
Long-term effect of orthokeratology on choroidal thickness and choroidal contour in myopic children

目的:调查角膜塑形镜对近视儿童脉络膜厚度和脉络膜轮廓的长期影响。方法:受试者来自一项2年的随机对照试验。研究对象为年龄8~12岁、等效球镜在-1.00~-6.00 D的儿童(n=80),这些研究对象被随机分配到对照组(n=40)和角膜塑形镜组(n=40)。本研究在基线和1、6、12、18、24个月的随访中收集光学相干断层扫描图像(optical coherence tomography,OCT),然后基于OCT图像计算脉络膜厚度和脉络膜轮廓。在这些随访点也同时测量了眼轴长度(axial length,AL)和其他眼生物学参数。结果:在2年内,对照组的脉络膜厚度随时间变薄,脉络膜轮廓变得更加后凸(均P<0.001)。角膜塑形镜可以改善脉络膜厚度(均P<0.001),并在所有随访中维持脉络膜轮廓不后凸(均P<0.05)。在角膜塑形镜组中,脉络膜轮廓在颞侧的变化小于鼻侧(P=0.008),而脉络膜厚度在颞侧以黄斑中心凹为中心、直径3 mm线性扫描区域的增厚更明显(P<0.001)。2年内脉络膜厚度的变化与对照组中2年内AL变化呈负相关(r=-0.52,P<0.001),然而,这一规律被角膜塑形镜打破(r=-0.05 P=0.342)。在多变量回归模型中校正其他变量后,角膜塑形镜对脉络膜厚度的影响是稳定的。结论:角膜塑形镜可以改善脉络膜厚度并维持脉络膜轮廓,但这种效果在长期内趋于减弱。
Objective: To investigate the long-term effect of orthokeratology on the choroidal thickness and choroidal contour in myopic children. Methods:Subjects were from a conducted 2-year Randomized Clinical Trial. Children (n=80) aged 8-12 years with spherical equivalent refraction of -1.00 to -6.00 D were randomly assigned to the control group (n=40) and ortho-k group (n=40). OCT images were collected at the baseline, 1-, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month visits, then the choroidal thickness and choroid contour were calculated. Axial length (AL) and other ocular biometrics were also measured. Results: During two years, in the control group, the choroidal thickness became thinning and the choroidal contour became prolate with time at all visits (all P<0.001). Ortho-k can improve the choroidal thickness (all P<0.001) and maintain the choroidal contour at all visits (all P<0.05). In the ortho-k group, the choroidal contour was less changed in the temporal than nasal (P=0.008), and the choroidal thickness was more thickening in the temporal 3 mm (P<0.001). Two-year change in choroidal thickness was significantly associated with the two-year AL change in the control group (r=-0.52, P<0.001), however, this trend was broken by ortho-k (r=-0.05, P=0.342). After being adjusted by other variables in the multivariable regression model, the effect of ortho-k on choroidal thickness was stable. Conclusions: In a short term, ortho-k can improve the choroidal thickness and maintain the choroidal contour, but this effect diminished in a long term. Further study with larger sample size and longer follow-up is warranted to refine this issue.

远视儿童短期使用 1% 阿托品凝胶后脉络膜厚度的变化

Choroidal thickness changes in hyperopia children after short-term use of 1% atropine gel

目的:评估远视儿童使用1%阿托品凝胶1周后脉络膜厚度(choroidal thickness,CT)的变化。方法:选择42例4~7岁的远视儿童,予每天使用1%阿托品凝胶两次,持续7d。使用光学相干断层成像扫描测量视网膜及CT,并分析使用1%阿托品凝胶前后中心凹以及距中心凹处间隔1.0 mm的上、下、鼻和颞侧(最多3.0mm)CT的变化。结果:在远视儿童中,基线CT随位置而变化(F=27.08, P<0.05),与中心凹相比,鼻侧及距中心凹上方2 mm、3 mm及距中心凹颞侧3 mm处的CT较薄(P<0.05)。使用1%阿托品凝胶后,中央凹及旁中心凹CT改变比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。使用1%阿托品凝胶前后视网膜厚度无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论:短期使用1%阿托品凝胶并没有改变远视儿童的脉络膜和视网膜厚度。
Objective: To assess changes of choroidal thickness (CT) in hyperopia children after 1 week using of 1% atropine.Methods: A total of 42 hyperopia children aged 4–7 years were included into the study.A single drop of 1% atropinegel was used twice a daily for 7 days in the subjects.The thickness of retina and choroid was measured by OCT, and the changes before and after using 1% atropine gel were analyzed at the subfovea and at 1.0 mm intervals (up to3.0 mm) from the fovea at superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal locations. Results: In the hyperopia children, baselineCT parameters were varied with the location(F=27.08,P<0.05).Compared with the fovea, the CT at the nasal side,2 mm and 3 mm above the fovea and 3 mm from the temporal side of the fovea were thinner (P<0.05).After using 1%atropine gel, there was no significant difference in the CT changes of subfoveal choroidal thickness and other sites ofparafovea (P> 0.05). There was no significant change in retinal thickness before and after using 1% atropine gel (P > 0.05).Conclusion: No changes were found in the thickness of choroid and retina in hyperopia children after short-term use of1% atropine gel.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
