

Training effects of “Zhongshan Eye and Nose Related Diseases and Endoscopy Forums”


Objective: To assess the training effects of “Zhongshan Eye and Nose Related Diseases and Endoscopy Forums” and its influencing factors, propose targeted suggestions for training focus and teaching methods, and improve the teaching quality. Methods: Statistics of live broadcast platform data and custom-designed questionnaires were used to inquire the participants enrolled in the 16 sessions of “Zhongshan Eye and Nose Related Diseases and Endoscopy Forums” from June 2020 to May 2022 for their feedbacks on training effects. The influence of their professions, titles, regions and other factors on the training effects was analyzed. Results: A total of 7 899 participants were enrolled in “Zhongshan Eye and Nose Related Diseases and Endoscopy Forums”, and the total live broadcast person-time was 27 634. Associate senior doctors (30.2%, 2 382) and attending doctors (32.9%, 2 597) accounted for the largest proportion. The number of participants gradually increased from 269 in the first session to 2 537 in the 16th. The topics with the largest number of participants and the greatest gains were applied anatomy and imaging, thyroid associated ophthalmopathy, and lacrimal duct diseases. Through the questionnaire study, 75.4% (95/126) of the participants thought that what they had learned in the forums was very important for their future clinical work; 84.1% (106/126) of the participants applied the knowledge to improve their daily clinical work; 96.0% (121/126) of the participants were willing to participate in the offline practice of eye and nose anatomy classes held by Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center. In terms of the role of the learned knowledge in the future clinical work, the proportion of associate senior doctors and attending doctors who thought "very useful" was significantly higher than that of senior doctors. In terms of whether to apply the knowledge learned to daily clinical work, the proportion of associate senior doctors and attending doctors thinking “yes” was significantly higher than that of senior doctors and residents. Participants who participated in 6–16 sessions had significantly better training results than those who participated in 1–5 sessions. Conclusion: Eye and nose related diseases are attracting increasing attention in ophthalmology and rhinology. “Zhongshan Eye and Nose Related Diseases and Endoscopy Forums” are conducive to the expansion and improvement of participants’ theoretical knowledge, and plays a good role in the daily clinical work of doctors with eye and nose related diseases. The training effect of attending doctors and associate senior doctors is better, and the training effect of participants who participate in the forum more times is better.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
