Case Report

A novel technique to identify and remove the conjunctival lymphangiectasia using indocyanine green gel

A novel technique to identify and remove the conjunctival lymphangiectasia using indocyanine green gel

In this case reportit describes a novel technique using indocyanine green gel for the surgical excision of conjunctival lymphangiectasia (CL). CL was found on the nasal side of left eye in a 50-year-old male. Surgical excision of the entire cystic lesion with an intact cyst wall was completed with the assistance of an indocyanine green (ICG) gel. No sutures were used throughout the entire procedure. Subsequent post operative follow-up was uneventful. Herein, we report a novel technique used to facilitate the identifcation and complete removal of an intraocular cystic lesion ensuring an intact cyst wall.
In this case reportit describes a novel technique using indocyanine green gel for the surgical excision of conjunctival lymphangiectasia (CL). CL was found on the nasal side of left eye in a 50-year-old male. Surgical excision of the entire cystic lesion with an intact cyst wall was completed with the assistance of an indocyanine green (ICG) gel. No sutures were used throughout the entire procedure. Subsequent post operative follow-up was uneventful. Herein, we report a novel technique used to facilitate the identifcation and complete removal of an intraocular cystic lesion ensuring an intact cyst wall.


Application of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents

目的:探讨督导式教学门诊在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的具体实践和教学效果。方法:通过合理排班、限制号源等措施设立每周固定的督导式教学门诊时间,安排老师和学员出诊;在教学门诊开展4个月后,通过问卷调查和临床技能考核的形式采集反馈意见并评估教学效果。 结果:共有16名老师和8名学员参加了督导式教学门诊,调查问卷结果显示100%的带教老师和学员认可该教学模式,参加过教学门诊的学员临床技能考核得分显著高于对照组(t =3.631, P<0.05)。结论:督导式教学门诊应用于眼科住院医师规范化培训具有实际可行性,并可以提高学员的临床技能水平。
Objective: To explore the application and effects of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents. Methods: A weekly supervised teaching clinic was set through reasonable scheduling and limiting the registration numbers. After 4 months of application, feedbacks were collected through questionnaire survey from both the teachers and residents. Clinical skills assessments were also taken to evaluate the teaching effect. Results: A total of 16 teachers and 8 residents participated in the supervised teaching clinic. The results of the questionnaire showed that 100% of the teachers and residents agreed with the teaching mode. The clinical skill assessment scores of the residents who participated in the teaching clinic were significantly higher than those of the control group (t=3.631, P<0.05). Conclusion: The application of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents is feasible and can improve the clinical skills of the residents. 


Research progress on abnormal tear composition and different break-up patterns of tear film

    泪膜是覆盖于眼球表面的一层液体薄膜,从内而外分为黏液层、水液层和脂质层,每层成分的改变都会导致泪膜不稳定,进而导致干眼的发生。在研究泪膜破裂方式及相关泪液成分改变的基础上,学者Yokoi及其团队分别在2012年和2013年提出了有关干眼治疗和诊断的新概念,称为泪膜导向治疗(tear film-oriented therapy,TFOT)和泪膜导向诊断(tear film-oriented diagnosis,TFOD),就是根据泪膜破裂模式(tear film break-up pattern,TFBUP)的不同,推断出相应的泪膜成分改变,补充不足的泪膜成分,这种诊疗方法目前正逐渐被接受。本文对不同泪膜破裂方式与泪膜成分改变的关系做了汇总分析,旨在为干眼的诊断和治疗提供更为科学实用的指导方案。
    Tear film is a layer of fluid film covering the surface of eye global, which is divided into mucus layer, aqueous layer and lipid layer from inside to outside. The change of each layer composition will lead to tear film instability, resulting in the occurrence of dry eye. On the basis of numerous studies on the correlation between tear composition and tear film break-up patterns, Yokoi and his team proposed new concepts on the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye called tear film-oriented therapy (TFOT) and tear film-oriented diagnosis (TFOD) in 2012 and 2013. That is according to different tear film break-up patterns (TFBUP), so changes in tear film composition can be deduced and supplemented, and this diagnosis and treatment method is gradually being accepted. In this paper, we summarized and analyzed the relationship between different tear film break-up patterns and changes in tear film composition to provide a more scientific and convenient guidance program for the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
