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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Application of medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel in endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年11月 第37卷 第11期 849-855 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/12/6 11:43:43 阅读量:6878
endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel chronic dacryocystitis granuloma scar
目的:探讨医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶对鼻内窥镜下泪囊鼻腔吻合术(endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy,En-DCR)后的影响。方法:将219例单侧慢性泪囊炎(chronic dacryocystitis CD)患者随机分为医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶组(A组)和对照组(B组)。所有患者行En-DCR。A组将医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充吻合口,B组不做任何处理。随访12个月。比较创面黏膜上皮化、肉芽形成情况、渗血情况及吻合口通畅成功率。结果:A组98例,B组102例。随访2周,A组86例患者鼻腔吻合口黏膜上皮完整,B组77例患者鼻腔吻合口黏膜上皮完整。随访12个月,A组有7例患者存在瘢痕(7.1%),8例患者出现肉芽肿(8.2%),而B组有17例患者存在瘢痕(16.7%),18例患者出现肉芽肿(17.6%)。两组瘢痕形成及出现肉芽肿差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。A组的吻合口通畅成功率达到90.8%(89/98),而B组的成功率为78.4%(80/102)(P<0.05)。B组患者术后渗血情况A组相当(P>0.05)。结论:医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充吻合口可通过促进En-DCR术后吻合口黏膜上皮愈合和降低伤口瘢痕及肉芽肿生成率,提高En-DCR治疗CD的成功率。
Objective: To investigate the effect of medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel on endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (En-DCR). Methods: A total of 219 patients with unilateral chronic dacryocystitis (CD) were selected and randomly divided into two groups: medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel group (group A) and control group (group B). All patients underwent En-DCR. Group A received medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel filling the ostium at the end of En-DCR, whereas group B received no treatment. Patients were followed-up for 12 months. The mucosal epithelialization of the wound, the granulation formation, bleeding, and the success rate of ostial patency were compared in the two groups. Results: Our study included 98 patients in group A and 102 patients in group B. After 2 weeks, the number of absorbable hemostatic patients who had intact mucosal epithelium lining the ostia was 86 in group A and 77 in group B. At 12 months follow up, there were 7 patients with scar (7.1%) and 8 patients with granuloma (8.2%) in group A, compared with 17 patients with scar (16.7%) and 18 patients with granuloma (17.6%) in group B. There were significant differences in scar formation and granuloma between the two groups (P<0.05). The success rate of anastomotic patency reached 90.8% (89/98) in group A whereas the success rate was 78.4% (80/102) in group B (P<0.05). The situation of postoperative bleeding in group B was similar to that in group A (P>0.05). Conclusion: The medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel can improve the success rate of En-DCR treatment of CD through promoting the healing of anastomotic mucosa and reducing the rate of wound scar and granuloma formation.


1 对象与方法

1.1 对象


1.2 方法

所有患者住院后均同一手术医生实施En-DCR。所有入组病例由一名独立的工作人员随机分为医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶组(A组;千创复,常州百瑞吉生物医药有限公司)和对照组(B组),记录患者的年龄、性别、主诉、症状持续时间和预后。术后1、2周及1、3、6、12个月随访。A组在En-DCR术中使用医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充鼻腔泪囊吻合口及其周围鼻腔黏膜,B组在En-DCR术中未使用医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充鼻腔泪囊吻合口及其周围鼻腔黏膜。En-DCR的手术技术:患者取仰卧位,全身麻醉后进行手术。使用0°4mm鼻内窥镜(德国KarlStorz公司)直接观察,在泪囊窝区切开鼻外侧黏膜并移除(约1cm×1.2cm)(图1A),用金刚砂磨头(XPS3000,Medtronic)磨薄上颌骨额突骨质后再用咬骨钳咬除(图1B),形成约1cm×1.2cm大小骨窗暴露泪囊。经上泪点注入透明质酸钠(爱维,博士伦)撑起泪囊,用3.0mm刀(Beaver Visitec International)于近泪囊上缘处弧形切开泪囊内侧壁形成“C”形泪囊黏膜瓣(图1C),修剪泪囊黏膜瓣及鼻黏膜,使二者切缘对位贴合(图1D)。这是B组患者手术的最后一步。而在A组中则将医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充于吻合口及周围粘膜处(图2,3)。术后予患者每天4次妥布霉素地塞米松眼药水(TobraDex,ALCON)点眼1周,后改为氧氟沙星滴眼液和普拉洛芬滴眼液均为每天4次,持续2个月,每日两次糠酸莫米松喷鼻剂喷鼻(Nasonex,MSD),持续3个月。术后48h观察鼻部及泪点处渗血情况,术后第3天行泪道冲洗及鼻内窥镜检查,术后2周仔细清除所有患者吻合口处的凝血块。术后2周、1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月复诊时均行泪道冲洗,鼻内镜检查评估伤口愈合情况(观察患者吻合口黏膜上皮化、瘢痕、肉芽肿及开放情况)。以上观察指标均一名独立的医生记录下来。

1.3 评价指标


图1 En-DCR手术步骤
Figure 1 Procedure of endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy


图2 医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶
Figure 2 Medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel

图3 医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶填充于吻合口
Figure 3 Medical self-crosslinking sodium hyaluronate gel
filling the ostium

1.4 统计学处理

      采用SPSS 22.0统计软件分析数据。计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用独立样本t检验;计数资料以例(%)表示,比较行Pearson’s χ2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 术前一般资料比较


表1 两组一般资料情况
Table 1 General data of the two groups


2.2 患者术后疗效比较


图4 术后2周内大部分医用自交联透明质酸钠凝胶被吸收
Figure 4 Most of the medical self-cross-linked sodium
hyaluronate gel was absorbed within 2 weeks after surgery


表2 两组术后吻合口上皮化及通畅率情况
Table 2 Postoperative anastomotic epithelialization and
patency rate of the two groups

2.3 患者术后并发症发生率比较


图5 术后并发症
Figure 5 Postoperative complications
(A) Scar; (B) Granuloma.

表3 两组术后并发症情况
Table 3 Postoperative complications in two groups


3 讨论



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1、海南省自然科学基金 (819MS133);海南省重点研发计划 (ZDYF2020151);海南省临床医学中心。
This work was supported by the Hainan Natural Science Foundation (819MS133); Hainan Provincial Key Research and Development Program (ZDYF2020151); Hainan Province Clinical Medical Center, China()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
