

Automated foveal avascular zone measurement of Triton optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects

背景:目前已有研究报道了一种MATLAB的定制算法,用于Triton光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)图像的中心凹无血管区(fovea avascular zone,FAZ)的自动测量。由于这种算法非开源,且难以获取,因而大大限制了其在临床实践和科学研究中的应用。本研究提出一种用于Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割的开源算法,即Smooth Level Sets macro(SLSM)算法,并将其测量结果与MATL AB和人工方法相比较,评估该算法分割的准确性和可靠性。方法:纳入35位健康受试者的35只健眼,选用Triton OCTA机器中的3 mm×3 mm扫描模式,对其黄斑区进行连续4次扫描。分别用人工和自动方法(包括MATL AB和SLSM),测量浅层毛细血管图像中FAZ的面积、周长和圆度。分析各种自动算法的准确性、重复性,以及与人工方法结果的一致性。结果:SLSM算法的准确性仅低于人工方法,而高于MATLAB算法(Dice系数:人工方法,0.9568;SLSM,0.9506;MATL AB,0.9483)。SLSM和MATL AB测量FAZ面积的重复性均很高[组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC):SLSM,0.987;MATLAB,0.983]。SLSM、MATLAB测量FAZ面积的结果均与人工方法呈很高的一致性(ICC:SLSM,0.973;MATL AB,0.968)。结论:SLSM在Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割中的准确性高于MATL AB,其测量结果与人工测量结果很相近。作为免费和开源的资源,SLSM有望成为Triton OCTA图像中有效可靠的FAZ自动分割和测量方法。
Background: Previous studies have proposed an automated customized program named MATLAB used in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) measurements in Triton optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. But it is not open-source and not easy to obtain, which will largely restrict its application in clinical practice and medical research. In this study, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Smooth Level Sets macro (SLSM), a free and open-source program, and compared with the manual measurements and MATLAB in the FAZ quantification in Triton OCTA. Methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 healthy subjects were scanned four times continuously using Triton OCTA. Manual and automated methods including the SLSM and MATLAB were used in the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity) of the superficial capillary plexus. The accuracy, repeatability of all methods, and agreement between automated and manual methods were analyzed. Results: The SLSM presented higher accuracy with a higher average Dice coefficient (0.9506) than MATLAB (0.9483), which was just second to the manual method (0.9568). Both the SLSM [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) =0.987; coefficient of variation (CoV) =3.935%] and MATLAB (ICC =0.983; CoV =4.165%) showed excellent repeatability for the FAZ area. They also had excellent agreement with manual measurement (SLSM, ICC =0.973; MATLAB, ICC =0.968). Conclusion: The SLSM exhibits better accuracy than MATLAB in the automated FAZ measurement in Triton OCTA, the results of which were comparable to those obtained by manual measurement. This free and open-source program may be an accessible and feasible option for automated FAZ segmentation on Triton OCTA images.


Comparison of resident ophthalmologists’ training mode between mainland and Hong Kong

The training of qualified ophthalmologists holds paramount significance in preventing blindness, treating eye diseases, and delivering optimal eye health services to the people. Given the unique nature of standardized residency training across geographical regions, this study delves into the comparative analysis of ophthalmology residency standardized training systems in the Mainland and Hong Kong. Specifically, we examine the the similarities and disparities in multiple facets, encompassing trainees' profiles, faculty expertise, rotation phases and prerequisites, as well as assessment methodologies. Notably, the training system in Hong Kong has a duration of 6 years, approximating the combined length of standardized residency training and standardized specialist training. By comparing the differences, we aim to facilitate the refinement of ophthalmology residency education and training in Mainland China, tailored to our specific context, while also serving as a reference for advancing standardized ophthalmology specialist training initiatives.


