

Influence factor of self-management among glaucoma patients undergoing day surgery

目的:探讨青光眼日间手术患者的自我管理行为现状及影响因素分析。方法:采用便利抽样法选取2021年9月—2022年5月于广州市某三级甲等眼科专科医院就诊的223例青光眼日间手术患者。采用一般资料调查表、青光眼自我管理行为量表、慢性疾病自我效能量表和青光眼知识学习问卷进行问卷调查。结果:青光眼日间手术患者的自我管理行为得分为(54.03±6.95)分,其中生活调整维度得分最低。慢性病自我效能与自我管理行为呈正相关(r=0.368, P<0.001)。疾病知识与自我管理行为无显著相关性(r=0.077, P=0.252)。多因素线性回归分析结果显示,患者的文化程度(P<0.001)和自我效能(P=0.028)是自我管理行为的影响因素,可解释自我管理行为总变异的12.4%。结论:青光眼日间手术患者具有良好的自我管理行为,较低的自我效能和文化程度是自我管理行为的危险因素,因此应优先提高患者的自我效能,并提供个性化教育。

Objective: To determine self-management and its association with self-efficacy and knowledge among glaucoma patients undergoing day surgery. Methods: A total of 223 glaucoma patients were recruited from September 2021 to May 2022and they were investigated with the Glaucoma Self Management Questionnaire (GSMQ), The Self- Efficacy in Chronic Disease Scale (SECD-6), and the glaucoma knowledge questionnaire. Results: Of the 223 study participants, the study population had a total GSMQ score of 54.03±6.95 with the lowest score found in the life adjustment dimension. The total SECD-6 score was showing a significantly positive correlation with the total GSMQ score(r =0.368, <0.001). The total score of disease knowledge was without significant correlation with the total GSMQ score (=0.077, =0.252). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that self-efficacy (<0.001) and education level was independently associated with self-management(=0.028). Conclusions: Glaucoma patients undergoing daytime surgery demonstrated good overall self-management, yet further improvement was required in terms of life adjustment. Low self-efficacy and educational level were identified as risk factors for self-management. Therefore, self-management programs should prioritize enhancing patients' self-efficacy and delivering individualized education.



A study on status and influencing factors of self-perceived burden in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration

目的:了解湿性老年性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)患者自我感受负担(self-perceived burden,SPB)现状及其影响因素。方法:采用方便抽样法选取2021年1月至11月在中山大学中山眼科中心就诊的204例湿性AMD患者为研究对象,采用一般资料调查表、SPB量表、家庭支持自评量表、医学应对问卷对其进行测评。结果:患者SPB得分是(21.98±6.68)分,总体属于轻度SPB。湿性AMD患者的SPB水平与家庭支出(r=?0.326, P<0.001)和面对应对(r=?0.365, P<0.001)呈负相关,与回避(r=0.456, P<0.001)及屈服(r=0.310, P<0.001)应对方式呈正相关性。多重线性回归显示,独居、高龄、自费、双眼患病及采用回避应对的患者的SPB更高,而高文化水平、高家庭支持的患者SPB较轻。结论:湿性AMD患者有轻度SPB,但仍存在改善空间,医护工作者在工作中应重点关注高龄、文化程度低、家庭收入低、自费、独居、双眼患病及低视力的患者,及时进行心理疏导,减轻患者的SPB水平。
Objective: To understand the current status and influencing factors of self-preceived burden (SPB) in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods: 204 patiens with wet AMD who were treated in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University from January to November 2021 were enrolled as the study subjects with convenience sampling method. A general information questionnaire, SPB scale, family support self-assessment scale, and medical coping questionnaire were collected from the subjects for assessment. Results: The patient’s SPB score was 21.98±6.68, which is generally mild SPB. The SPB level of patients with wet AMD was negatively correlated with family support (r=-0.326, P<0.001) and coping (r=?0.365, P<0.001), and were positively correlated with avoidance (r= 0.456,P<0.001), and surrender (r=0.310, P<0.001) coping style. Multiple linear regression showed that the patients who lived alone, were elder and self-funded, had binoclur diseases and used avoidance coping, had higher SPB. While the patients with high education and family support had lower SPB. Conclusions: It is still needed to pay attention to the patients with AMD having mild SPB. Medical workers should focus on patients with elder age, low education level, low family income, self-funded, living alone, binocular disease and low vision in their work, and provide timely psychological counseling to reduce the SPB level of patients.


