
依镜 PRL 植入术矫正超高度近视的临床疗效观察

Observation the clinical efficacy of PRL implantation for correction of ultra high myopi

目的:观察依镜有晶状体眼后房屈光晶体(phakic refractive lens,PRL)植入术矫正超高度近视的疗效和安全性。方法:纳入自2018年1月—2020年9月在深圳市眼科医院行依镜PRL植入术的超高度近视患者共24例39眼,进行自身对照研究。其中,男8例13眼,女16例26眼,平均年龄(31.15±6.33)岁。观察术后屈光度、视力[裸眼视力(uncorrected visual acuity,UCVA)、最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)]、眼压、角膜内皮细胞计数、拱高、手术并发症等指标。结果:中位随访时间为5.5(3.0,11.0)月。屈光度从术前(?22.29±4.96) D降低至术后(?0.28±1.01) D(t=24.421,P<0.001),其中术后球镜度数±0.5 D占28眼(82.4%),±1.0 D占31眼(91.2%)。LogMAR UCVA从术前1.40(1.30,1.70)改善至术后(0.28±0.20) D,LogMAR BCVA由术前0.40(0.22,0.70)改善至术后0.15(0.00,0.30),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。术后BCVA较术前提高3.00(1.00,5.00)行,所有患者均无BCVA丢失。术前、术后1 d、末次随访眼压值比较差异有统计学意义(F=8.779 P=0.012),其中术后1 d较术前眼压增高(Z=-3.401,P=0.001),而末次随访较术后1 d眼压降低(Z=-2.685,P=0.007),末次随访与术前眼压之间比较差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.894,P=0.371)。角膜内皮细胞计数从术前(2 782.20±296.30)个/mm2降低至术后(2 472.54±394.32)个/mm2 (t=-5.437,P<0.001),平均丢失角膜内皮细胞数11.2%。末次随访33眼平均拱高值为(379.00±283.27)μm,其中0~250 μm占12眼(36.4%),250~750 μm占19眼(57.6%),大于750 μm占2眼(6%)。21眼PRL术后3个月拱高值为(269.81±194.67)μm,较术后1个月拱高值(373.62±195.75)μm降低(t=?2.917,P=0.009)。术后并发症包括激素性青光眼(1例2眼)、PRL光学面裂痕(1眼)、黄斑出血(1眼)、PRL偏位(2例3眼)。结论:对于超高度近视患者,依镜PRL植入术是一种可供选择的安全、有效的眼内屈光手术方式,但其远期疗效及安全性仍需更长时间和更大样本量进一步观察。

Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of phakic refractive lens (PRL) implantation for the correction of ultra-high myopia. Methods: This self-controlled case series study included 39 eyes of 24 patients with ultra-high myopia who underwent PRL implantation at Shenzhen Eye Hospital between January 2018 and September 2020. The study comprised 13 eyes in 8 males and 26 eyes in 16 females, with a mean age of (31.15 ± 6.33) years. Postoperative parameters, including refraction, visual acuity (UCVA, BCVA), intraocular pressure, corneal endothelial cell count,vault, and surgical complication were observed. Results: The median follow-up time was 5.5 (3, 11) months. The refraction significantly decreased from preoperative (-22.29±4.96) D to postoperative (-0.28±1.01) D (t=24.421, P<0.001). Postoperatively, 82.4% of eyes achieved a spherical degree within ±0.5 D, and 91.2% within ±1.0 D. LogMAR UCVA significantly improved from 1.40 (1.30, 1.70) preoperatively to (0.28±0.20) postoperatively. LogMAR BCVA significantly improved from 0.40 (0.22, 0.70) preoperatively to 0.15 (0.00, 0.30) postoperatively (P<0.001 for all). Postoperative BCVA improved by 3.00 (1.00, 5.00) lines compared with preoperative BCVA, with no instances of BCVA loss in any patient. Intraocular pressure values showed significant differences among preoperative, 1 day postoperative and last follow up (F=8.779, P=0.012). Intraocular pressure increased significantly 1 day after surgery compared to before surgery (Z=-3.401, P=0.001), but decreased significantly at the last follow-up compared to 1 day postoperatively(Z=-2.685, P=0.007), with no significant difference in intraocular pressure between preoperative and last follow-up (Z=-0.894, P=0.371). Corneal endothelial cell count decreased significantly from preoperative (2 782.20±296.30)/mm2 to postoperative (2 472.54±394.32)/mm2 (t=?5.437, P<0.001), with a mean loss of 11.2%. The average vault at the last follow-up was (379.00±283.27) μm, of which 0~250 μm in 12 eyes (36.4%), 250~750 μm in 19 eyes (57.6%), and > 750 μm in 2 eyes (6%). In 21 eyes, the vault at 3 months postoperative (269.81±194.67) μm was significantly lower than that at 1 month postoperative (373.62±195.75) μm (t=?2.917, P=0.009). Postoperative complications included steroid-induced glaucoma (2 eyes in 1 case), PRL optical surface crack (1 eye), macular hemorrhage (1 eye), and PRL decentration (3 eyes in 2 cases). Conclusions: PRL implantation is a safe and effective intraocular refractive surgery for ultra-high myopic patients. Nonetheless, it should be neccessary to observe for long-term efficacy and saff lens; high myopia



