

Treatment of conjunctival sac flushing in ophthalmic surgery with povidone iodine and tobramycin

Effectively killing or reducing the number of ocular microbes before surgery is an important measure to reduce postoperative endophthalmitis. Both povidone-iodine disinfectant and tobramycin can effectively reduce the incidence of endophthalmitis after ophthalmic surgery. Through literature reports, the author comprehensively analyzes the control ability of povidone-iodine disinfectant and tobramycin eye drops and injection on the microscopy of conjunctival sac in ophthalmic surgery, and provides theoretical basis for preoperative preparation of ophthalmic surgery


An ophthalmological surgery drape

为使眼科手术铺巾方法更安全、便捷、利于操作,本研究团队在原有眼科手术铺巾基础上,增加不同规格尺寸、标识定位、背胶等功能,发明了一种眼科手术铺巾[专利号:国家实用新型专利(ZL 201921410018.3)]。该种眼科手术铺巾采用一次性防水无纺布为主要制作材料,具有规格多样、结构简单、便于操作、无菌屏障功能更强等特点,能更好地满足眼科手术术前消毒铺巾的使用要求。
In order to make ophthalmic surgical draping safer, more convenient and easier to operate, this research team invented an ophthalmic surgical drape [patent number: National Utility Model Patent (ZL 201921410018.3)] based on the original ophthalmic surgical drape, adding functions such as various sizes, marking and positioning,and glutinosity. This kind of ophthalmic surgical drape is made of disposable waterproof non-woven fabric, which has the characteristics of various specifications, simple structure, easy operation and strong function of aseptic barrier, which can better meet the requirements of disinfection drape before ophthalmic surgery than the original drape.


Application of porcine orbit model in ophthalmic surgery teaching

Porcine eyes have been used as animal model in ophthalmic surgery training. However, it differs greatly from real surgery and cannot meet the needs of external eye surgery teaching. Porcine orbit model with eyeball, extraocular muscles, orbital tissue, bones and eyelids can be more realistic simulation of real surgeries and cover more needs for ophthalmic surgery teaching. By setting up ophthalmic surgery teaching platforms, designing staged course and creating new assessment methods based on porcine orbit model, the traditional concept about separation of internal and external eye is changed. This helps young doctors to establish a holistic view from the very beginning,that ophthalmic surgeries should not be split because of subspeciality. In this way, ophthalmic surgery training will become more standardized and perfected.


Application of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in ophthalmic operation room

Objective: To explore the application effect of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in the ophthalmic operation room. Methods: A total of 44 nurses who would work in the operating room were randomly divided into the experimental group (n=23) and control group (n=21). Based on the three industrial standards of Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) and the technical specifications of disinfection in hospital, and targeting the job requirements of operating room nursing, the experimental group formulates specific training contents and adopts various training methods. The experimental group was transferred to the operating room after being trained in CSSD for 3 months and passing the examination. The control group was transferred directly to the operating room. The degree of satisfaction from the teachers of operating room to new nurses was used as the evaluation index. Results: All the 23 students passed the examination of theoretical knowledge and technical operation, and the small lectures were completed successfully. The degree of satisfaction from teachers in operating room to trainees was obviously higher than that of untrained nurses. Conclusion: The establishment of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in ophthalmic operation room is helpful to improve the work adaptability of the newly-hired nurses in the operation room. It also helps the nurses in the operation room to enhance the management ability on the specialized instruments.


Simplifying routine tests before ophthalmic surgeries: Opportunities and challenges in the era of big data

手术前常规检查在临床诊疗中被广泛应用,但在一些低风险择期手术前对患者进行常规检查,对提高医疗质量并无帮助,反而降低了医疗效率,增加了医疗费用。为提高效率,一些地区、机构和专家学者陆续通过宣传教育、发表共识、制定指南等方式控制无指征术前常规检查,但效果仍依赖于执业者的重视程度和专业水平。大数据机器学习方法以其标准化、自动化的特点为解决这一问题提供了新的思路。在回顾已有研究的基础上,我们抽取2017至2019年在中山大学中山眼科中心进行眼科手术的3.4万名患者的病史和体格检查资料大数据,涵盖年龄、性别等口学信息,诊断、既往疾病等病史信息,视功能、入院时身体质量指数(BMI)等体格检查信息。并以此为基础使用机器学习方法预测术前胸部X线检查是否存在异常,受试者操作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)曲线下面积达到0.864,预测准确率可达到81.2%,对大数据机器学习精简术前常规检查的新方式进行了先期探索。
Preoperative routine tests are widely prescribed in clinical settings. However, these tests do not help improving the quality of medical care in low-risk elective surgery. Instead, they are associated with lower efficiency and increasing fees. To improve the efficiency, many regions, institutions, and scholars have attempted to reduce preoperative routine tests without indications through propaganda, education, consensus, and guidelines. Nevertheless, the effects are still highly dependent on the expertise and emphasis of practitioners. Machine learning based on big data provide a new solution with its standardization and automation. Through literature review, we extracted the big data, including demographic features such as sex and age, histories including diagnosis and chronic diseases, and physical examination features such as visual function and body mass index. A total of 34 000 patients undergone ocular surgeries in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen university from 2017 to 2019. Machine learning was adopted to predict the risk of finding abnormalities in chest X-ray examination, with an accuracy of 81.2%. Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was 0.864. The study could be an early exploration into the field of simplifying preoperative tests by machine learning.


A modified patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery

Abstract Present patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery have several limitations, which is inconvenient to wear, hard to keep warm and difficult in preventing patients from scratching eyes underwent surgery. A modified patient clothing for infants and children is designed to overcome these existing problems.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
