

Current situation and thinking of scientific researchability for postgraduates with professional degree inophthalmology under the mode of mergingresidency training

 目的:了解医学专业学位硕士(专硕)研究生培养并轨住院医师规范化培训制度下的眼科专硕科研能 力现状,并提出提升科研能力的对策。方法:对哈尔滨医科大学三所附属医院眼科学76名不同年级 专硕研究生的科研能力现状、阻碍科研学习的因素、科研训练意愿等进行问卷调查。结果:在目前 的培养模式下,专硕科研和临床知识基础相对薄弱及临床学习任务繁重是科研学习的主要障碍。 结论:提出教学基地可以因需施教、提供多模式科研训练;强化临床诊疗培训为科研思维培养助 力;导师可以结合新时代发展背景优化科研选题策略、拓宽学生科研视野等措施。
Objective: To understand the current situation of scientific research ability of postgraduates with professional degrees in ophthalmology and put forward improvement measures. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the current situation of scientific research ability, scientific research obstacles and scientific research training willingness, 76 postgraduate students of different grades majoring in ophthalmology of three affiliated hospitals of Harbin Medical University were involved. Results: Under the merging residency training system, the foundation of scientific research and clinical knowledge of postgraduates is relatively weak, and the heavy clinical learning task were the main obstacles to scientific research of postgraduates. Conclusion: It is proposed that the teaching bases could provide multi-mode scientific research training to cater to students' individual needs. Not only clinical diagnosis and treatment training could be strengthened to cultivate students’ scientific research thinking, but scientific research topic selection strategy could be optimized by to meet the demand for development of times and broaden students’ scientific research vision.


Activating the endogenous power of teachers and promoting the high-quality development of ophthalmology graduate education

研究生导师的能力和水平是影响研究生教育质量的最关键因素之一。针对眼科学研究生专业基础 知识薄弱、动手实践机会缺乏、创新能力不足,导师队伍教学主动性不强、活力欠佳等问题,中 山眼科中心逐步建立了“行政+专家”的双重教学管理架构,引导激励教师积极主动参与、推动研 究生课程改革、科研创新能力培训、教学信息化建设、教学质控与学生管理等各项教学改革与决 策,通过不断完善教师参与教学改革共同治理的长效机制,打造高素质的教师队伍,实现高质量 的眼科学研究生培养。
The ability and level of postgraduate tutor is one of the key factors affecting the quality of graduate education. In view of the weak basic ophthalmic knowledge, lack of practical opportunities and the inefficiency in innovation ability among ophthalmology graduates, as well as the lack of initiative and vitality in teaching team, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University has been gradually established the dual management structure of “administration and experts”. By guiding and encouraging the teachers participate in the curriculum reform of graduates, scientific research ability training, management informatization, the teaching quality control, student administration and so on. Through improving the long-term mechanism of teachers’ participation in teaching reform governance, the quality of teachers has been improved, which promote the high-quality development of ophthalmology graduate education.


A pre-course student survey report on the Postgraduate Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University

Objective: To conduct a pre-course survey on the graduate students who participated in the Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University to provide a reference for the preparation of the course. Methods: We asked the doctoral and master’s students who participated in the training courses of molecular medical experimental skills in 2020 and 2021 to take a pre-course questionnaire survey and analyzed the results by the students’ pre-course command of theoretical knowledge and pre-training operational experience in 15 lessons of special topics or techniques. Results: A total of 155 students completed the pre-course questionnaire survey. Our results showed that there were 14 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 6 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The students majoring in the molecular medicine had better prior knowledge of the techniques: there were only 9 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 12 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The four lessons with worst prior knowledge were cell proliferation, flow cytometry, image acquisition, and omics analyses. We grouped the 15 lessons into 7 categories: the ophthalmic experimental data collection, the omics technology, the data analyses, the cell technology, the protein technology, the tissue analyses, and the molecular technology, presenting by the level of the students’ pre-training proficiency from low to high. Conclusion: The first-year graduate students were very weak in basic knowledge and had little experience in techniques before joining the molecular medicine training courses. It is urgent to improve the laboratory skills training system and strengthen the construction of the curriculum system.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
