

目的:分析先天性泪腺皮肤瘘伴异位泪腺的临床表现,总结其治疗方案。方法:采用病例研究与文献回顾方法,记录1例确诊为先天性泪腺皮肤瘘伴异位泪腺患儿的外观照片、泪道探查冲洗情况、泪腺瘘管数字减影检查、泪腺瘘管CT造影检查等结果。予患者行泪腺瘘管下段及异位泪腺切除+泪腺瘘管上段转位结膜囊吻合代泪腺导管术,术中切除的病变组织行病理检查,术后随访。以“泪腺瘘”、“异位泪腺”为检索词,在 PubMed、CNKI 数据库中进行文献检索,检索到相关文献共 25 篇。结果:患儿为男性,5岁,眼科检查于左眼上睑中外1/3处见直径约1 mm瘘口,瘘口皮肤凹陷并有簇状毛发生长,有透明液体从瘘口阵发性流出。泪器检查示左上睑皮肤瘘管开口朝外上方,瘘管探查从瘘口进针,瘘管先是内下方走行再向外下走行,在距皮面3.5 mm处有一软性抵抗,加压不能突破,冲洗液原路反流,无脓液或血性液体反流。左眼泪腺瘘管数字减影检查示左眼泪腺瘘管造影剂存留,瘘管深部存在扇形腔隙。泪腺瘘管CT造影结果显示左眼外侧泪腺高密度影。术后随访6个月,患儿左眼上睑切口愈合好,未见瘘管复发,转位的泪腺瘘管成功将泪液引流入上穹隆结膜囊内。结论:先天性泪腺瘘同时合并先天性泪腺异位和毛发异位者临床上罕见,术前详细检查和精确诊断对指导治疗很有帮助;在明确主泪腺是正常的情况下,完整切除异位的泪腺组织,并行泪腺瘘管转位吻合于上穹隆结膜囊代泪腺导管术,是一种较好的治疗选择。
Objective: To demonstrate the clinical characteristics and surgical effects of congenital lacrimal gland cutaneous fistula with ectopic lacrimal gland. Methods: Observational case study and literature review. The results of appearance photographs, lacrimal duct probing and irrigation, digital subtraction imaging of the lacrimal fistula, and CT scanning of lacrimal fistula in a patient diagnosed with lacrimal gland cutaneous fistula with ectopic lacrimal gland were recorded. The surgical treatment for the patient was explored. The surgical strategy entailed resecting the lower segment of the lacrimal gland fistula and ectopic lacrimal gland, combined with transposing the upper segment of lacrimal gland fistula for conjunctival sac anastomosis, instead of using lacrimal gland catheter. Pathological examination and postoperative follow-up were conducted. Results: Ophthalmic examination revealed a fistula with a diameter of approximatedly 1 mm in medial-temporal 1/3 of the upper eyelid of the left eye. The skin surrounding the fistula was sunken and covered with tufts of hair. There was a paroxysmal discharge of clear fluid from the fistula. Lacrimal examination showed that the opening of the fistula on the skin of the left upper eyelid was directed outward and upward. Fistula exploration was conducted through the opening. The fistula tract initially coursed medially and caudally, then laterally and caudally. At a depth of 3.5mm from the dermal surface, a soft resistance was encountered that could not be overcome with forced pressure. The irrigation fluid refluxed along its original pathway, with no pus or bloody fluid regurgination. Digital subtraction imaging of the lacrimal fistula in the left eye demonstrated that contrast media remained and formed fanshaped spaces in the depth of the fistula. CT results of lacrimal fistula revealed a high density of lacrimal gland in left eye. During outpatient follow-up six months after surgery, the incision on the left upper eyelid was observed to have healed well, with no recurrence of the fistula The transposed lacrimal fistula successfully diverted tears into the conjunctival sac of the upper fornix. Conclusions: Congenital lacrimal gland cutaneous fistula combined with congenital ectopic lacrimal gland and ectopic hair is rare in clinical practice. Detailed preoperative examination and accurate diagnosis are extremely beneficial for guiding treatment. When the main lacrimal gland is normal, a better treatment choice involves completely removing the ectopic lacrimal gland tissue and transferring the lacrimal gland fistula to the conjunctival sac of the upper fornix to replace the lacrimal gland catheter.


