Purpose:To report a case of papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome.
Methods:Retrospectively review the clinical and physical features, magnetic resonance imaging records and therapies of a patient with papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome.
Results: Except for typical clinical manifestation of papilloedema , a characteristic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be found in a case of papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome. These imaging features are that sella turcica expanded, the inside of sella turcica was filled with cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) signal, pituitary gland was pressed, flatted and near the basis of sella turcica. Papilloedema was relieved and acuity of vision improved after surgery.
Conclusions:MRI is the preferred imaging technique for patient with papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome. If acuity of vision apparentlydecreases,surgery is necessary, and therapeutic effect is excellent.