

Clinicopathological analysis of 10 cases of pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma

目的:分析泪阜部色素痣合并鳞状细胞乳头状瘤的临床及组织病理学特征。方法:选取2002年1月至2020年6月天津市眼科医院经手术切除的色素痣合并鳞状细胞乳头状瘤1 0例,分析患者的临床及组织病理学特征。结果:10例患者中男性5例(50%),年龄(50.20±19.57)岁,左眼5例,右眼5例,其中7例(70%)为复合痣,3例(30%)皮内痣,未见交界痣,7例复合痣和2例皮内痣可见结膜上皮细胞囊肿;鳞状细胞乳头状瘤中,有蒂型7例(70%),无蒂型3例(30%),9例(90%)含结膜杯状细胞,1例(10%)伴有鳞状上皮角化,3例(30%)伴慢性炎症,2例(20%)伴有轻度非典型增生,所有病例未见明显的弹力纤维变性。结论:泪阜部色素痣合并鳞状细胞乳头状瘤比较少见,外观易误诊为色素痣恶变或黑色素瘤,临床上应注意甄别,确诊有赖于组织病理学检查。
Objective: To analyze the clinical pathologic characteristics of pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma.Methods: This is retrospective case series study including ten patients diagnosed as pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma who underwent surgical treatment at Tianjin Eye Hospital from January 2002 to June 2020. The clinical and histological data were abstained for statistical analysis. Results: Among the included 10 patients 5 (50%) were males. The mean age was 50.20±19.57 years (ranged, 21 to 72 years). Five cases involved with the right eye and the other 5 cases involved with the left eye. In term of subtype of nevus, 7 cases (70%) were compound nevus and the left 3 cases (30%) were intradermal nevus. The conjunctival epithelial cysts were found in 7 cases of compound nevus and 2 cases of intradermal nevus. Regarding the clinical appearance of papilloma, 7 cases were pedunculated and 3 cases were sessile. There were 9 papilloma eyes containing conjunctival goblet cells, 1 shows hyperkeratosis, 3 with chronic inflammation,2 showed mild atypia. There was no obvious elastosis in any of the tumors.Conclusion: The pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma mainly localized were not common. They were easily misdiagnosed as melanoma and the diagnosis depended on histopathological examination.


Bibliometric and visualized analysis of global dry eye research from 2016 to 2020

目的:了解近5年世界干眼研究的文献分布特征,并分析这一领域的研究趋势及研究热点。方法:以Web of Science核心数据库(WoSCC)为基础,采用文献计量学方法对干眼相关的全球研究趋势进行评估。通过VOSviewer v.1.6.16构建知识图谱,可视化了该领域的出版物、国家/地区分布、国际合作、作者、来源期刊和研究热点。另外,用CiteSpace IV来捕获爆发的关键词,探索热点的兴起和没落时间,以发现研究前沿。结果:在2016—2020年间共检索到2 567篇同行评议文章,其中美国是发表文献数量最多的国家,文献产量最高的机构是日本的庆应义塾大学。Kazuo Tsubota是该领域发表论文最多的作者,MA Lemp是被引次数最多的作者。Ocular Surface是干眼研究中发表文章最多的杂志。被引用最多的文献主要是TFOS Dr y Eye Workshop II发表的干眼系列报道。关键词聚类分析得出6大类:1)致病机制和病理生理;2)定义和分类;3)流行病学研究;4)治疗;5)继发性干眼;6)诊断。目前的研究前沿是眼痛、瑞巴派特、小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(small incision lenticule extraction,SMILE)手术和泪膜动力学。结论:本研究通过对国际干眼领域近5年的文献进行文献计量学分析,可视化呈现了最近这一领域的研究现状、热点及前沿。干眼研究的前沿主题是眼痛、瑞巴派特、SMILE手术和泪液动力学。
Objective: To understand the literature distribution characteristics of dry eye research in the world in the last 5 years, and to analyze the research trend and hotspots in this field. Methods: Based on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database, a bibliometric analysis was conducted to evaluate the global research trends related to dry eye. Knowledge mappings were constructed by VOSviewer v.1.6.16 to visualize the publications, the distribution of countries, international collaborations, author productivity, source journals, and research hotspots in this fifield. In addition, CiteSpace IV was used to capture the keywords of outbreaks and to explore the rise and fall of hotspots. Research frontiers could be discovered by this analysis. Results: In total, 2 567 peer-reviewed articles were retrieved on dry eye research from 2016 to 2020. The United States ranked the highest among countries withthe most publications. The most productive institution was the Keio University. Kazuo Tsubota contributed the largest number of publications in this field, and MA Lemp was the most cited author. Ocular Surface was the most prolific journal in dry eye research. The top-cited references were mainly about the reports of the International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). The most cited literature was mainly dry eye series reports by TFOS Dry Eye Workshop II. Six categories were obtained by cluster analysis: 1) pathogenic mechanism and pathophysiology; 2) definition and classification; 3) epidemiological study; 4) treatment; 5) secondary dry eye; 6) diagnosis. Current research foreword is ocular pain, rebamipide, small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery, and tear film dynamics. Conclusion: Through the bibliometrics analysis of the international literature in the field of dry eye in the past five years, this study visualized the current research status, hotspots, and frontier in this field. Leading topics in dry eye research are eye pain, rebamipide, SMILE surgery, and tear dynamics.


Clinicopathological analysis of 10 cases of pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma

Objective: To analyze the clinical pathologic characteristics of pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma. Methods: This is retrospective case series study including ten patients diagnosed as pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma who underwent surgical treatment at Tianjin Eye Hospital from January 2002 to June 2020. The clinical and histological data were abstained for statistical analysis. Results: Among the included 10 patients 5 (50%) were males. The mean age was 50.20±19.57 years (ranged, 21 to 72 years). Five cases involved with the right eye and the other 5 cases involved with the left eye. In term of subtype of nevus, 7 cases (70%) were compound nevus and the left 3 cases (30%) were intradermal nevus. The conjunctival epithelial cysts were found in 7 cases of compound nevus and 2 cases of intradermal nevus. Regarding the clinical appearance of papilloma, 7 cases were pedunculated and 3 cases were sessile. There were 9 papilloma eyes containing conjunctival goblet cells, 1 shows hyperkeratosis, 3 with chronic inflammation, 2 showed mild atypia. There was no obvious elastosis in any of the tumors. Conclusion: The pigment nevus of lacrimal caruncle complicated with squamous cell papilloma mainly localized were not common. They were easily misdiagnosed as melanoma and the diagnosis depended on histopathological examination.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
