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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Combined persistent fetal vasculature: A case report

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年8月 第37卷 第8期 679-684 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/12/1 15:27:51 阅读量:3909
persistent fetal vasculature persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous congenital cataract rare ocular diseases case report
永存胚胎血管(persistent fetal vasculature,PFV),也称永存原始玻璃体增生症( persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous,PHPV),是一种先天性眼病,多发现于婴幼儿时期。因大多数患儿单眼发病、症状隐匿,且易被误诊为单纯的先天性白内障,常常延误手术治疗的最佳时机。因此,正确的诊断和适宜治疗方式的选择对于患儿视功能的预后尤为重要。本文报道了1例6岁6个月的男性患儿,诊断为混合型PFV,眼部特征表现为先天性白内障和黄斑区结构错位。
Persistent fetal vasculature (PFV), also known as persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), is a congenital ocular anomaly, which is common in infants and young children. Due to most children have unilateral occurrence, insidious symptoms and are easily misdiagnosed as simple congenital cataract, the optimum time for treatment is often delayed. Therefore, correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment are particularly significant for the prognosis of PFV children’s visual function. A male child aged 6 years and 6 months with a diagnosis of combined PFV is reported, whose ocular features were congenital cataract and structural dislocation of macula.
    永存胚胎血管(persistent fetal vasculature,PFV)是由于胚胎时期的玻璃体血管网未按正常生长发育程序进行退化而导致的先天性眼部发育异常,既往也称之为永存原始玻璃体增生症(persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous,PHPV),是单侧先天性白内障最常见的病因之一,双眼发病少见,并少有遗传性PFV的报道[1-4]。笔者团队收治1例单眼混合型PFV的患者,现报告如下。

1 临床资料

    患者男,6岁6个月,因自出生以来右眼斜视,于2021年8月1 9日至中山大学中山眼科中心就诊。裸眼视力:右眼0.025,左眼0.63,最佳矫正视力右眼0.07,左眼0.9。眼压:右眼10 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),左眼13 mmHg。右眼内斜15度,结膜无充血,角膜透明,前房深度正常,晶状体后囊下混浊,偏鼻侧可见一处约2 mm×2 mm大小的白色致密短带,向玻璃体延伸,可见止端。通过虹膜后照法,发现在鼻侧偏下存在Mitterndorf点(图1)。玻璃体透明,眼底检查隐约见条索状物。左眼眼前段及眼底检查未见明显异常。进一步行双眼Pentacam检查(图2),评估双眼眼前段发育情况,角膜散光:右眼1.9 D,左眼1.0 D;中央角膜厚度:右眼568 μm,左眼558 μm;中央前房深度:右眼3.04 mm,左眼3.11 mm;晶状体厚度:右眼3 660 mm,左眼3 710 mm;眼轴:右眼22.51 mm,左眼22.98 mm;右眼晶体后囊下混浊,并见1个较短的条索状物向玻璃体腔延伸,可见止端。

图1 右眼眼前段照相
Figure 1 Anterior segment images of the right eye
(A,B) Posterior capsular opacities (yellow asterisk) of right eye; in the inferonasal of posterior capsule, a white circular opacity tissue extends to the vitreous cavity with obvious terminal (red arrow); (C) Mitterndorf dot is observed under retro-illumination view (red arrow).


图2 双眼Pentacam结果
Figure 2 Pentacam outcomes in both eyes
(A) Posterior subcapsular opacification of the central region of the lens of the right eye, and on the nasal side, a compact short strip of cord pointing to the vitreous cavity with a stop (red arrow); (B) There is no significant abnormality in the left eye.

