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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


A case of HIV cytomegalovirus retinitis complicated with choroidal tuberculoma infection

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年7月 第37卷 第7期 603-608 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/12/26 15:14:13 阅读量:3742
choroidal tuberculoma cytomegalovirus retinitis human immunodeficiency virus opportunistic infection case report
报道1例人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)眼部巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎(cytomegalovirus retinitis,CMVR)合并脉络膜结核瘤感染患者,主因双眼视物模糊2周就诊。经眼部检查发现右眼底颞侧视网膜广泛黄白色颗粒样病变,病灶边界可见黄白色奶酪样渗出,左眼下方视网膜大片黄白色渗出伴出血。在随访半年后发现左眼视网膜脉络膜隆起病灶,根据其全身及眼部临床特征,诊断为双眼CMVR伴左眼脉络膜结核瘤,予全身抗病毒及结核治疗后随访1年余,全身情况及眼部病灶稳定。
A case of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR) complicated with choroidal tuberculoma infection was reported. The patient visited hospital due to bilateral blurred vision for 2 weeks. Ocular examination showed extensive yellowish-white granular lesions in the temporal retina of the right fundus, with yellowish-white cheese-like exudation at the border of the lesion, and a large yellowish-white exudation with hemorrhage at the lower part of the left eye’s retina. After six months of follow-up, the patient was found to have a retinal choroid hump in the left eye. Based on her systemic and ocular clinical features, the patient was diagnosed as bilateral CMVR with choroidal tuberculoma of the left eye. The patient had her follow up check-up a year after her systemic antiviral and anti-tuberculosis treatment with her general condition stable and ocular lesions treated.
    人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)患者容易出现眼部机会性感染。巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎(cytomegalovirus retinitis,CMVR)是导致HIV感染者视力丧失最常见的眼部机会性感染,常发生于CD4T细胞<50个/μL的获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)患者中,若没有及时诊断及治疗,CMVR极易发展为全层性视网膜坏死,导致失明[1-2]。肺结核是HIV/AIDS患者最常见的机会性感染之一,结核性眼部病变占全身结核病的1.40%~5.74%,多继发于肺结核[3]。而脉络膜血流丰富,细菌容易滞留,成为眼部结核的易发部[4]。同一眼同时合并两种感染很罕见,现报告1例HIV眼部CMVR合并脉络膜结核瘤患者,回顾分析该患者全身情况及眼部影像学特征,以加强对此类的疾病的认识。

