Objective: To discuss the change of corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor before and after laser in
situkeratomileusis (LASIK), and to analyze their related factors by multivariate linear regression. Methods: In this
prospective study, 70 eyes (38 patients) with myopia and myopic astigmatism undergoing LASIK were included.
Related factors were measured preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively by ocular response analyzer,
noncontact tonometer (NCT), ultrasonic pachymeter, and Pentacam system. TTe correlation was analyzed between △CH, △CRF and preoperative and operative design’s parameters, and correlative factors analyze. △CH and △CRF were analyzed by the multiple linear regression. Results: CH before and after LASIK were (10.05±1.36)
and (8.15±0.90) mmHg, and CRF before and affer LASIK were (9.91±1.38) and (6.92±0.88) mmHg. TTere was
signiffcant difference between preoperative and postoperative CH and CRF (P<0.01). △CH and △CRF were
(1.90±1.15) and (2.99±1.23) mmHg. Preoperative CH, CRF, intraocular pressure (IOP), ablative depth (AD) and
AD/CCT were positive correlated with △CH. Preoperative CH, CRF, IOP, AD, AD/CCT, preoperative spherical
equivalent (SE) and predicted residual stromal bed’s thickness (RSBT) were correlated with △CRF. TTe regression
equation of △CH and △CRF and influencing factors were △CH =?6.182 + 0.658CHpreoperative + 8.421AD/CCT
=0.639, P<0.01), △CRF =?0.007 + 0.725CRFpreoperative ? 0.014RSBT (R2
=0.689, P<0.01). Conclusion: The
change of CH before and after LASIK is correlative with AD/CCT. The change of CRF before and after LASIK
is correlative with predicted residual stromal bed’s thickness. Ablative depth and predicted residual stromal bed’s
thickness should be considered carefully during the surgical design.