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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Clinical observation of Purtscher-like retinopathy

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2023年5月 第38卷 第5期 387-393 发布时间:2023-05-24 收稿时间:2023/5/24 12:00:16 阅读量:9238
Purtscher-like retinopathy Purtscher flecken cotton-wool spots macular edema capillary non-perfusion
Purtscher样视网膜病变是一种少见的视网膜血管性疾病,该文分析了13例Purtscher样视网膜病变的临床特征。典型的眼底表现包括 Purtscher斑22眼、棉絮斑22眼、视网膜出血13眼、黄斑水肿22眼、视盘水肿12眼和假樱桃红斑10眼。荧光素血管造影异常表现包括毛细血管无灌注区21眼,毛细血管前闭塞22眼。13例患者中有9例使用糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂,4例使用改善循环、营养神经等治疗。随访2周至5年,4例患者(6眼)在随访期间出现神经上皮萎缩并持续低矫正视力(<0.1)。基于文献回顾,讨论了Purtscher样视网膜视力恢复不佳可能与黄斑水肿及无灌注区形成有关。
Purtscher-like retinopathy is a rare retinal vascular disease. In this study,the clinical characteristics of 13 cases of Purtscher-like retinopathy were analyzed. Typical fundus abnormalities included Purtscher flecken (22 eyes), cotton-wool spots (22 eyes), retinal hemorrhages (13 eyes), macular edema (22 eyes), swelling of optic disk (12 eyes), and falsecherry red spots (10 eyes). The abnomal manifestations of fluorescein angiography included non perfusion area of capillaries (21 eyes), and precapillary occlusion (22 eyes). Among 13 patients, 9 patients were treated with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive drugs, and 4 patients were treated with circulation-improving and neurotrophic drugs. During the follow-up period of two months to five years, four patients (six eyes) experienced neuroepithelial atrophy and persistent low vision (<0.1). Based on literature review, we proposed that the prognosis of vision in Purtscher-like retinopathy may be associated with macular edema and the formation of capillary non-perfusion.
Purtscher视网膜病变(Purtscher retinopathy,PuR)于1910年由Otmar Purtscher首次描述[1],是非眼部损伤相关的脉络膜视网膜病变,视网膜表现包括棉绒斑、伴或不伴有中低数量视网膜出血、Purtscher斑、黄斑水肿[2],50%病例会出现特征性的Purtscher斑,多分布在黄斑区和视盘鼻侧,为边界清楚、位于小动脉周围约50 μm范围内的视网膜内层白斑,形态不一,大小从1/4 PD到数个P D,黄斑周围Purtscher斑较多时,黄斑呈假性樱桃红斑样改变,其与毛细血管前小动脉的阻塞有关[3]。如果在非创伤的情况下出现类似表现,被称为Purtscher样视网膜病变(Purtscher-like retinopathy,PLR)。其与多种临床疾病相关,包括系统性红斑狼疮[4]、急性胰腺炎[5]、肾功能衰竭[6]、先兆子痫[7]、结缔组织病[8]、脂肪栓塞综合征[9]、骨科手术[10]、淋巴增生性疾病和骨髓移植[11]、眼眶和鼻道内及周围注射类固醇[12]、溶血性尿毒症综合征[13]、婴儿摇晃综合征[9], 新型冠状病毒感染等[14]。PLR的发病机制及治疗仍存在争议,现对本院2014年1月至2021年9月诊断的13例(22只眼)PLR的临床资料进行回顾性分析,探讨其与视力预后相关的高危因素及相应治疗措施。

1 临床资料

13例PLR患者最佳矫正视力(国际标准矫正视力表)为指数至1.0不等。眼底表现为黄斑区Purtscher斑、棉絮斑、视盘周围小动脉白线、片状或线状视网膜浅层出血,部分患者合并视盘水肿和(或)黄斑水肿。所有患者均进行了FFA检查,7例(12眼)充盈晚期视盘呈现强荧光,2例(3眼)未见明显无灌注区,11例(19眼)视网膜后极部见毛细血管无灌注区域。评估以黄斑为中心半径为8 mm以内的视网膜无灌注区面积,4例(6眼)视网膜出现广泛的无灌注区,大于 20 PD,初诊矫正视力为指数至0.08,治疗后矫正视力为0.02~0.1;7例(11眼)无灌注区范围约在5~20 PD之间,初诊矫正视力为0.06~0.4,经过治疗后矫正视力为0.1~0.5,其中2例(2眼)治疗前后矫正视力无明显变化。1例(病例13)后极部视网膜无灌注区范围小于5 PD,患者就诊及时且早期使用糖皮质激素冲击治疗后矫正视力明显改善(见表2)。5例SLE相关PLR采用了糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂治疗联合改善循环、营养神经治疗,糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂的使用时间及疗程根

表 1 13 例 Purtscher 样视网膜病变的一般特征

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of patients with Purtscher-like Retinopathy

据SLE病情调整,2例血管炎、1例急性肾功能衰竭(ARF)、1例情况不明的PLR患者在排除用药禁忌后采用糖皮质激素联合改善循环、营养神经治疗,余下4例仅采用了改善循环、营养神经治疗。随访时间2周至5年不等。患者经治疗后矫正视力变化,0.1以下者4例( 6眼27.3%),其中病例 2 在行全视网膜激光光凝术后 3 个月后矫正视力由指数提高至0.04;0.1~0.2者6例( 6眼27.3%);>0.2且≤0.5者6例( 7眼31.8%);0.5~1.0者3例( 3眼13.6%)。6例(11眼)眼底棉絮斑、Purtscher斑和出血逐渐吸收,最终出现视神经萎缩、血管白线、黄斑区内层视网膜萎缩(见表2)。