目的:研究经鼻内镜低位泪囊鼻腔吻合术联合RT新型人工泪管置入手术的临床有效性和安全性。法:采用前瞻性随机对照研究,将临床诊断为原发性鼻泪管阻塞继发的慢性泪囊炎患者随机分为两组。研究组(A组)43例(44眼)采用低位经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合联合新型RT人工泪管置入术。对照组(B组)39例(39眼)采用常规经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合联合双泪小管置入式人工泪管置入。术后3~6个月取出人工泪管,随访时间1~12个月,平均6个月。观察术中术后的并发症,评估其安全性。结果: A组治愈42眼(95.45%),好转2眼(4.54%);B组治愈38眼(97.43%),好转1眼(2.56%),两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。B组有12眼(30.77%)使用骨动力系统用于磨削骨质,A组未使用骨动力系统;A组手术时间为(31.88±1.64) min;B组手术时间为(48.54±4.40) min,两组比较差异有统计学意义(<0.01);B组术后人工泪管从内眦脱出2例,A组在人工泪管置入或取出时,均无管体被拉断裂的病例,无人工泪管从内眦侧脱出的病例。两组患者术后均无人工泪管导致的泪点撕裂,术后随访平均6个月,均无复发。论:低位经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合术联合RT新型人工泪管置入可以作为一种新的治疗慢性泪囊炎手术有效、安全的方法。
Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of endonasal endoscopic lower position dacryocystorhinostomy(En-LPDCR) combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation for treating chronic dacryocystitis. Methods: In A prospective randomized controlled study, patients with chronic dacryocystitis secondary to primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups. In study group (Group A), 43 cases (44 eyes) were treated with the En-LP-DCR combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation. Control group (Group B), 39 cases (39 eyes): conventional endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy combined with bicanalicular intubation. The stent was removed from 3 to 6 months after surgery and followed up 6 to 12 months. Results: There was no recurrence of chronic dacryocystitis in both groups. In group A, 42 eyes (95.45%) were cured and 2 eyes (4.54%) were improved. In group B, 38 eyes were cured (97.43%) and 1 eye was improved (2.56%), there was no significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05). In group B, 12 eyes (30.77%) With the incorporation of powered instrumentation to make bony ostium with full exposure of the lacrimal sac., while group A did not use powered dynamic system. Operation time of group A was (31.88±1.64) min; The operation time of group B was (48.54±4.40) min. The difference between the two groups was significant (< 0.01). In group B, the stent dislocated from the medial canthus in 2 cases, while in group A, there were no cases of the stent dislocated. No patient with dislocation, displacement of stent and punctum erosion founded in both groups, and no recurrence of chronic dacryocystitis was observed during the average follow-up of 6 months. Conclusion: Endonasal endoscopic lower position dacryocystorhinostomy combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation is a new and effective method for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis, with minimally surgical injury and faster postoperative recovery.


目的:观察青光眼引流钉植入术治疗难治性青光眼的疗效。方法:对联合应用抗青光眼药物无法控制的难治性开角型青光眼19例19只眼行青光眼引流钉植入术,术中应用丝裂霉素(2 mg /6~8 mL,2.5~4 min)及可松解缝线。术后1天、2周和1、3、6、12个月进行随访,观察眼压、视力、滤过泡形态、前房深度、眼底C/D、降眼压药物使用情况、完全及部分成功率 及有无并发症等情况。结果:19例患者中,术后完全成功率78.9%(15例),部分成功率10.5% (2例),失败10.5%(2例)。术前用3~5种降眼压药,眼压控制于27.7±10.1 mmHg。术后随访仅三人需使用1~2种降压药物。眼压下降组间有显著性意义(P<0.001)。与术前相比,术后1天(11.8±7.7 mmHg,P<0.001),术后2周(10.1±4.2 mmHg,P<0.05),1个月(12.0±4.0 mmHg,P=0.001),6个月(12.2±3.4 mmHg,P<0.001),1年(13.1±3.3 mmHg,P=0.001)及2年随访(14.5±2.5 mmHg,P=0.001),眼压下降均具有显著性意义。术后患者视力、前房深度及C/D改变差异无显著性意 义。末次随访滤过泡弥散隆起57.9%(11例),微囊型15.8%(3例),瘢痕型21.1%(4例),包裹型5.3%(1例)。所有患者均未观察到明显的术后并发症的发生。结论:房水引流钉植入术治疗难治性开角型青光眼手术成功率高,并发症少,值得推广。
目的:观察青光眼引流钉植入术治疗难治性青光眼的疗效。方法:对联合应用抗青光眼药物无法控制的难治性开角型青光眼19例19只眼行青光眼引流钉植入术,术中应用丝裂霉素(2 mg /6~8 mL,2.5~4 min)及可松解缝线。术后1天、2周和1、3、6、12个月进行随访,观察眼压、视力、滤过泡形态、前房深度、眼底C/D、降眼压药物使用情况、完全及部分成功率 及有无并发症等情况。结果:19例患者中,术后完全成功率78.9%(15例),部分成功率10.5% (2例),失败10.5%(2例)。术前用3~5种降眼压药,眼压控制于27.7±10.1 mmHg。术后随访仅三人需使用1~2种降压药物。眼压下降组间有显著性意义(P<0.001)。与术前相比,术后1天(11.8±7.7 mmHg,P<0.001),术后2周(10.1±4.2 mmHg,P<0.05),1个月(12.0±4.0 mmHg,P=0.001),6个月(12.2±3.4 mmHg,P<0.001),1年(13.1±3.3 mmHg,P=0.001)及2年随访(14.5±2.5 mmHg,P=0.001),眼压下降均具有显著性意义。术后患者视力、前房深度及C/D改变差异无显著性意 义。末次随访滤过泡弥散隆起57.9%(11例),微囊型15.8%(3例),瘢痕型21.1%(4例),包裹型5.3%(1例)。所有患者均未观察到明显的术后并发症的发生。结论:房水引流钉植入术治疗难治性开角型青光眼手术成功率高,并发症少,值得推广。
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