1 病例资料

    患者,女,3 7岁,因“双眼视物模糊2周 ”于2021年1月2 2日云南大学附属医院眼科门诊就诊。既往1周前外院确诊为AIDS,确诊时血HIV病毒载量:8.44 × 106 拷贝/mL,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数(CD4值)17个/ μL,在外院口服“齐多夫定(zidovudine,AZT)+ 拉米夫定(lamivudine,3TC)+ 依非韦伦(efavirenz,EFV)”抗反转录病毒治疗(antiretroviral therapy,ART)。眼科体格检查:右眼视力0.6,左眼0.6,眼压正常,双眼角膜后沉淀物(keratic precipitates,KP)(+),晶状体混浊(++),玻璃体混浊。辅助检查:超广角眼底照相示右眼颞侧视网膜黄白色颗粒样病变,病灶边界奶酪样渗出(图1A);左眼视盘边界不清,视盘下方可见沿血管分布走行视网膜大片黄白色奶酪样渗出,其间可见视网膜出血(图1B)。光学相干断层扫(optical coherence tomography,OCT)示:左眼视网膜萎缩、变薄,层次不清;黄斑区视网膜神经上皮下液性暗区,神经感觉层囊样水肿,可见点状强反射(图1C,1D)。初步诊断:双眼CMVR(活动期)。患者随之转诊至传染病专科医院,入院体格检查可见颜面部及四肢、躯干弥漫分布米粒大小中心脐凹样皮疹。外院辅助检查:血HIV病毒载量42 400拷贝/mL,CD4值4 7个/ μL。全自动加抗血培养(真 菌):新型隐球菌生长。血生化:中性粒细胞百分比91.8%;淋巴细胞百分比5.3%;血红蛋白 90 g/L ;血小板78×109/L ;血沉:113 mm/h;血病原学检测:CMV-IgM (+),HCMV-DNA、HIV-RNA(?);血结核分支杆菌、血风疹、梅毒、乙肝、丙肝病毒、单纯疱疹病毒、卡氏肺孢子虫、弓形虫抗体均阴性。诊断为 :1 )艾滋病;2 )隐球菌病;3 )双眼CMVR。住院期间予抗真菌(伏立康唑、两性霉素B)、 抗CMV(更昔洛韦钠)及ART(EFV+3TC+AZT),病情好转后予出院。出院后患者因全身情况变化多次住院治疗。
2021年3月25日我科第 2 次就诊。全身情况:双下肢浮肿伴发热、咳嗽1个月余,余无特殊。眼科:右眼视力 0.6 ,左眼 0.4 ,眼底见右眼黄白色渗出吸收;左眼视网膜出血较前明显吸收,视盘鼻下方视网膜出现大小约 2/3PD 黄白色病灶 ( 图 2A) 。辅助检查 ( 表1 ) :HCMV-DNA 为 1.55E+03 拷 贝 /mL( 阴性值<1.00E+03拷 贝/mL);全自动加抗血培养(结核、真菌):结核分支杆菌生长,无真菌生长;胸部CT示 : 1) 肺门影增大,肺门及纵隔淋巴结增大;2 )双肺斑片状、结节状阴影。诊断:1 )艾滋病;2 )肺结核;3 )双眼CMVR(稳定期);4 ) 左眼结核性脉络膜炎 ( 可能性大 ) 。治疗:1)全身治疗因经济原因于2月24日更改为口服“阿巴卡韦(abacavir,ABC)+3TC+克力芝(lopinavir and ritonavir,LPV/r)”抗病毒治疗;2 )抗结核治疗为利福布汀0.3 g、1次/ d,异烟肼片0.3g、1 次 / d ,吡嗪酰胺片 0.5 g 、3 次 / d ,盐酸乙胺丁醇片0.75 g,1次/ d;3 )抗真菌治疗为氟康唑600 mg/d;4)继续抗CMV(更昔洛韦钠)治疗。
    2021 年7月23日我科第3次就诊。右眼视力0.6,左眼0.4,右眼底同前;左眼底渗出及出血吸收,视网膜瘢痕形成,视盘颞下方出现黄白色隆起病灶约5PD,病灶上方视网膜血管迂曲 ( 图 2B) 。隆起病灶区 OCT 示病灶区视网膜各层及脉络膜毛细血管层结构显影不清,脉络膜基质低反射增厚,视网膜圆顶状升高,视网膜下可见不均匀中低反射信号 ( 图 2C) 。病灶区OCTA(optically correlated tomography angiography,OCTA)示脉络膜毛细血管丛缺如,无血流灌注(图2D)。因患者全身情况差,未安排行荧光素眼底血管造影。辅助检查见表1。胸部增强C T示 :1 )右肺门影增大,结节状软组织样密度影;2 )右肺结节,斑点状阴影。拟诊断:1 )艾滋病;2 )肺结核;3 )左眼脉络膜结核瘤;4 )双眼CMVR(稳定期)。治疗:1 )由于药物相互作用,全身治疗于5月2 3日更改为“EFV+3TC+ABC”抗病毒治疗;2 )继续当前抗结核治疗;3 )眼科门诊定期复查。患者随之每月我科复诊,至最新复诊时间2022年5月1 7日为止,眼底病灶均无明显变化,视力趋于稳定。


图1 初诊
Figure 1 First visit
Ultra-wide-angle photographic shows (A) a yellowish-white granular lesion in the temporal retina of the right eye, with cheese-like exudation at the border of the lesion; (B) large yellowish-white cheese-like exudation in the entire retinal layer along the blood vessels below the optic disc of the left eye. OCT shows (C) retina atrophy and thinning in the left eye, with unclear gradation and strong punctured reflection in the vitreous cavity; (D) the retinal neuroepithelial fluid dark area in the macular area of the left eye, with cystic edema in the neurosensory layer and strong punctured reflection.


图2 复诊
Figure 2 Subsequent visit
Ultra-wide-angle photographic shows (A) yellowish-white exudation and hemorrhage absorption in the left eye, and yellowish-white lesions with a size of 2/3PD appeared in the lower retina; (B) a yellow-white elevated lesion of about 5PD below the optic disc nose (red triangle), with tortuous retinal vessels above. OCT shows (C) the structure of the retinal layers and choroid capillary layer in the lesion area was poorly visualized, the stromal choroid was thickened with low reflection, the dome-shaped retina was elevated, the subretinal heterogeneous medium to low reflection signal was visible; (D) the choroid capillary plexus was absent in the lesion and there’s no blood perfusion.

表1 患者全身CD4值及HIV病毒载量变化情况
Table 1 Changes in CD4 value and HIV viral load of patients


2 讨论



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1、云南省眼部临床医学中心开放课题 (YJZX-05);云南省高层次人才培养计划万人计划青年拔尖人才计划(YNWR-QNBJ-2020-267)。This work was supported by the Open project of Yunnan Clinical Eye Medical Center (YJZX-05), and Yunnan High-level Talent Training Program, Ten Thousand Talents Program, Youth Top-notch Talent Program (YNWR-QNBJ-2020-267), China()
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  • Eye Science
