

Screening on the refractive status of primary and secondary school students in Lanzhou City

目的:对兰州市中小学生的屈光状态进行调查分析,了解兰州市中小学生筛查性屈光不正的流行病学特征。方法:采用横断面研究方法,用随机分层抽样法抽取2021年4至12月在甘肃省兰州市47所学校的中小学生作为调查对象。以学校为单位,采用国际标准视力表检查视力,采用非睫状肌麻痹的电脑自动验光仪进行屈光检查。裸眼视力<0.8为视力低下,具体分为:近视为等效球镜度≥–0.75 DS;远视为等效球镜度≥+2.00 DS;散光为柱镜度≥1.00 DC;屈光参差为双眼屈光度数差值(等效球镜度)≥1.00 DS。比较不同年级不同屈光状态人数所占的百分比。结果:共纳入40 302人,其中男21 328人,女18 974人;汉族37 938人,少数民族2364人。小学、初中、高中各26 122、9346和4834人。视力低下的总检出率为59.1%(23 832/40 302),小学、初中和高中年级视力低下的检出率分别为48.8%(12 748/26 122),76.9%(7 189/9 346)和87.9%(4 250/4 834)。近视的总检出率为63.3%(25 521/40 302),其中,小学、初中和高中筛查性近视的检出率分别为51.4%(13 438/26 122),84.4%(7 888/9 346)和86.8%(4 195/4 834)。筛查性视力低下、远视、近视、散光及屈光参差的检出率在低中高年级间比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。结论:兰州市中小学生视力低下和近视人群的检出率高于国家平均水平,且随着年级的增加检出率逐渐升高。
Objective: To investigate and analyze the refractive status of primary and secondary school students in Lanzhou City, and to understand the epidemiological characteristics of screening refractive errors among primary and secondary school students in Lanzhou City. Methods: Using the cross-sectional research method, primary and secondary school students from 47 schools in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province from April to December 2021 were selected as survey subjects by random stratified sampling method. Taking school as a unit, international standard visual acuity chart was used to check the eyesight and non-cycloplegia computerized autorefractor was used for refractive examination. Visual acuity ≥5.0 is considered normal; whereas visual acuity <4.8 is considered as poor vision. Poor vision is further divided into: short-sightedness with myopic spherical equivalent ≥0.75 DS; long-sightedness with telephoto spherical equivalent ≥+2.00 DS; astigmatism with cylinder mirror equivalent ≥1.00 DC; anisometropia with the difference of diopters between the two eyes (spherical equivalent) ≥1.00 DS. The percentage of the survey subjects with different refractive status in different grades were compared. Results: total of 40 302 subjects were enrolled, including 21 328 males and 18 974 females. There were 37 938 Han and 2 364 ethnic minorities; 26 122 elementary, 9 346 middle and 4 834 high schools. The total detection rate of low visual acuity was 59.1% (23 832/40 302), and 48.8% (12 748/26 122) in primary school, junior middle school and senior high school, 76.9% (7 189/9 346) and 87.9% (4 250/4 834), respectively. The total detection rate of myopia was 63.3% (25 521/40 302), among which, the detection rate of screening myopia in primary school, middle school and high school was 51.4% (13 438/26 122), 84.4% (7 888/9 346) and 86.8% (4 195/4 834), respectively. The detection rates of screening low visual acuity, hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism and anisometropia were statistically significant in low, middle and high grades (all P<0.001). Conclusion: The detection rate of low vision and myopia among primary and secondary school students in Lanzhou is higher than the national average, and the detection rate increases gradually with the increase of grades.


Changes of refractive statues in infants with retinopathy ofprematurity after different treatments

Objective: To observe the changes of refractive statues in infants with retinopathy of prematurity retinopathyof prematurity (ROP) after different treatments. Methods: According to different treatment methods, 72 cases(127 eyes) of infants with ROP were divided into 3 groups: laser photocoagulation group, intravitreal injectionof anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs group and natural regression group. Their sphere andspherical equivalent were measured by retinoscopy optometrist after the ciliary muscles paralyzed. The data beforetreatments and 1, 4, 7 and 12 months after treatments were recorded and analyzed. Results: The differences ofsphere and spherical equivalent among three groups were statistically significant: intravitreal injection of VEGFdrugs group was lower than natural regression group and the laser photocoagulation group, but there was no significant difference between natural regression group and laser photocoagulation group. Incidence of myopiaof laser photocoagulation, intravitreal injection of VEGF drugs, natural regression group were 2.4%, 7.8%, 2.0%,which was not statistically significant. Conclusion: There was no significant difference about the incidence rate ofmyopia among the three groups, but the emmetropization in infants with ROP after intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs might be faster in the future.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