Clinical application of ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope in peripheral retinopathy in myopic patients

目的:评价欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查近视患者眼底周边部视网膜病变的应用价值。方法:本研究为前瞻性病例研究,收集爱尔眼科医院要求行屈光手术的近视患者1 000例(2 000只眼),分别进行小瞳下欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜眼底检查和散瞳后三面镜检查,记录检查结果并进行比较分析。结果:通过欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查发现有周边视网膜病变共230例(310只眼),检出阳性率为15.50%;三面镜检查发现周边部视网膜病变共242例(322只眼),检出阳性率为16.10%。两种检查方法对近视患者周边部视网膜病变检出阳性率具有很好的一致性(Kappa值0.8~1.0)。结论:欧堡Daytona 200度超广角成像系统为检查周边部视网膜病变提供了更省时高效的方法,在屈光手术前筛查视网膜周边部病变,具有广阔的临床应用前景。
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of peripheral retinal diseases in myopic patients examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). Methods: This was a prospective case-control study. We collected 1 000 myopic patients (2 000 eyes) who were scheduled to undergo refractive surgery in Aier Eye Hospital. They were examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) with non-mydriasis and three-mirror contact lens with mydriasis. The examination results were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 230 cases (310 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). The positive rate was 15.50%; 242 cases (322 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by three- mirror contact lens, and the positive rate was 16.10%. The two methods were consistent in the detection of peripheral Retinopathy in myopic patients (the Kappa value is between 0.8 and 1.0). Conclusion: 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) is an effective and rapid method for detecting peripheral retinopathy. It provides a broad clinical application prospects for peripheral retinopathy screening before refractive surgery.


Research progress of posterior staphyloma in pathological myopia

病理性近视相对高度近视而言,更强调眼底并发症的存在。后巩膜葡萄肿(posterior staphyloma,PS)被认为是病理性近视的标志性特征,是眼球后巩膜壁的局部扩张,通常认为与巩膜变薄和脉络膜萎缩等因素相关。近年来研究认为P S的形成可能与局部炎症、Bruch膜缺失等因素密切相关。伴随OCT等检查技术的快速革新以及P S治疗手段的探索,诊断和治疗更加完善。
Pathological myopia emphasizes the existence of fundus complications. Posterior staphyloma, considered as a hallmark of pathological myopia, is a partial extension of the posterior scleral wall, which is believed to be related to the scleral thinning and choroidal atrophy. In recent years, studies have indicated that the formation of posterior staphyloma may closely connected with localized inflammation and defects of Bruch’s membrane.With the rapid innovation of examination technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the exploration of treatment for posterior staphyloma. The diagnosis and therapy will be more comprehensive in the future.


Research progress of posterior staphyloma in pathological myopia

病理性近视相对高度近视而言,更强调眼底并发症的存在。后巩膜葡萄肿(posterior staphyloma,PS)被认为是病理性近视的标志性特征,是眼球后巩膜壁的局部扩张,通常认为与巩膜变薄和脉络膜萎缩等因素相关。近年来研究认为PS的形成可能与局部炎症、Bruch膜缺失等因素密切相关。伴随OCT等检查技术的快速革新以及PS治疗手段的探索,诊断和治疗更加完善。
Pathological myopia emphasizes the existence of fundus complications. Posterior staphyloma, considered as a hallmark of pathological myopia, is a partial extension of the posterior scleral wall, which is believed to be related to the scleral thinning and choroidal atrophy. In recent years, studies have indicated that the formation of posterior staphyloma may closely connected with localized inflammation and defects of Bruch’s membrane. With the rapid innovation of examination technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the exploration of treatment for posterior staphyloma. The diagnosis and therapy will be more comprehensive in the future.


Development and application of ultra-wide-field fundus imaging

Retinal diseases primarily feature with peripheral retinopathy, and its early diagnosis as well as the later following up both play a vital role in the treatment and prevention of retinal diseases. In the past, traditional fundus imaging technology can only provide the visual range of 20 degrees. Even if montage photography technology is used, it can only partially reveal the fundus field. At present, fundus imaging technology has entered the latest era of ultra-wide-field, which provides at least 200-degree fundus field of vision. Ultra-wide-field fundus photochromy, fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography and angiography based on this technology have been widely used in clinical practice, and play an important role in the diagnosis and evaluation of retinal diseases, such as diabetes retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, retinopathy of prematurity, retinitis pigmentosa and retinal detachment. This article aims to review the occurrence and development of ultra-wide-field fundus imaging technology and its clinical applications up to now to provide a relative guideline for clinic and research.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
