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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Efficacy and safety assessment of ultrapulse carbon dioxide laser in treating eyelid tumors

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2023年8月 第38卷 第8期 541-550 发布时间:2023-09-28 收稿时间:2023/9/28 16:36:57 阅读量:5366
ultrapulse CO2 laser eyelid lesions eyelid tumors treatment efficacy complications
目的:评估超脉冲二氧化碳(CO2)激光治疗不同类型眼睑肿物的疗效和安全性。方法:纳入50例眼睑肿物患者,其中男12例、女38例。患者年龄4~84岁。肿物类型包括眼睑色素痣、睑黄瘤、分裂痣、眼睑疣等,其中25例累及眼睑灰线,10例肿物直径>10 mm。所有患者接受超脉冲CO2激光治疗,并进行术后随访。治疗效果通过术后数码照片评估,同时记录术后1个月并发症发生情况。结果:50例眼睑肿物总体治愈率为92%,有效率达到100%。4例眼睑色素痣在治疗后1个月内复发。术后并发症主要包括轻微倒睫(5例)、睫毛稀疏部分缺失(4例)和瘢痕增生及色素沉着(4例),未出现其他严重并发症。结论:对于眼睑肿物,特别是睑缘肿物及大肿物,超脉冲CO2激光是一种更为精确、微创、安全有效的治疗方法,可作为眼睑肿物治疗的优选方案。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ultrapulse carbon dioxide (CO2) laser in the treatment for various types of eyelid tumors. Methods: A total of 50 patients, including 12 males and 38 females,with eyelid tumors were included in the study The age range is  from 4 to 84 years, with an average age of 37.9±20.0 years. The tumors found in our study include eyelid pigmented nevus, xanthelasma, divided nevus, and molluscum. Among them, 25 cases involved the gray line of the eyelid,and 10 cases had a tumor diameter greater than 10 mm. All patients underwent ultrapulse CO2 laser treatment and postoperative follow-up. The treatment outcomes were assessed through digital photos, and complications were recorded one month after surgery. Results: The total cure rate of the 50 cases of eyelid tumors in our study was 92%, with the effective rate reaching 100%. 4 cases of eyelid pigmented nevi recurred within one month after treatment, while all other patients were cured. Postoperative complications mainly included minor trichiasis (5 cases), partial sparse to absent eyelashes (4 cases), and hypertrophic scar with hyperpigmentation (4 cases). No other serious complications were reported in our study. Conclusions: For eyelid tumors, especially eyelid margin and larger tumors, the ultrapulse CO2 laser is a more precise, minimally invasive, safe and effective treatment method. It can be used as a preferred treatment option for eyelid tumors, and should be promoted widely in clinical practice.

手术切除为眼睑肿物的传统治疗方法,然而对于累及睑缘的肿物,手术可能会导致睑缘成角畸形、切迹、眼睑内翻、眼睑外翻、瘢痕、组织缺损等不良后果[5];对于病灶直径超过10 mm的肿物,存在传统手术切除后须行皮瓣移植术而带来的一系列并发症[6]。随着医学技术的进步,非手术治疗尤其是超脉冲二氧化碳(CO2)激光,逐渐应用在眼睑肿物的治疗中[7-8]
目前已有许多研究探讨超脉冲CO2激光治疗眼睑肿物的疗效[8-11],但局限于眼睑皮肤面及睑缘小肿物的研究。对于累及灰线的睑缘肿物以及直径超过10 mm以上的大眼睑肿物,目前笔者尚未见文献报道。评估超脉冲CO2激光在治疗睑缘肿物以及大肿物的效果及并发症具有重要的意义[12]。因此,本研究深入探讨超脉冲CO2激光治疗不同类型眼睑肿物的效果,尤其是睑缘肿物及大肿物,以提供更全面的临床指导和决策支持。

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

病灶仅累及灰线(未累及睫毛根部)2例,同时累及灰线及睫毛根部23例,仅累及睫毛根部(未累及灰线)6例,皮肤面肿物19例。肿物大小直径>10 mm 10例,6~10 mm 8例,直径<6 mm 32例。病灶位置仅累及上眼睑17例,仅累及下眼睑26例,同时累及上下眼睑7例。见表1。

表 1 50 例眼睑肿物患者人口学特征与临床信息
Table 1 Demographic characteristics and clinical data of 50 patients with eyelid lesions


