

Children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery assessed by the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory

目的:利用儿童Glasgow受益调查问卷(Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory,GCBI)评估先天性上睑下垂手术后儿童健康相关生活质量(health-related quality of life,HRQOL)的受益,并探索受益的影响因素。方法:验证GCBI中文版评估先天性上睑下垂矫正术后长期患儿生活质量的信效度,并用其评估术后儿童HRQOL受益与性别、手术年龄、术后随访时间等相关性。结果:共178名先天性上睑下垂接受下垂矫正术后儿童完成问卷,结果显示不同性别、年龄均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显(P<0.05)。结论:GCBI中文版具有良好的信度和效度,适用于评估先天性上睑下垂儿童术后受益结果。先天性上睑下垂儿童接受下垂矫正术后不同性别均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显。
Objective: To explore the benefits of children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery using the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory (GCBI) and the factors influencing the benefits. Methods: To verify the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of GCBI in evaluating the long-term life quality of children after correction of congenital ptosis, and to evaluate the correlation between the HRQOL benefit of children after surgery and gender, surgical age, postoperative follow-up time, etc. Results: A total of 178 children after congenital ptosis surgery completed the questionnaire. Different genders or ages of children with congenital ptosis both showed positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term (<1 year) benefit was more obvious after surgery (P<0.05). Conclusion: The Chinese version of GCBI has good reliability and validity,and is suitable for evaluating the postoperative benefit results of children with congenital ptosis. All the children with congenital ptosis received positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term benefit (<1 year) was more obvious.


Correlation between the binocular visual field and visual function quality of life in patients with primary chronic glaucoma

目的:评估与原发性慢性青光眼患者生活质量最具相关性的视觉指标。方法:回顾性病例系列研究。收集2010年3月至2010年8月就诊于首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院且符合入选及排除标准的原发性慢性闭角型青光眼和原发性开角型青光眼患者131例262只眼。采用Humphrey Field AnalyzerII 750i型视野分析仪对入选患者分别进行单眼Central 24-2程序和Esterman双眼视野检查程序(Esterman Binocular Visual Field Test,EBVFT)各两次检查,以保证所得数据的可靠性。使用LogMAR视力表检查并记录受试者日常单眼生活视力和日常双眼生活视力、非接触式眼压计测量眼压、直接眼底镜检查视神经的杯盘比。记录病史及目前所使用抗青光眼药物,角膜及晶状体状态。应用视功能相关生活质量量表-25(25-Item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire,VFQ-25)对患者进行生活质量评估,并将双眼日常生活视力、较好眼生活视力、较差眼视野MD(mean defect)值、较好眼视野MD值、(Esterman Visual Field Test,EVFT)效用值和VFQ-25得分进行相关性分析。结果:共有131例受试者符合入选条件。在患者生存质量的统计中,自我评价视力、近距离活动、远距离活动、社会功能、依赖程度、色觉、视野这7项得分较好,即受试者完成该7项的能力较高。VFQ-25总分与EBVFT效用值成正相关(r=0.24998,P=0.004<0.05),与双眼日常生活视力成负相关(r=?0.37778,P<0.0001),与较差眼视野MD值成正相关(r=0.22917,P=0.0187<0.05),与较好眼生活视力、较好眼视野、较差眼生活视力无明显相关关系。结论:原发性慢性青光眼患者双眼视觉(双眼视野和双眼日常生活视力)和VFQ-25有良好的相关性,可用于评估慢性青光眼患者的生活质量。
Objective: To assess the correlation between the Esterman binocular visual field (EBVF) and the visual function quality of life (VFQ) in primary chronic glaucoma patients. Methods: It is a retrospective case series study.One hundred and thirty-one patients, that is to say, two hundreds and sixty-two eyes, with primary chronic glaucoma satisfying the methodological criteria were recruited for this study, who were chosen from Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University from March 2010 to August 2010. The Humphrey Field Analyzer Model II 750i (Humphrey Instruments, Zeiss Company) was used to perform an Esterman binocular visual field test (EBVFT) and bilateral monocular full-threshold central visual field testing using the 24-2 SITA Standard program. Visual acuities were examined by logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) scale. Intraocular pressure and cup-disc ratio were also recorded. The history with glaucoma and anti-glaucoma drugs, and the state of the cornea and crystalline lens were also remarked. All interviews were administered face to face by the same experienced interviewer, by using the 25-Item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25). Agreement between the scores from these tests and the VFQ-25 was evaluated. Results: A total of 131 patients were recruited. In the statistics of the quality of life, seven domain scores of the VFQ-25 (self-assessment vision, color vision, near action, distant action, social function, mental health and peripheral vision) were better than the others, which meant the ability of completing the seven domain was higher. Substantial agreement was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the Esterman test (r=0.24998, P=0.004<0.05), strong negative correlation was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the binocular visual acuity of daily life (r=?0.37778, P<0.0001), and positive correlation was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the MD of the worse eye (r=0.22917, P=0.0187<0.05).Conclusion: In this sample of clinic-based patients with primary chronic glaucoma, the efficiency score of the binocular visual field tests correlated well with the composite score of the VFQ-25. Binocular visual function can be well used in evaluating the quality of life of the glaucoma patients.