    为进一步评估患儿眼底情况,我们首先做了动态 B 超检查,确定其右眼晶状体后囊与视网膜之间无明显相互连接的长条带状回声,但视乳头附近存在局限的短条索状物声像;超广角激光扫描眼底成像(scanning laser ophthalmoscope , SLO) 显示右眼视盘前有短带状病变并贴附于视盘颞侧,符合Bergmeister乳头特征,并且牵拉黄斑区,黄斑区结构紊乱不清 ( 图 3 ) 。为进一步明确眼底,尤其是黄斑区视网膜结构,我们对其双眼眼底结构进行视网膜光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检 查(图4 ),发现右眼视盘前存在短带膜状物,并部分贴附于黄斑侧,牵拉黄斑结构形成错位紊乱。

图3 双眼B超和SLO结果
Figure 3 B-mode ultrasonography and ultra-wide-field SLO results of both eyes
(A) B-mode ultrasonography of right eye reveals a short tubular membrane adheres to the optic disk (red arrow) and temporal eyeball wall is thickening; (B) There is no obvious abnormality in the B-mode ultrasonography of left eye; (C) In SLO images of right eye: the posterior capsular opacities present a dark shadow (yellow asterisk), and the short tubular membrane adheres to the temporal optic disk, accompanied with macular structure disorders; (D) There is no obvious abnormality in the SLO image of left eye.


图4 双眼OCT结果
Figure 4 OCT scanning results
OCT scanning indicates (A) the disorders of macular structure in right eye and (B) the normal structure of posterior segments in left eye. Macular intensive scanning with OCT reveals (C) the short tubular membrane adheres to optic disk in the right eye (red arrow), leading to (D) the abnormal macular structure.

2 讨论

    超声波检查联合彩色多普勒成像被广泛用于PFV的诊断,因为它可以提供眼轴长度、晶状体状态、玻璃体和视网膜的信息,尤其对于PFV合并白内障的患儿,眼部超声检查对于晶状体后部情况的评估尤为重要,是首选的检查方法。据报道[10-12],A型超声可以测定眼轴长度,B型超声有助于观察晶状体后囊膜与视网膜之间的Cloquet管的病变。有团队[2,13-15]利用B超联合彩色多普勒成像,根据PFV未退化的玻璃体动脉形态特征将其分为4种类型:I型、Y型、倒Y型和X型,这种分类策略对于手术方法的设计具有较强的实用性。先天性白内障的患者通过B超检查示玻璃体及眼底无明显异常,则可与PFV相鉴别。此外,外层渗出性视网膜病变(Coat’s病)患者的玻璃体一般无明显混浊,通过B超检查也可进一步排除诊断。家族性渗出性玻璃体视网膜病变(familial exudative vitreoretinopathy,FEVR)也可表现出晶状体后囊下混浊以及后囊膜与视盘相连的白色条索,但通常会伴随周边视网膜血管发育异常,可通过眼底荧光血管造影检查进一步鉴别诊断[16]。CT可以显示出PFV患者的眼部与眼眶的异常,并且可以通过观察是否存在眼内钙化和小眼球与视网膜母细胞瘤进行鉴别。MRI也可清楚地呈现出视网膜母细胞瘤的眼内肿瘤病灶及钙化沉着,从而进一步完善鉴别诊断[2,17-18]。OCT有助于进一步观察视网膜的病变,尤其对于未退化玻璃体动脉对视网膜的牵引、黄斑结构和后部玻璃体界面等的异常都可以较为清晰地展现,进而可对治疗方式及预后视力进行评估[19]。此外,有研究[20]报道了1例表现为晶状体后圆锥伴后囊色素沉着的罕见病例,利用卡西欧II(CASIA II)检查可以十分清晰地观察到其后囊膜无明显的纤维条索向玻璃体延伸,从而与混合型PFV相鉴别。
    对于PFV的治疗原则,目前尚未有统一的专家共识。现将本文报告的1例患儿的特征总结如下:1)PFV导致的眼部结构异常并未遮挡视轴中央区域,光线尚可进入眼内刺激视功能发育;2 )未退化的玻璃体动脉仅在晶状体后囊下形成局限性的残端,未牵拉晶状体和视网膜,造成眼轴缩短、视网膜脱离等并发症;3 )无浅前房、继发性青光眼等严重并发症;4)黄斑结构因Bergmeister乳头的牵拉形成错位,提示视功能预后不佳。


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1、国家自然科学基金 (82171035)。This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82171035)()
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