Artificial intelligence advances a new model of hierarchic diagnosis and treatment for Cataract

随着人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的快速发展,其在医疗领域的应用正带来革命性的变化。白内障作为全球范围内最常见的可逆性视力障碍之一,在管理和治疗方面依然存在着医疗资源不足、诊断精度低、转诊效率低等诸多实际问题。因此,利用AI技术强大的计算分析和智能决策能力,优化传统医疗实践方式,对于保障人们的视觉健康至关重要。该文探讨AI技术在推动白内障分级诊疗新模式方面的应用,包括白内障图像自动分析与识别、远程医疗和转诊支持等,这些应用能够为白内障患者、社会以及政府带来多方面的显著益处和重要影响,有助于提高白内障诊断和治疗效率,缓解医疗资源不均衡问题,优化医疗资源的配置和管理,推动社会健康进步。然而,AI技术的实际应用也面临风险和挑战,应当充分重视和保护患者数据隐私和安全,建立严格的监管和监督机制,并持续加强技术创新,全面评估AI算法的鲁棒性、公平性和可解释性,以进一步提高AI系统的准确度和可信度。
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in the field of healthcare is bringing revolutionary changes. Cataracts, as one of the most common reversible visual impairments worldwide, still face many practical issues in terms of limited medical resources, low diagnostic accuracy, and low referral efficiency. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize AI technology's powerful computational analysis and intelligent decision-making capabilities to optimize traditional medical practices and safeguard people's visual health.This article investigates the applications of AI technology on a new model of hierarchic diagnosis and treatment for cataracts, including automatic analysis and recognition of cataract images, remote healthcare, and referral support. These applications can bring significant benefits and important impacts to cataract patients, society, and governments. They can help improve the efficiency of cataract diagnosis and treatment, alleviate the imbalance of medical resources, optimize the allocation and management of healthcare resources, and promote societal health progress.However, the practical application of AI technology also faces risks and challenges. It is important to fully prioritize and protect patients' data privacy and security by establishing strict regulatory and oversight mechanisms. Additionally, continuous efforts should be made to enhance technological innovation and comprehensively evaluate the robustness, fairness, and interpretability of AI algorithms to further improve the accuracy and trustworthiness of AI systems.
Original Article

Automated foveal avascular zone measurement of Triton optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects

Automated foveal avascular zone measurement of Triton optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects

Background: Previous studies have proposed an automated customized program named MATLAB used in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) measurements in Triton optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. But it is not open-source and not easy to obtain, which will largely restrict its application in clinical practice and medical research. In this study, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Smooth Level Sets macro (SLSM), a free and open-source program, and compared with the manual measurements and MATLAB in the FAZ quantification in Triton OCTA.
Methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 healthy subjects were scanned four times continuously using Triton OCTA. Manual and automated methods including the SLSM and MATLAB were used in the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity) of the superficial capillary plexus. The accuracy, repeatability of all methods, and agreement between automated and manual methods were analyzed.
Results: The SLSM presented higher accuracy with a higher average Dice coefficient (0.9506)
than MATLAB (0.9483), which was just second to the manual method (0.9568). Both the SLSM [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) =0.987; coefficient of variation (CoV) =3.935%] and MATLAB (ICC =0.983; CoV =4.165%) showed excellent repeatability for the FAZ area. They also had excellent agreement with manual measurement (SLSM, ICC =0.973; MATLAB, ICC =0.968).
Conclusion: The SLSM exhibits better accuracy than MATLAB in the automated FAZ measurement in Triton OCTA, the results of which were comparable to those obtained by manual measurement. This free and open-source program may be an accessible and feasible option for automated FAZ segmentation on Triton OCTA images.
Background: Previous studies have proposed an automated customized program named MATLAB used in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) measurements in Triton optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. But it is not open-source and not easy to obtain, which will largely restrict its application in clinical practice and medical research. In this study, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Smooth Level Sets macro (SLSM), a free and open-source program, and compared with the manual measurements and MATLAB in the FAZ quantification in Triton OCTA.
Methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 healthy subjects were scanned four times continuously using Triton OCTA. Manual and automated methods including the SLSM and MATLAB were used in the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity) of the superficial capillary plexus. The accuracy, repeatability of all methods, and agreement between automated and manual methods were analyzed.
Results: The SLSM presented higher accuracy with a higher average Dice coefficient (0.9506) 
than MATLAB (0.9483), which was just second to the manual method (0.9568). Both the SLSM [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) =0.987; coefficient of variation (CoV) =3.935%] and MATLAB (ICC =0.983; CoV =4.165%) showed excellent repeatability for the FAZ area. They also had excellent agreement with manual measurement (SLSM, ICC =0.973; MATLAB, ICC =0.968).
Conclusion: The SLSM exhibits better accuracy than MATLAB in the automated FAZ measurement in Triton OCTA, the results of which were comparable to those obtained by manual measurement. This free and open-source program may be an accessible and feasible option for automated FAZ segmentation on Triton OCTA images.