1.2 病例纳入与排除标准


1.3 设备

超脉冲CO2点阵激光仪(Lumenis Ultrapulse Encore Laser)由美国科医人公司生产,激光波长:10 600 μm。

1.4 治疗方法

治疗前先对病变部位照相,然后根据病变的具体情况,设置激光参数:脉冲能量200 mJ,连续1个脉冲,功率2.0 W,持续时间10 ms,光斑直径0.2~1.0 mm可调。治疗开始时先行2.5%利多卡因乳膏表面麻醉或2%利多卡因注射液局麻浸润麻醉,对累及睑缘肿物用利多卡因滴眼液行眼表表面麻醉。予聚维酮碘溶液消毒。累及睑缘及睑结膜的病灶在治疗开始前放置涂有妥布霉素眼膏的角膜保护板,将病变组织轻轻捏起,按皮肤面-睑缘-睑结膜的顺序,每次治疗范围不超过6 mm×6 mm,激光沿着病灶根部烧灼,在烧灼过程中,使用消毒棉签蘸取生理盐水擦去汽化不尽的碳化组织,直至肉眼可见的病变组织完全清除。如创面有渗血,用棉签按压5 min。对累及睑结膜肿物,治疗结束佩戴角膜接触镜。尽可能将切除的组织进行组织病理学检查。治疗结束后治疗部位照相,并立即涂抹妥布霉素凝胶。向患者交代注意事项及用药方法(保持创面干燥卫生,涂抹妥布霉素凝胶及小牛血清去蛋白提取物眼用凝胶每天2次),预约复诊时间或下次治疗时间,观察15 min后患者离开。

1.5 观察指标


1.6 疗效评估标准


1.7 术后并发症评估


1.8 统计学分析

采用SPSS 23.0软件进行统计分析。计数资料用频数和率表示,组间比较用X2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 疗效分析


表 2 50 例眼睑肿物超脉冲 CO2 激光治疗效果 [n(%)]
Table 2 Treatment effcacy of ultrapulse CO2 laser of 50 eyelid lesions[n(%)]


2.2 术后并发症与不良反应


表 3 不同亚组眼睑肿物激光治疗并发症比较 [n(%)]
Table 3 Probability of treatment complications among subgroups of eyelid lesions[n(%)]


