

Lens zonulopathy and primary angle closure glaucoma:what we know and what we don't know

晶状体悬韧带异常(包括松弛和断裂)可引起晶状体虹膜隔前移、前房变浅、房角关闭和眼压升高,即闭角型青光眼(angle closure glaucoma,ACG)的发生。特发性悬韧带异常多发生于原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle closure glaucoma,PACG),可能是PACG的发病机制之一,但仍需前瞻性队列研究进一步证实。此类患者双眼前房深度不等,虹膜/晶状体震颤等体征及超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy, UBM)检查能够诊断的悬韧带异常比例较低,通常在青光眼白内障联合手术前未能被诊断而在术中被发现,故被称为隐匿性晶状体悬韧带异常。目前根据术中表现如充分散瞳可见晶状体赤道部,连续环形撕囊破囊时可见前囊放射状皱褶,超声乳化时囊袋赤道部移位或卷曲,灌注抽吸时囊袋异常飘动,囊袋口不规则等可明确诊断。根据悬韧带异常的程度、范围,选择超声乳化晶状体吸除联合人工晶体植入,联合或不联合囊袋张力环植入或人工晶体缝合固定术。PACG患者术前和术中应关注是否存在悬韧带异常,制定个体化治疗方案,以保证手术安全和疗效。
Zonulopathy (including zonular laxity and dehiscence) can cause anterior displacement of iris-lens diaphragm, shallow anterior chamber, anterior chamber angle closure and elevated intraocular pressure, resulting in angle closure glaucoma (ACG). Idiopathic zonulopathy is common in primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG), which may be one of the pathogenic mechanisms of PACG. But further prospective cohort studies are needed to verify that. ?e proportion of diagnosis ofzonulopathy in PACG patients before cataract extraction in combination with anti-glaucoma surgery is low by signs of anterior chamber depth differences between both eyes, iridodonesis / phacodonesis and UBM examination. Hence, most cases with zonulopathy in PACG are found during the operation, which is called occult zonulopathy. At present, the diagnosis of zonulopathy in PACG is often made according to the intraoperative manifestations, such as visible capsular equator aěer mydriasis, wrinkling of the anterior capsule during manual capsulorhexis, infolding of peripheral capsule or visualization of the capsular equator during the cortical or nuclear removal; loose or ěoppy capsular bag. According to different ranges and severities ofzonulopathy, phacoemulsi?cation combined with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, with or without capsule tension ring implantation, or sclera-fixated IOL is selected. PACG patients should be paid more attention to the diagnosis and differentiation ofzonulopathy before and during operation, fully improved the preoperative examination, and formulated individualized treatment plans to ensure the safety and efficacy of operation.


Featured teaching of physician refresher

北京同仁医院积累了几十年的眼科进修医生的教学经验,近年来在进修医生教学实践中应用“以问题为导向”(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)教学法,逐步总结出独特的“辩误施教”教学法。这种教学方法有利于加深进修医生对基础知识理论的理解,提高进修医生发现问题、解决问题的能力及独立的临床思维能力。每月定期召开进修医生沙龙,进行必要的考核、多种形式的总结和交流有利于促进交流,提高教学效果。
Beijing Tongren Hospital has accumulated decades of ophthalmology teaching experience. In recent years, through the application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) teaching method, we gradually summed up the unique error-distinguished teaching method, which may enhance the understanding of basic knowledge and theories, improve the ability of doctors to discover and solve problems and enhance their independent clinical thinking. At the same time, monthly salon for physician refresher, necessary assessments, various forms of summaries and communication are conducive to promote further learning and produce a good teaching efficiency.


Application of diversified education in improving the accuracy and satisfaction of eye medication in patients undergoing day ophthalmic surgery

Objective: To explore the effect of diversified education on improving the accuracy and satisfaction of eye medication in patients undergoing ophthalmic ambulatory surgery. Methods: A total of 200 practitioners of administering eye medication after undergoing ambulatory surgery in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University from October to December 2020 were investigated by convenience sampling, 100 practitioners admitted from October to November were included in the control group, and 100 practitioners were included in the experimental group. The control group adopted the traditional method of education, while the experimental group applied diversified education mode to carry out health education. The health education needs of the patients were investigated by the self-made health education needs questionnaire, and the effect of intervention wasevaluated by the eye medication implementation evaluation form and health education satisfaction questionnaire. Results: After the intervention, the correct rate of eye medication in experimental group (94%) was higher than the control group (35%) with a statistical difference (P<0.05). The satisfaction score about diversified education in experimental group was significantly higher than the control group with a statistical difference (P<0.05).Conclusion: Diversified education model can improve the accuracy of administering eye medication in patientsundergoing ophthalmic ambulatory surgery, and the satisfaction in patients and their families is significantly improved. It is worthy of clinical application.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