Summary of the best evidence on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients

Objective: To retrieve and summarize the best evidence on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients. Methods: With evidence-based nursing method, practical problemswere identified. According to the “6S” pyramid model of evidence resource, studies on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients were retrieved, including clinical guidelines, best practice information booklet, systematic reviews, and expert consensus. Two evidence-based nursing researchers independently evaluated the quality of the included literature and summarized the evidence. Results: A total of 12 articles were ultimately enrolled, including 4 clinical guidelines, 3 evidence summaries and 5 systematic reviews. Finally, 3 aspects including 19 pieces of best evidence were summarized, which were Eye drop technical instruction, medication adherence management and related information provision. Conclusion: The best evidence for the medication management of open-angle glaucoma patients were summarized, which provide reference for clinical medical staffs to manage patients, so as to achieve the purpose of standardizing medication,controlling intraocular pressure and preventing disease progression.


Application of standard operation procedure in the intravitreal injection

目的:探讨标准操作程序在玻璃体腔内注药术护理中的应用效果。方法:选择2018年9至12月中山大学中山眼科中心眼底专科门诊504例玻璃体腔内注药术患者作为研究对象,对护理人力资源的整合、患者等待手术时间、患者和家属的满意度、医护人员满意度进行评价。结果:标准操作程序后明确护士岗位职责,护士操作水平和综合能力有效提升,患者手术等待时间由原来的预约2周缩短为2 d。患者和家属的满意度分别由92.0%和91.0%提高到98.5%和97.0%。医护人员满意度的评价由95%提到至98.4%。结论:玻璃体腔内注药术标准操作程序不仅提升了工作效率,更提升了患者和家属、医务人员的满意度,规范化的标准操作程序是玻璃体腔内注药的安全保障。
Objective: To investigate the effect of standard operation procedure in the intravitreal injection. Methods: A total of 504 patients visiting the fundus clinics of our hospital from September to December 2018 were selected in this study. The integration of nursing human resources, patient waiting time, patient and family satisfaction,and medical staff satisfaction were evaluated. Results: The nurses’ job responsibilities were clarified, and the nurses’ operation level and comprehensive ability were improved. The patients’ waiting time for surgery was shortened from 2 weeks to 2 days. Patient and family satisfaction increased from 92.0% and 91.0% to 98.5% and 97.0%, respectively. The evaluation of the satisfaction of medical staff was elevated from 95% to 98.4%.Conclusion: The standard operation procedure of intravitreal injection not only improves the work efficiency, but also significantly increases the satisfaction of patients and their families and medical staffs. Therefore, the standard operation procedure can guarantee the safety of intravitreal injection.


A seat for position nursing after pars plana vitrectomy in an ophthalmic day ward

为在眼科日间手术模式下既能满足玻璃体视网膜术后体位需求,又能合理利用有限空间,本研究团队在原有的眼科日间病房座椅的基础上,增加玻璃体手术后体位护理等功能,发明了一种护理座椅[专利号:国家实用新型专利(ZL 2017 2 0942404. 1)]。该座椅采用钢喷塑(或不锈钢)、木板、海绵和人造革皮等材料,其结构主要包括座椅的主体部分、俯卧台、杂物篮、收纳架、输液杆套筒等部分。其制作材料简单,操作方便,安全使用,既能保证临床体位护理需求,又能节省空间,便于病房环境管理。
To meet the needs of the postoperative position nursing after pars plana vitrectomy in the day surgery mode,this research team has designed a nursing chair [patent number: National Uutility Model Patent (ZL 201720942404. 1)] based on the original chair of ophthalmic day ward, adding the functions of postvitreous nursing and so on. The seat is made from steel spray plastic (or stainless steel), wood, sponge and artificial leather, and the structure mainly consists of the main body, the countertop for prone position, the junk basket, the storage rack, and the infusion rod sleeve. The seat can be made by simple materials. The seat is easy to operate and safe to use, which can not only meet the needs of clinical body position nursing care, but also save the ward’ space and facilitate the environmental management of the ward.


