视力下降原因不明、排除眼部器质性疾病的患者,经过仔细询问病史、睫状肌麻痹检影和视功能检查“调节痉挛”不难诊断。除传统的睫状肌麻痹剂和近附加镜外,治疗方案建议加用视功能训练可使视力恢复并稳定。
A 28-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of blurred vision in both eyes after LASIK flap made by femtosecond laser surgery for 1 month. The best corrected visual acuity based on computerized optometry was 0.3 (-0.25×86°) in the right eye and 0.2 (-0.50×91°) in the left eye. Routine examinations were conducted to exclude eye diseases. Visual electrophysiological examination showed no abnormalities. Optometry specialty examination: negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were +2.00 D/?10.00 D (when doing PRA, the patient could see clear slowly after a pause). Flipper examination showed: OD 10 cpm(+), OS 22 cpm(+), OU 12 cpm(+). Phoria-measurement showed 2 prism degree BO@D and 13 prism degree BI@N. AC/A=1. The patient’s high PRA, flipper examination results and convergence insufficiency at near distance indicated the possibility of “convergence insufficiency and accommodative spasm”. Cycloplegic refraction was planned to assess the real diopter. After instillation of cycloplegic drops, the UCVA improved to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×93 in the right eye, in the left eye to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×75. the BCVA was 1.0 (+1.00/-0.50×80°) in the right eye and 1.0 (+0.75/-0.25×65°) in the left eye. A diagnosis of accommodative spasm was made. The patient was counseled and continued cycloplegic drops one time daily before bedtime, participated in vision training for 4 weeks. This patient was a rare occurrence of accommodative spasm after FSLASIK surgery. Young patients with poor gain in UCVA can be subjected to a corrective procedure accidentally. Relaxation exercises and cycloplegic drops may cure accommodative spasm. For patients with unexplained causes of vision loss and excluded organic diseases of the eye, it is not difficult to diagnose “accommodative spasm” by careful medical history inquiry, ciliary muscle paralysis optometry and visual function examination. In addition to traditional ciliary palsy agent and reading glasses, it is suggested that visual function training can restore and stabilize the treatment effect.
准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)通过应用准分子激光消融角膜改变角膜前表面曲率,达到矫正屈光不正的目的。然而部分患者在术后早期会出现近距离工作时视物不清、视疲劳等视觉不适症状,主要与术后调节幅度和调节量的变化有关。本文报告1例LASIK术后出现调节痉挛的患者的诊断和治疗过程。

1 临床资料

患者,男,2 8岁,主诉:双眼近视激光术后1个月余,视力进行性下降。未述余特殊不适,未特殊处理。否认近期发热史、头部外伤史和精神方面疾病史。既往史:术前近视双眼-5.00 D。体格检查:小瞳下行电脑验光右眼(oculus dexter,OD) -0.25 × 86 ° =0.3;左眼(oculus sinister,OS)-0.50×91°=0.2。角膜透明,前房(-),眼底未见异常。视野、光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)、眼底照相、视网膜电图(electroretinogram,ERG)、视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential,VEP)均未见异常。角膜地形图显示中心切削。临床检查未见阳性体征,考虑患者新兵入伍,不能耐受军队体能训练,可疑伪盲。

1.1 检查

视光专科检查:负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA)为+2.00 D/-10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:O D 10 cpm(+),OS 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU)12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2BO@D,13BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”所致的视力下降。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD+1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS+0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0。进一步证实了上述诊断。

1.2 治疗

1 )使用托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次;2)Flipper拍:先单眼再双眼,训练1 min,休息30 s为1个循环,重复进行;3)双眼调节的交替训练:右眼前加+0.50 D,左眼前加-0.50 D,交替阅读注视卡,连续循环20次;再左右眼交换镜片后,交替阅读注视卡,连续循环20次;4)嘱2周后复查,不适随诊。

1.3 复诊

2周后视光专科复查:小瞳下主觉验光OD1.0- -0.25×93°=1.0,OS 1.0- -0.25×75°=1.0;NRA/PRA:+2.75 D/-4.50 D;Flipper:OD 17 cpm,OS 11 cpm,OU 19 cpm。隐斜检查:2△BI@D,0@N。治疗同前,嘱1个月后复查。
1个月后视光专科复查:小瞳下主觉验光OD 1.0+ -0.25×87°=1.0+,OS 1.0+ -0.25×61°=1.0+;NRA/PRA:+2.75 D/-4.00 D;Flipper:OD 20 cpm,OS 20 cpm,OU 20 cpm。隐斜检查:0@ D,2BI@N。

2 讨论

调节痉挛(accommodative spasm),也被定义为调节过度(accommodative excess)、调节超前(hyperaccommadation)、假性近视(pseudomyopia)、睫状肌麻痹(ciliary spasm)。主要由睫状肌过度调节,或者晶状体调节过于活跃所致[1]。睫状肌的活动形成调节,而调节存在双重神经支配。副交感神经兴奋传出冲动增加使睫状肌收缩,产生近调节;交感神经传出冲动减少,睫状肌松弛,产生远调节。调节痉挛是当副交感神经系统被过度刺激时,出现睫状肌强直、调节过度[1-2]


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