Practice and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in eye hospitals

Standardized training for ophthalmology residents is an essential stage during the development of ophthalmologists. The standardized training system has become more and more mature, while problems still exist in the aspects of coordination between specialized hospitals and general hospitals, teacher resources, unevenness of trainees, combination of postgraduate education and residency standardized training, microsurgical skills training, and so on. Therefore, programs and strategies of standardized training are still under exploration. Eye hospitals, with the excellent disciplinary system, adequate resources, and advanced experience, play a key role in standardized training for ophthalmology residents. Joint Shantou International Eye Center has set up a training model in accordance with national requirements, focusing on the combination of standardization, normalization, and individuation. Besides, by learning from the oversea experience of residents training, Joint Shantou International Eye Center has enriched the training forms, optimized the skill training environment, and highlighted the training of foreign language, scientific research, and systematic clinical thinking. This paper, based on the 5-year experience and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in Joint Shantou International Eye Center, summarizes the current status of standardized training and put forward some measures and suggestions.


An overview on applications of retinal organoid derivatives

视网膜退行性疾病的种类繁多、患病人口基数大,该病特征为终末期严重的视网膜细胞丢失。视网膜类器官(retinal organoid,RO)可通过3D干细胞体外分化培养技术大量获取,并拥有完整的各亚型视网膜细胞和经典的视网膜分层结构。因此,RO可作为最佳的视网膜退行性疾病建模方法之一,以便于发现潜在致病机制。目前,RO衍生物已被广泛用于视网膜细胞替代治疗的动物实验和临床研究,具体的成效参差不齐,可能的影响因素包括移植细胞数量、移植时间窗、移植工具等。随着RO相关研究的快速发展,视网膜退行性疾病在分子和个体上的诊断和治疗将进一步完善。
Retinal degenerative diseases, characterized by severe retinal cell loss at the end stage, are of various kinds and haunt vast amounts of patients. Retinal organoid (RO) with complete retinal cell subtypes and classic retinal stratification structures can be obtained in large quantities through stem cells in vitro 3D differentiation and culture method. Therefore, RO can serve as one of the best ways for retinal degenerative disease modeling to facilitate the decipherment of underlying pathogenic mechanisms. At present, RO derivatives have been widely used in animal experiments and clinical studies of retinal cell replacement therapy with varying results possibly affected by cell quantity, time window, or tools in terms of transplantation. With the booming progress of RO-related research, the diagnosis and treatment on molecular and individual level for retinal degenerative diseases will be further improved.


