

Current status on the change of glaucoma as the first irreversible blinding disease

Glaucoma not only is common, but also seriously damages the visual function of the patients, and is recognized as the first irreversible blinding disease in the world. After careful observation, we recognize that untimely diagnosis,unreasonable treatment and irregular follow-up are leading causes to blindness. Opportunistic screening is a main measure to early find the glaucoma in clinical practice. To improve the screening efficiency, the high-risk mass of glaucoma, such as immediate family members of glaucoma patients, older adults and high myopia should be closely focused. In addition, the ophthalmologists should understand the whole process of glaucoma. The development of the primary angle closure glaucoma or primary open angle glaucoma is a concept of continuum. We should make the diagnosis of glaucoma before the patients have any symptoms or serious damage of the visual function. Reasonable treatment should include controlling intraocular pressure in the scope of the target pressure adopting to the optic damage and visual field defect in that eye by drugs, laser or surgery, and as far as possible to improve the drug compliance. Sustained control of glaucoma management depends on the ability to assess the effect of treatment, and to find the instability of the disease and the appropriate management. Glaucoma is a preventable and treatable eye disease. We can decrease the blinding rate and change the current status of the first blinding eye disease for glaucoma.


Experience in the treatment of a case of complex corneal blindness

角膜病是眼科常见疾病,治疗主要以病因治疗为主。角膜疾病治疗不及时会发展为角膜云翳、角膜斑翳、角膜白斑甚至丧失视力。本例患者主要是一例因外伤形成角膜白斑致使视力低下,于三峡大学附属仁和医院行自体穿透性角膜移植(autologous penetrating keratoplasty,APK)的特殊病例。
Keratoconus is a common disease in ophthalmology and treatment is mainly based on etiology. Untreated corneal diseases can develop into corneal clouding, corneal macula, corneal leukoplakia or even loss of vision. This is a special case of a patient who underwent autologous penetrating keratoplasty (APK) in our hospital for low vision due to traumatic formation of corneal leukoplakia.


A qualitative study of home care and nursing needs of patients with severe acuity impairment or blindness

Objective: To explore the main nursing problems and demands of patients with severe visual impairment or blindness, so as to provide the basis for health staff to formulate home care support plans of high quality. Methods: By using a descriptive qualitative method, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted among 20 patients with severe visual impairment or blindness who were hospitalized in the top-grade ophthalmic hospital in Guangzhou from April to September 2020. The inductive content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results: The main nursing problems of these patients were the lack of self-care ability, limited social activities, and difficulty in adapting to changes in family roles. Nursing needs include the hope that hospitals can provide multidimensional disease-related knowledge and multi-channel medical consulting services. Conclusion: Patients with severe visual impairment or blindness have many problems and needs in home care. They would like to obtain multi-dimensional knowledge and receive multi-channel medical consultation. Health staff from hospitals and communities should attach great importance to these patients, as well as provide appropriate guidance and assistance, so as to improve their activities of daily living.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
