

An ophthalmological surgery drape

为使眼科手术铺巾方法更安全、便捷、利于操作,本研究团队在原有眼科手术铺巾基础上,增加不同规格尺寸、标识定位、背胶等功能,发明了一种眼科手术铺巾[专利号:国家实用新型专利(ZL 201921410018.3)]。该种眼科手术铺巾采用一次性防水无纺布为主要制作材料,具有规格多样、结构简单、便于操作、无菌屏障功能更强等特点,能更好地满足眼科手术术前消毒铺巾的使用要求。
In order to make ophthalmic surgical draping safer, more convenient and easier to operate, this research team invented an ophthalmic surgical drape [patent number: National Utility Model Patent (ZL 201921410018.3)] based on the original ophthalmic surgical drape, adding functions such as various sizes, marking and positioning,and glutinosity. This kind of ophthalmic surgical drape is made of disposable waterproof non-woven fabric, which has the characteristics of various specifications, simple structure, easy operation and strong function of aseptic barrier, which can better meet the requirements of disinfection drape before ophthalmic surgery than the original drape.


Development of an eyewash cart

We have developed an eyewash cart which is fully functional and meets the needs of eye cleaning for patients on different treatment chairs by adjusting the position of the eyewash cart in the same treatment room. At the same time, this eyewash cart can avoid frequent turning and walk of medical staffs during operation, so as to save their time and energy.


Constructing a practical method for managing whole life cycle of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies

Objective: To construct an ideal and practical method for managing ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies to strengthen the management of ophthalmic operating room. Methods: A visual management system of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies was established by using information technology connected with hospital information systems, then the data were integrated to construct a monitoring system for real-time status of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies, including the whole life cycle management of the surgical supplies. Results: Through the establishment of the system for whole life cycle of high-value ophthalmic surgical supplies, the whole process management realized the supplies for preoperative control, intraoperative monitoring and postoperative trace. Conclusion: Constructing the system solves the daily management problem of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies, reduces the blind area of management, and strengthens the supervision of surgical supplies in the ophthalmic operating room.


Effects of different oxygen inhalation methods on the changes of vital signs in adult patients undergoing phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia

目的:观察表面麻醉下不同吸氧方式对白内障超声乳化手术患者生命体征变化的影响,探讨适宜的超声乳化手术中吸氧的方式。方法:选取2020年4月至2020年9月于中山大学中山眼科中心行白内障超声乳化摘除术的患者291例,随机分成3组,分别为简易面罩吸氧组(面罩组)97例、鼻导管吸氧(鼻导管组)97例、无吸氧组(对照组)97例,其中面罩组和鼻导管组的吸氧流量均为氧流量2~4 L/min。监测患者进入手术室时(T0)、手术开始时(T1)以及手术结束时(T2)的血压、心率以及血氧饱和度(SpO2)。结果:三组患者在进入手术间时生命体征差异无统计学意义,三组患者术中 血压变化不显著(P>0.05)。在T2时点,氧气吸入的患者其SpO2高于对照组(P<0.05),但均在正常范围内。结论:表面麻醉下白内障超声乳化手术的患者在无严重基础疾病的情况下,术中适当吸氧及监测血流动力学可以增加患者的舒适度及临床安全,对患者使用的吸氧方式应以不影响术中操 作及患者舒适度的方式。
Objective: To observe the effects of different oxygen inhalation methods on the changes of vital signs in adult patients undergoing phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia, and to explore the appropriate oxygen inhalation methods in phacoemulsification. Methods: A total of 291 patients who underwent phacoemulsification for cataract extraction in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University from  April 2020 to September 2020 were randomly divided into 3 groups: the simple mask oxygen inhalation group (n=97), the nasal catheter oxygen inhalation group (n=97), and the oxygen-free group (n=97). The oxygen flow of the mask group and the nasal catheter group was 2–4 L/min. Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation (SpO2) were monitored at entry into the operating room (T0), at the beginning of surgery (T1), and at the end of surgery (T2). Results: There was no significant difference in vital signs among the 3 groups when entering the operating room, and no significant change in intraoperative blood pressure among the 3 groups (P>0.05). At T2, the blood oxygen saturation of patients with oxygen inhalation was higher than that of the oxygen-free group (P<0.05), but within the normal range. Conclusion: For cataract phacoemulsification patients under topical anesthesia without serious comorbidities, appropriate oxygen inhalation and monitoring hemodynamics can increase the comfort and safety of patients, and oxygen inhalation should be used without affecting surgery manipulation and comfort of patient. 
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