Effect of conductive education training on visual impairment students’ quality of life

目的:调查引导式教育训练对视力障碍学生生活质量的影响。方法:前瞻性随机对照临床研究。选取2020年在泉州特殊教育学校就读视力障碍学生,按照入组条件随机分为引导式教育训练组和对照组,引导式教育训练组进行引导式教育训练,对照组进行常规康复训练。采用中文版低视力者生活质量量表(Chinese-version low vision quality of life questionnaire,CLVQOL)评估视力障碍学生的基线和训练3个月的生活质量,并进行比较分析。结果:72例视力障碍学生全部完成了基线和随访时的生活质量问卷调查。进行基线检查时,各组CLVQOL评分总分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3个月后,各组CLVQOL评分总分均增加,引导式教育训练组从基线59(48.5,80.5)上升到105(97.5,119.5),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.781,P<0.001);对照组从基线69(56,85)上升到106(80,112),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.438,P<0.001);引导式教育训练组在CLVQOL评分总分(P=0.021)及阅读和精细工作维度(P=0.004)、日常生活能力维度(P=0.003)的评分差值均高于对照组。结论:引导式教育训练是一种重要的低视力康复训练方法,可以明显提高患者的生活质量。
Objective: To investigate the effect of conductive education training on the quality of life in visually impaired students. Methods: It was a prospective randomized controlled trial. The visual impairment students who had registered in Quanzhou Special Education School in 2020 were selected and randomly divided into two groups: conductive education training group and control group. The conductive education training group received conductive education training, while the control group received routine rehabilitation training. Chinese version low vision quality of life questionnaire (CLVQOL) was used to assess the quality of life of low vision students at baseline and 3 months after training, and comparative analysis was conducted. Results: All 72 students with visual impairment completed CLVQOL surveys. At baseline, there was no significant difference in total CLVQOL scores between groups. After 3 months, overall CLVQOL scores increased in both groups, from baseline 59 (48.5, 80.5) to 105 (97.5, 119.5) in the conductive education group (Z=-4.781, P<0.001), and 69 (56, 85) to 106 (80, 112) in the control group (Z=-4.438, P<0.001). The total score of CLVQOL (P=0.021), reading and fine work subscale (P=0.004), and daily activities subscale (P<0.003) in the conductive education training group were higher than those in the control group. Conclusion: Conductive education training is an important method of low vision rehabilitation training, which can significantly improve the quality of life of patients.


Effect of corneal bandage lens on anxiety and quality of life in patients with one-eyed cataract


Objective: To investigate the effect of corneal bandage lens on anxiety and quality of life in patients with monocular cataract. Methods: A total of 120 patients with monocular cataract treated in our department from December 2020 to July 2021 were selected as the subjects. They were divided into an experimental group (wearing corneal bandage lens) and a control group (without corneal bandage lens) by convenient sampling method. Self-rating Anxiety Scale and Visual Function Quality of Life Scale were used to evaluate and compare the degree of anxiety and postoperative quality of life between the 2 groups. Results: There was no significant difference in anxiety score and quality of life score between the 2 groups before admission (P>0.05). On the first day after operation, the anxiety score of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group, and the quality of life score was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). The anxiety score of patients in the experimental group decreased from 55.35±7.09 to 43.77±5.56, and the degree of anxiety decreased by 20% compared with that before admission. The anxiety score of patients in the control group decreased from 54.27±5.93 to 47.92±7.02, and the degree of anxiety decreased by 12% compared with that before admission. The score of quality of life in the experimental group increased from 55.32±25.57 before admission to 81.01±13.74 on the first day after operation, an increase of 46%. The quality of life score of patients in the control group decreased from 56.38±14.43 before admission to 36.15±17.97 on the first day after operation, a decrease of 35%.Conclusion: Corneal bandage lens can reduce the anxiety of patients with monocular cataract and improve the quality of life after operation.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