Establishment of a training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses

Objective: To develop a scientific and practical training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses and provide theoratical basis for the the admission, training and assessment of ophthalmic specialist nurses. Methods: Through extensive review of domestic and foreign literatures, a focus group interview and an expert meeting, the curriculum, teaching and evaluation system of the ophthalmic specialist nurses training system was developed.Results: The training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses consists of four parts: training content, training process, clinical practice, assessment and evaluation. Among them, the training content includes 5 first-level indicators, 11 second-level indicators and 55 third-level indicators. The training process of ophthalmic specialist nurses includes 4 indicators of the first level and 12 indicators of the second level. The clinical practice indexes of ophthalmic specialist nurses include 6 indexes of the first grade and 23 indexes of the second grade. The methods of assessment and evaluation of ophthalmic specialist nurses include 5 indicators of the first level and 10 indicators of the second level. Conclusion: The scientific process and reasonable content of the training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses have a good guiding significance for the training of ophthalmic specialist nurses.


Investigation on the demands of artificial intelligence in clinical nursing of ophthalmology

Objective: To analyze the internal demands of the application of artificial intelligence technology to ophthalmic care, and provide guidance and basis for the development and application of artificial intelligence technology in ophthalmic hospitals. Methods: Using the method of combining cluster sampling with simple random sampling, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the ophthalmic nursing staff in the selected target hospitals from July to August 2019, which included general information and artificial intelligence needs. Results: Most of the respondents came from the third-class hospitals (89.2%), and hospitals in South China account for 87.2% of them. There are diverse demands of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology clinical nursing applications, including health education, clinical reception and triage, patients return visits, which have the strongest demand for the artificial intelligence, accounting for 95.7%, 93.5%, and 93.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The application of artificial intelligence in ophthalmic clinical nursing has strong and diversified demands, and the research and development of artificial intelligence in the health education of ophthalmic patients and other related applications should be promoted according to the actual demands.


A seat for position nursing after pars plana vitrectomy in an ophthalmic day ward

为在眼科日间手术模式下既能满足玻璃体视网膜术后体位需求,又能合理利用有限空间,本研究团队在原有的眼科日间病房座椅的基础上,增加玻璃体手术后体位护理等功能,发明了一种护理座椅[专利号:国家实用新型专利(ZL 2017 2 0942404. 1)]。该座椅采用钢喷塑(或不锈钢)、木板、海绵和人造革皮等材料,其结构主要包括座椅的主体部分、俯卧台、杂物篮、收纳架、输液杆套筒等部分。其制作材料简单,操作方便,安全使用,既能保证临床体位护理需求,又能节省空间,便于病房环境管理。
Abstract To meet the needs of the postoperative position nursing after pars plana vitrectomy in the day surgery mode, this research team has designed a nursing chair [patent number: National Uutility Model Patent (ZL 2017 2 0942404. 1)] based on the original chair of ophthalmic day ward, adding the functions of postvitreous nursing and so on. The seat is made from steel spray plastic (or stainless steel), wood, sponge and artificial leather, and the structure mainly consists of the main body, the countertop for prone position, the junk basket, the storage rack, and the infusion rod sleeve. The seat can be made by simple materials. The seat is easy to operate and safe to use, which can not only meet the needs of clinical body position nursing care, but also save the ward’ space and facilitate the environmental management of the ward.


Construction of health education model for ophthalmic day surgery based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method

Objective: To construct, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the health education model for ophthalmic day surgery. Methods: The health education model for ophthalmic day surgery was constructed relying on information-oriented means and Teach-back method. A total of 177 patients with day surgery in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from January 2020 to May 2021 were selected as the research subjects and divided into a control group (n=97) and an intervention group (n=80) by historical comparative study. The intervention group was carried out with the health education model based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method, while the control group received the routine health education. The health education knowledge and perioperative nursing satisfaction were compared between the 2 groups. Results: The scores of self-evaluation and nurse evaluation for health education knowledge in the intervention group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in body position nursing knowledge score and nursing satisfaction score between the 2 groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: The health education model based on information oriented means and Teach-back method can improve the health education knowledge level of patients with ophthalmic day care surgery. In the meanwhile, further studies will be needed to explore the effects on patients in body position nursing knowledge and nursing satisfaction.


Development of an eyewash cart

We have developed an eyewash cart which is fully functional and meets the needs of eye cleaning for patients on different treatment chairs by adjusting the position of the eyewash cart in the same treatment room. At the same time, this eyewash cart can avoid frequent turning and walk of medical staffs during operation, so as to save their time and energy.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
