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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


A case of pseudo plus-minus lid syndrome

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年11月 第37卷 第11期 892-896 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/12/7 23:03:45 阅读量:5609
plus-minus lid syndrome ptosis upper eyelid retraction exophthalmos Hering’s law
A 62-year-old female patient presented with right eye protrusion for 2 years and hypertension for 3 years. Physical examination showed that the upper eyelid retraction of the right eye was about 1.5 mm, and the ptosis of left eye was about 2.5 mm. The levator upper eyelid muscle strength was 13 mm in the right eye and 9 mm in the left eye. Orbital CT and cranial MRI were completed, and no abnormalities were found. A preliminary diagnosis of pseudo plus-minus lid syndrome was made by literature review. Pseudo plus-minus lid syndrome conforms to the Herring’s law. The upper eyelid retraction of the right eye was significantly improved by the left eye elevation test. During the left eye surgery, it was found that the left levator aponeurotic was avulsed about 7 mm. so the left levator aponeurosis was repositioned. After the operation, the upper eyelids of both eyes returned to the normal position and both sides were symmetrical. The most common cause of pseudo Plus—Minus Lid Syndrome is myasthenia gravis. Other causes include thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, congenital ptosis, oculomotor nerve palsy, senile ptosis, and complications of blepharoplasty. In clinical work, we need to grasp the clues of the disease, truly achieve the diagnosis and treatment like chess, break the game and stand, so that patients can get accurate treatment.
      正负眼睑综合征临床体征特殊,比较少见,临床上分真性和假性[1]。真性正负眼睑综合征临床体征表现为一侧上睑提肌肌力相对较弱,导致上睑下垂,继而导致另一侧出现上睑退缩。当肌力相对不佳的眼睑人为抬高一定高度,持续一段时间后,对侧眼睑仍呈现出退缩状态[2]。真性正负眼睑综合征多见于颅内病变如丘脑-中脑梗死[3]、大脑后动脉堵塞[4]、丘脑血肿[5]等疾病引起的动眼神经核和红核旁的后联合核(nucleus of posterior commissure,nPC)受损导致。如果对侧眼出现代偿性的上睑退缩,则为假性正负眼睑综合征[1]。研究[1]表明:假性正负眼睑综合征的病变因素为神经肌肉接头处或者肌肉本身的问题。具体的临床特征性表现为,人为抬高肌力相对较弱呈现上睑下垂的眼睑并持续一段时间后,对侧眼睑的位置会逐渐恢复正常。研究[6]表明这种现象和赫林定律相关,双眼的运动受到的神经支配作用相同,而不是特异的。因此,肌力相对较弱的上睑会导致大脑神经发出超常的神经冲动,致使对侧出现眼睑退缩表现。本例患者自觉右眼突出就诊于宁夏回族自治区人民医院眼科医院眼眶与眼整形美容科,患者原以为右眼突出是由于甲状腺功能亢进导致,而实际上该患者的右眼临床表现为上睑退缩,左眼为上睑下垂,那么这位患者的病变部位是右眼眼睑退缩还是上睑下垂呢?现报告如下。

1 病例资料


表1 专科检查
Table 1 Physical examination


图1 术前,箭头示右眼上睑退缩,左眼上睑下垂和上眶区凹陷
Figure 1 Before surgery, arrows indicating the upper eyelid retraction
in the right eye, ptosis and upper orbital depression in the left eye


图2 左眼抬高30 s,右眼上睑退缩恢复到正常位置(箭头)
Figure2 Lift left eye for 30 s, the upper eyelid retraction in the
right eye has returned to nornal (arrow)


图3 术后第1天
Figure 3 The first day after surgery


图4 术后2周
Figure 4 2weeks after surgery

2 讨论



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1、国家自然科学基金 (81960184)。This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81960184)()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