2.3 术后病理


2.4 典型病例

图1 患者女,52岁,左眼眼睑分裂痣激光治疗前后眼外观对比图及激光切除肿物病理检查图
Figure 1 Divided nevus (OS) before and after laser treatment and pathological examination in a 52-year-old female
Notes: (A) Before the laser treatment: pigmented nevus located at the upper and lower eyelid margins of the left eye, adjacent to the lacrimal punctum and extending to the eyelid conjunctiva. (B) One month after the seventh laser treatment: evidence of partial sparse eyelashes, absence of lesion recurrence, no scar hyperplasia, and a smooth eyelid margin without signs of entropion or ectropion. (C) Pathological diagnosis: pigmented nevus OS. Pathological findings: scattered nevus cells beneath the stratified squamous epithelium, with preserved cellular polarity and no discernible cellular atypia. (HE staining, ×200)
图2 患者男,25岁,左眼下睑色素痣激光治疗前后眼外观对比图以及激光切除肿物病理检查图
Figure 2 Pigmented nevus (OS) before and after laser treatment and pathological examination in a 25-year-old male
注:(A)激光治疗前,下睑外侧沿着睑缘生长黑色肿物,大小约12 mm×5 mm,边界清楚,累及睫毛根部及睑结膜;(B)第四次激光治疗后1月,未见肿物复发,未见瘢痕增生,未见内外翻,治疗区域睫毛部分缺失,睑缘平滑;(C)激光切除物病理诊断:右眼眼睑色素痣。病理切片:激光切除物病理镜下所见激光切除物病理镜下所见复层鳞状上皮下见痣细胞巢及散在痣细胞,细胞极性存在,细胞无明显异型。(HE染色,×200)
Notes: (A) Before the laser treatment: a black lesion grew along the eyelid margin on the lateral side of the lower eyelid, about 12 mm×5 mm in size, with a clear boundary, involving the root of eyelashes and conjunctiva. (B) One month after the fourth laser treatment: absence of lesion recurrence, no scar hyperplasia, a smooth eyelid margin without signs of entropion or ectropion, and partial sparse eyelashes in the treatment area. (C) Pathological diagnosis: pigmented nevus OS. Pathological findings: scattered nevus cells beneath the stratified squamous epithelium, with preserved cellular polarity and no discernible cellular atypia. (HE staining, ×200)
图3 患者女,48岁,双眼上睑黄色瘤激光治疗前后眼外观对比图
Figue 3 Xanthelasma (OU) before and after laser treatment in a 48-year-old female
注:(A1&A2)激光治疗前,双眼上睑内侧扁平隆起的黄色病灶,边缘清晰,右眼病灶大小约10 mm×6 mm,左眼病灶大小约15 mm×6 mm;(B1&B2)第5次激光治疗后1个月,未见肿物复发,少许瘢痕增生及色素沉着。
Notes: (A1 & A2) Before the laser treatment: there were flat yellow lesions on the inner side of the upper eyelid of both eyes with clear edges. The size of the lesions in the right eye was about 10 mm× 6 mm, and that in the left eye was about 15 mm× 6mm. (B1 & B2) One month after the fifth laser treatment: there was no lesion recurrence, minimal scar hyperplasia and pigmentation.
图4 患者男,18岁,左眼上睑疣激光治疗前后眼外观对比图以及激光切除肿物病理检查图
Figure 4 Eyelid molluscum (OS) before and after laser treatment and pathological examination in an 18-year-old male
(A)激光治疗前,上睑自睑缘到眉毛根部,垂直病灶,密集颗粒样,范围约8 mm×20 mm;(B)第3次激光治疗后1年,未见肿物复发,未见瘢痕增生,未见乱睫;(C)激光切除物病理诊断:左眼眼睑疣。病理切片:激光切除物病理镜下所见见增生、变性的复层鳞状上皮,上皮角化不全、角化过度,少数细胞胞浆可见空泡,核稍增大,组织挤压变性严重,细胞形态欠清。(HE染色,×200)
(A) Before the laser treatment: a dense granular lesion extending vertically from the eyelid margin to the eyebrow root, ranging about 8 mm×20 mm. (B) One month after the third laser treatment: no evidence of lesion recurrence, scar hyperplasia, or trichiasis. (C) Pathological diagnosis: eyelid molluscum OS. Pathological findings: proliferative and degenerative changes in the stratified squamous epithelium. The epithelium showed incomplete keratinization alongside hyperkeratosis. (HE staining, ×200)
图5 患者女,48岁,右眼下睑肿物激光治疗前后眼外观对比图以及激光切除肿物病理检查图
Figure 5 Malignant melanoma (OD) of the eyelid before and after laser treatment and pathological examination in a 48-year-old female
(A)激光治疗前,下睑睫毛根部黑色肿物,边界清楚,大小约2 mm×2 mm,未累及灰线;(B)激光治疗后1个月,未见肿物复发,未见瘢痕增生,未见内外翻,治疗区域睫毛部分缺失,睑缘平滑;(C)激光切除病理诊断(HE染色,×200):右眼睑恶性黑色素瘤;(D)激光治疗后1个月行病灶区域手术控制性切除,病理镜下可见均为纤维组织增生、变性,少量淋巴细胞浸润,未见明显肿瘤组织。(HE染色,×200)
(A) Before the laser treatment: black lesion located at the root of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, about 2 mm×2 mm in size, and not involved gray line. (B) One-month post-laser treatment: no recurrence of the lesion, no evidence of scar hyperplasia, no signs of entropion or ectropion, and partial sparse eyelashes in the treated area. (C) Pathological diagnosis (HE staining, ×200): malignant melanoma OD. (D) One-month after laser treatment: a controlled surgical excision of the lesion area was performed. Histological examination revealed fibrous tissue proliferation and degeneration, with minimal lymphocytic infiltration and no evident tumor tissue. (HE staining, ×200)

3 讨论

对于面积较大的眼睑肿物,超脉冲CO2激光治疗技术与传统外科手术相比,也具有独特的优势与效果。特别是当肿块直径超过10 mm时,单纯的手术切除可能导致较大范围的组织缺损,往往需要进一步的皮瓣植入或眼睑重建等手术进行修复。这不仅增加了手术的难度及皮瓣与周围组织存在差异等潜在风险,还可能导致术后恢复期延长及治疗费用增加。超脉冲CO2激光治疗能通过分次治疗,精准地消除肿块,减少瘢痕的形成,具有较好的美容效果。




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