Risk factors for myopia progression in school-age children in Wenzhou, China

目的:观察学龄儿童的近视进展情况,分析近视进展的危险因素。方法:于2014年纳入温州2所小学二、三年级近视儿童,每年随访1次,直至小学毕业。检查内容包括非睫状肌麻痹主觉验光、双眼视功能检查(隐斜、调节性集合/调节、正负相对调节、正负融像性聚散)和问卷调查。采用无序多分类logistic回归分析近视进展速度的危险因素。结果:共纳入152名近视儿童[年龄7~9岁,95名(62.5%)男性],初始屈光度为-1.30±0.95屈光度(diopter,D),年近视进展量为-0.68±0.35 D。回归分析表明:与慢速组相比(年近视进展量>-0.50 D),中速组(-1.00 D<年近视进展量≤-0.50 D)与快速组(年近视进展量≤-1.00 D)中初始屈光度≤-1.00 D的儿童占比更大(中速组:OR=3.51,P=0.003;快速组:OR=3.29,P=0.044),快速组中女性占比更大(OR=4.52,P=0.012),基线双眼视功能参数在不同组间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:学龄儿童近视进展速度与性别、初始屈光度相关,与基线双眼视功能无关。女孩、初始近视程度大(7~9岁时,屈光度≤-1.00 D)的儿童近视进展快。
Objective: To investigate myopia progression and analyze the risk factors associated with myopia progression in a cohort of primary schoolchildren. Methods: The study was conducted in two primary schools in Wenzhou. Schoolchildren from grades 2 and 3 were examined in 2014 and were followed up annually until primary school graduation at grade 6. Children who were myopic at baseline were included in this study. The examination included non-cycloplegic subjective refraction, questionnaire survey, and binocular visual function parameters such as phoria, accommodative convergence/accommodation, positive relative accommodation, negative relative accommodation, and fusional convergence range. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the risk factors associated with various myopia progression speeds. Results: A total of 152 myopic schoolchildren [baseline age range 7–9 years; 95 male (62.5%)] were included in this study. The average refractive error (spherical equivalent refraction, SER) at baseline was -1.30±0.95 D, and the average annual myopia progression was -0.68±0.35 D. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that compared to the slow myopia progression group (annual myopia progression >-0.50 D), the moderate myopia progression group (-1.00 D < annual myopia progression ≤-0.50 D) and the fast myopia progression group (annual myopia progression ≤-1.00 D) were associated with having SER values ≤-1.00 D at baseline (moderate: OR=3.51, P=0.003; fast: OR=3.29, P=0.044); the fast myopia progression group was also associated with female sex (OR=4.52, P=0.012); baseline binocular visual function parameters were not related to various myopia progression speeds (P>0.05 for all). Conclusion: Sex and baseline refractive error were associated with various myopia progression among primary schoolchildren. No correlation between baseline binocular visual functions and myopia progression was found in this study. Myopia progressed faster in girls and children who had greater myopia (SER values ≤?1.00 D at age 7–9 years) at baseline.


Automated foveal avascular zone measurement of Triton optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects

[摘 要] 背景:目前已有研究报道了一种MATLAB的定制算法,用于Triton光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)图像的中心凹无血管区(fovea avascular zone,FAZ)的自动测量。由于这种算法非开源,且难以获取,因而大大限制了其在临床实践和科学研究中的应用。本研究提出一种用于Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割的开源算法,即Smooth Level Sets macro(SLSM)算法,并将其测量结果与MATLAB和人工方法相比较,评估该算法分割的准确性和可靠性。方法:纳入35位健康受试者的35只健眼,选用Triton OCTA机器中的3 mm×3 mm扫描模式,对其黄斑区进行连续4次扫描。分别用人工和自动方法(包括MATLAB和SLSM),测量浅层毛细血管图像中FAZ的面积、周长和圆度。分析各种自动算法的准确性、重复性,以及与人工方法结果的一致性。结果:SLSM算法的准确性仅低于人工方法,而高于MATLAB算法(Dice系数:人工方法,0.9568;SLSM,0.9506;MATLAB,0.9483)。SLSM和MATLAB测量FAZ面积的重复性均很高[组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC):SLSM,0.987;MATLAB,0.983]。SLSM、MATLAB测量FAZ面积的结果均与人工方法呈很高的一致性(ICC:SLSM,0.973;MATLAB,0.968)。结论:SLSM在Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割中的准确性高于MATLAB,其测量结果与人工测量结果很相近。作为免费和开源的资源,SLSM有望成为Triton OCTA图像中有效可靠的FAZ自动分割和测量方法。
Abstract Background: Previous studies have proposed an automated customized program named MATLAB used in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) measurements in Triton optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. But it is not open-source and not easy to obtain, which will largely restrict its application in clinical practice and medical research. In this study, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Smooth Level Sets macro (SLSM), a free and open-source program, and compared with the manual measurements and MATLAB in the FAZ quantification in Triton OCTA. Methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 healthy subjects were scanned four times continuously using Triton OCTA. Manual and automated methods including the SLSM and MATLAB were used in the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity) of the superficial capillary plexus. The accuracy, repeatability of all methods, and agreement between automated and manual methods were analyzed. Results: The SLSM presented higher accuracy with a higher average Dice coefficient (0.9506) than MATLAB (0.9483), which was just second to the manual method (0.9568). Both the SLSM [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) =0.987; coefficient of variation (CoV) =3.935%] and MATLAB (ICC =0.983; CoV =4.165%) showed excellent repeatability for the FAZ area. They also had excellent agreement with manual measurement (SLSM, ICC =0.973; MATLAB, ICC =0.968). Conclusion: The SLSM exhibits better accuracy than MATLAB in the automated FAZ measurement in Triton OCTA, the results of which were comparable to those obtained by manual measurement. This free and open-source program may be an accessible and feasible option for automated FAZ segmentation on Triton OCTA images.