1.1 典型病例

病例1:患者女性,23岁,因口服“感冒药”后出现双眼视力下降11 d,就诊于我院眼科。眼部检查:矫正视力右眼0.02、左眼0.06,双眼眼压正常,眼前节未见明显异常,眼底可见视盘周围大量棉絮斑、黄斑区Purtscher斑、散在片状出血(图1A,D)。

表 2 临床病例资料

Table 2 General clinical data of patients with Purtscher-like Retinopathy

图1 眼底彩色图像和FFA图像
Figure 1 Fundus photographs and fluorescein angiography of the posterior poles
(A) Fundus photographs of the oculus dexter, peri-papillary cotton-wool spots (black arrows), purtscher fleken (red arrows), scattered hemorrhage (white arrows), false cherry red spots. (B) Fluorescein angiography of the oculus dexter, papillary hyper fluorescence (red arrow) and peri-papillary non-perfusion areas (white arrows). (C) Fluorescein angiography of the oculus dexter after follow-up 3 months, papillary hyper fluorescence (red arrow) and peri-papillary non-perfusion areas, fluorescein staining of the vessel wall. (D) Fundus photographs of the oculus sinister, peri-papillary cotton-wool spots (black arrows), Purtscher fleken (red arrows). (E) Fluorescein angiography of the oculus sinister after follow-up 3 months, papillary hyper fluorescence (papillary edema), capillary staining(red arrows), peri-papillary non-perfusion areas(white asterisks), punctate high-fluorescence areas were seen at the end of the capillaries vessels(white arrows).
病例2:患者女性,32岁,因“系统性红斑狼疮”收入风湿免疫科,双眼视力下降5 d请眼科会诊,眼部检查:矫正视力右眼指数/鼻侧20 cm,左眼0.02,双眼眼压正常,结膜无充血,角膜透明,瞳孔圆,直径约4 mm,对光反射迟钝,眼底视盘界清,色可,视网膜动脉细,后极部视网膜见片状出血及棉绒斑(图2A、 B),FFA检查:可见视盘荧光渗漏,视盘周围及黄斑区广泛毛细血管无灌注区,未见新生血管(图2C、D)。OCT显示 Purtscher 斑和棉绒斑处的内层视网膜呈高反射(图2E、 F)。诊断:双眼Purtscher样视网膜病变。给予糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂、抗凝、改善循环、营养神经等治疗,针对眼部症状给予眼底激光治疗。完善全视网膜激光光凝术3个月后患者矫正视力提高至0.04,眼底可见视盘色淡,视盘周围有部分小动脉白线,视网膜浅层见少许斑片状出血(图2G、H)。
病例3:患者男性,42岁,因高强度体力劳动后左眼视力下降1 d,就诊我院眼科,右眼自幼视力差。眼部检查:矫正视力右眼光感,左眼0.1,双眼眼压正常,眼前节未见明显异常,左眼眼底可见后极部视网膜片状Purtscher斑及棉绒斑(图3A)。FFA检查:后极部未见明显无灌注区(图3B)。OCT:黄斑区内层视网膜
图2 眼底彩色图像、OCT及FFA图像
Figure 2 Fundus photographs ,OCT and uorescein angiography of the posterior poles
(A,B) Fundus photographs of the oculus uterque, optic disc was mildly pale with sharp margins and proximal occlusion of the retinal arteries,scattered hemorrhage (white arrows),peri-papillary cotton-wool spots (black arrows), purtscher fleken (red arrows). (C,D) Fundus angiography of the oculus uterque, papillary hyper fluorescence and peri-papillary non-perfusion areas. (E,F) Macular OCT,cotton-wool spots: hyperreflectivity in the retinal nerve fiber layer (white arrow). purtscher fleken: thickening of the inner nuclear layer (white arrows). (G,H) After panretinal laser photocoagulation, scattered hemorrhage was absorbed and cotton-wool spots and purtscher fleken were partially resolved.结构紊乱,呈高反射(图3C)。诊断:左眼Purtscher样视网膜病变。给予皮质糖皮质激素、改善循环、营养神经等治疗,2个月后患者视力提高至1.0,眼底可见Purtscher斑及棉绒斑均较前明显减少(图3D)。

2 讨论

图3 眼底彩色图像、OCT及FFA图像
Figure 3 Fundus photographs ,OCT and fluorescein angiography of the posterior poles
(A)左眼视盘界清,色可,视盘周边大量棉绒斑(黑色箭头),视盘及黄斑周边大量Purtscher斑(红色箭头);(B)FFA检查可见后极视网膜未见毛细血管无灌注区;(C) OCT可见棉絮斑(白色箭头)和Purtscher斑(红色箭头)对应处的视网膜内层高反射;(D)随访2月后,右眼后极部的棉绒斑及Purtscher斑较前明显减少。
(A) Fundus photographs,optic disc was mildly pale with sharp margins,peri-papillary cotton-wool spots (black arrows), purtscher fleken (red arrows). (B) Fundus angiography, posterior retina without peri-papillary non-perfusion areas. (C) Macular OCT,cotton-wool spots: hyperreflectivity in the retinal nerve fiber layer (white arrow). purtscher fleken: thickening of the inner nuclear layer (red arrows). (D) After follow-up 2 months, cotton-wool spots and purtscher fleken were obviously resolved.




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1、山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020QH149); 济宁医学院教师科研扶持基金项目 ( JYFC2019FKJ112)。
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2020QH149) and Jining Medical University Faculty Scientic Research Support Fund Project( JYFC2019FKJ112).()
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