方法:回顾性病例对照研究。2006-2010 年期间该院收治的 Ⅲ 度角膜碱烧伤的患者 19 例 23 眼,其中行羊膜移植术(治疗组)11 例 13 眼,未行羊膜移植术(对照组)8 例 10 眼。该两组的年龄和手术外的处理基本匹配。伤后 3 d 治疗组行羊膜移植术。分别在伤后 14、60 d 测量各组角膜新生血管面积。应用 SPSS 12.0 统计学软件将此两组的面积进行配对 t 检验,以 P < 0.05 作为差异有统计学意义。
结果:在烧伤后 14 d 治疗组新生血管面积(62.133 ± 8.571)mm2,明显低于对照组(89.561 ± 9.741)mm2,治疗组较对照组减低 30.6%,两组差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。烧伤后 60 d 治疗组新生血管面积(112.019 ± 17.362)mm2,明显低于对照组(129.481 ± 13.534)mm2,治疗组较对照组减低 13.5%,两组差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
Purpose: To study the curative effect of amnion membrane transplantation on decreasing corneal neovascularization (CNV) induced by alkali burn.
Methods: It was a non-randomized retrospective case-control study. Among 19 cases (23 eyes) of third-degree alkali burns from 2006 to 2010, 11 cases (13 eyes) were performed with amnion membrane transplantation operation, and others were not. Amnion membrane transplantation was performed at the 3rd day after burn in the treatment group. Ages and treatments beyond surgery of double groups were matched. Areas of CNV in double groups were measured at the 14th day and 60th day after burn.
Results: Area of CNV in the treatment group was (62.133 ± 8.571) mm2 at the 14th day after burn, and was 30.6% lower than that in the control group. Area of CNV in the treatment group was (112.019 ± 17.362) mm2 at the 60th day after burn, and was 13.5% lower than that in the control group. There was statistical significance (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Amnion membrane transplantation operation can inhibit the growth of corneal neovascularization induced by alkali burn.
目的: 比较新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜治疗睑球粘连的疗效差异, 分析影响疗效的因素。方法: 共 51 例 55 只眼因陈旧性化学伤、热烧伤或 Stevens-Johnson 综合征而发生睑球粘连的临床连续病例接受睑球粘连分离联合新鲜羊膜移植(22 只眼) 或保存羊膜移植(33 只眼) 。其中男 30 例 32 只眼, 女 21 例 23 只眼。年龄 4~51 岁, 平均(34.2 ± 4.3) 岁。其中 11 只眼在烧伤后5~11个月, 平均(7.4 ± 1.6) 个月时接受手术, 40 只眼在烧伤后 1~8 年, 平均(2.0 ± 0.7) 年进行手术。结果: 术后随访 12~32 个月, 平均(19.3 ± 4.1) 个月 。所有移植在结膜眼表面的羊膜(包括新鲜羊膜) 植片在术后早期均未见溃烂和溶解, 周边对合良好。31/55(56.4%) 只眼形成了足够深的穹窿部且恢复了眼球运动功能。9/55(16.4%) 只眼发生部分睑球粘连, 眼球运动轻度受限,但其面积远较术前为小。15 /55(27.3%) 眼术后发生中度以上的睑球粘连。新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜重建眼结膜表面的效果相似( X 2 = 0.466, P = 0.797) ; 不同程度睑球粘连的患者其羊膜移植术后的效果不同(新鲜羊膜, X2=27.995, P=0.000; 保存羊膜, X2=33.610, P=0.000) ; 在眼表烧伤后1年内手术比 1 年以上进行羊膜移植的效果也不同(X 2= 4.243, P = 0.039) 。结论: 新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜一样可以有效地用于重建睑球粘连解除后的结膜眼表。患眼术前睑球粘连程度以及烧伤后其眼表炎症是否处于安静状态等因素都会直接影响羊膜移植重建眼结膜表面的远期疗效。
Purpose: To compare the effect of fresh versus preserved amniotic membrane transplant-ation for conjunctival surface reconstruction after symblepharon lysis and analyze the associated factors.Methods: Fifty-one consecutive cases (55 eyes) with symblepharon at different degree due to eye burns or Stevens-Johnson syndrome were accepted lysis of symblepharon and amniotic membrane transplantation. Twenty-two eyes of them were performed with fresh amnion grafts, the others (33 eyes) with preserved human amniotic membrane. Eleven eyes were performed within 1 year and forty eyes in 1 to 8 years (mean value, 2.0 ± 0.7 years) after eye burns.Results: The follow-up time varied from 12 to 32 months (mean value, 19.3 ± 4.1 months) . Fifty-six point four percent (31/55) eyes got enough deep conjunctival fornix and resolution of eye movement restrict. Sixteen percent of them (9/55) recurred less symblepharon and remained slightly eye movement restrict. Fifteen- five eyes of them (27.3%) recurred moderate symblepharon. The effects of surgery were similar between fresh and preserved AMT (X 2 = 0.466, P = 0.797) . The effects of AMT for those patients with symblepharon at different degree had significant difference statistically (fresh amnions, X 2= 27.995, P = 0.000; preserved amnions, X 2 =33.610, P = 0.000) . The same results were observed between those patients who were performed in different time periods after eye burns ( X 2 = 4.243, P = 0.039) .Conclusion: Fresh amnion has the same effect as preserved one for conjunctival surface reconstruction. The degree of symblepharon and the surgical environment of the ocular surface in the affected eye before surgery will influence the results of amniotic membrane transplantation for conjunctival surface reconstruction.