Optical coherence tomography angiography used to observe intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF on branch retina vein occlusion combined with macular edema

目的:以光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)观察视网膜分支静脉阻塞(branch retinal vein occlusion,BRVO)抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)治疗前后的变化。方法:回顾性收集从2017年1月至2018年1 2月在汕头国际眼科中心的确诊为BRVO合并黄斑水肿的患者共3 1例3 2眼。患眼行玻璃体腔注射抗VEGF药物治疗,记录治疗前和治疗后1个月的最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA),OCTA检查视网膜黄斑中心凹厚度(foveal macular thickness,FMT)、黄斑区血流密度。比较治疗前后各指标的变化。结果:治疗后BCVA较治疗前显著提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);FMT[(242.13±86.02) μm]较治疗前[(521.44±190.27) μm]明显下降,差异有统计学 意义(P<0.001);中心凹浅层血流密度[(18.44±4.98)%]及中心凹旁浅层血流密度[(44.83±3.19)%]均较治疗前[(25.46±9.21)%,(46.06±5.25)%]相比明显下降,差异有统计学意义(P <0.001)。结论:玻璃体腔注射抗VEGF治疗BRVO合并黄斑水肿效果显著;OCTA能有效评价抗VEGF治疗BRVO合并黄斑水肿的临床疗效。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy in patients with macular edema due to branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) treated with intravitreal anti-VEGF drug. Methods: In this retrospective study, 32 eyes of 31 patients with BRVO combined with macular edema at Joint Shantou international eye center of Shantou University and TheChinese University of Hong Kong during January 2017 to December 2018 were enrolled in this study. All the affected eyes received intravitreal anti-VEGF drug injections. BCVA (best corrective visual acuity) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) were performed before and one month after intravitreal anti-VEGF drug injections. Foveal macular thickness (FMT), macular blood flow density was measured in all eyes and compared. Results: The BCVA before therapy was (0.77±0.46) LogMAR and increased to (0.46±0.30) LogMAR in one month after therapy, which showed a statistical difference (P<0.001). The FMT, foveal superficial vascular plexus flow density and para foveal superficial vascular plexus flow density before therapy were (521.44±190.27) μm, (21.85±6.17)% and (46.29±2.70)%, respectively. The FMT, foveal superficial vascular plexus flow density and para foveal superficial vascular plexus flow density decreased to (242.13±86.02) μm, (18.40±5.18)% and (44.75±3.40)%, respectively. There was significant statistical difference for them (P<0.001). Conclusion: Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF is effective in the treatment of BRVO combined with macular edema. OCTA can effectively evaluate the clinical efficacy of anti-VEGF in the treatment of BRVO combined with macular edema.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
