Purpose: To analyze the retinal symmetry of multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) in both eyes of normal subjects.
Methods: The monocular mfVEP in both eyes of 36 normal subjects (72 eyes) were tested with VERIS Science 4.0. The stimulus was the pattern reversal dart array consisted of 60 sectors each including 16 black-white reverse patterns. The visual stimulation was controlled by a binary pseudo-random m-sequence and subtended 25 degrees of retinal region.
Results: The mfVEP patterns between left and right eyes of each subject were similar, and P1 latency and amplitude in correspondent visual field quadrants between left and right eyes had no significant difference (P>0.05). The latency of superotemporal visual field quadrant in right eyes was shorter than that of superonasal visual field quadrant in left eyes, and the amplitude of superonasal visual field quadrant in right eyes was longer than that of superotemporal visual field quadrant in left eyes (P<0.05). The P1 latency and amplitude among four visual field quadrants of each eye had significant difference (P<0.05). The P1 latency between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferotemporal visual field quadrant or between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferonasal quadrant visual field had significant differences in right or left eyes (P<0.05).Conclusion: The mfVEP of normal subjects exists retinal symmetry.
Purpose: To analyze the retinal symmetry of multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) in both eyes of normal subjects.
Methods: The monocular mfVEP in both eyes of 36 normal subjects (72 eyes) were tested with VERIS Science 4.0. The stimulus was the pattern reversal dart array consisted of 60 sectors each including 16 black-white reverse patterns. The visual stimulation was controlled by a binary pseudo-random m-sequence and subtended 25 degrees of retinal region.
Results: The mfVEP patterns between left and right eyes of each subject were similar, and P1 latency and amplitude in correspondent visual field quadrants between left and right eyes had no significant difference (P>0.05). The latency of superotemporal visual field quadrant in right eyes was shorter than that of superonasal visual field quadrant in left eyes, and the amplitude of superonasal visual field quadrant in right eyes was longer than that of superotemporal visual field quadrant in left eyes (P<0.05). The P1 latency and amplitude among four visual field quadrants of each eye had significant difference (P<0.05). The P1 latency between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferotemporal visual field quadrant or between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferonasal quadrant visual field had significant differences in right or left eyes (P<0.05).Conclusion: The mfVEP of normal subjects exists retinal symmetry.
目的: 观察老年性黄斑变性(Age-related macular degeneration, AMD) 和息肉状脉络膜视网膜病变(Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, PCV) 患者眼底陈旧性出血在吲哚青绿血管造影(Indocyanine green angiography, ICGA) 中的自发荧光表现。方法: 对伴有眼底陈旧性出血的AMD和PCV患者共36例(36只眼)行ICGA检查。受试者在进行ICGA检查前, 均经过详细的眼底镜检查、眼底彩色照相及荧光素眼底血管造影(Fundus fluorescein angiography, FFA) 检查。结果: 眼底陈旧性出血灶 ICGA 均表现出相应的自发荧光。陈旧性出血灶呈浅灰黄色, 其自发荧光的形态大小与眼底彩色图像所示的陈旧性出血灶相一致, 边界清晰; 造影后期陈旧性出血灶的自发荧光强度最强,与 AMD 的斑状及焦点状脉络膜新生血管 (Choroidal neovasculari-zation, CNV) 及 PCV 的息肉状脉络膜血管扩张灶的荧光表现不同。陈旧性眼底出血的自发荧光多与 CNV 或息肉状病灶重叠或位于其边缘(27只眼, 75%) 。结论: ICGA 中陈旧性眼底出血所致的自发荧光易与 CNV 及息肉状病灶性强荧光相混淆, 将眼底彩色图像与 ICGA 图像对比分析及掌握其与CNV及息肉状血管扩张灶的不同荧光特性有助于鉴别诊断。
Objective: To investigate the autofluorescence of stale fundus haemorrhage in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) with indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) .Methods: The color photographs and ICGA were performed in 36 eyes of 36 cases of exudative AMD or PCV with stale fundus haemorrhage. All of the cases were examined by funduscopy and fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) .Results: Autofluorescence could be observed in all of the stale haemorrhage cases. Stale haemorrhage showed grayish color and the shapes and sizes of autofluoresence in ICGA were in accordance with those of the stale haemorrhage in the color photographs. The boundaries of autofluorescence were clear and the intensities were strong. The percentage of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or PCV in or beside stale haemorrh-age was significantly higher than that outside the stale haemorrhage (27 eyes, 75%) .Conclusions: Autofluorescence of stale haemorrhage in ICGA can be mixed up with the high fluorescence of CNV and grapes-like polypoidal dilatation. It is helpful to compare the color photographs with ICGA and recognize the different ICGA characteristics in the assessment of ICGA results in these circumstances.