
Perioperative care for corneal transplantation in children

[摘 要] 目的:减轻行角膜移植术的患儿及家属的心理负担,提高患儿对手术的耐受性,减少术后并发症。方法:对45例将进行角膜移植的患儿进行围手术期护理。结果:所有患儿经过精心的治疗和护理后均恢复良好,视力均有提高。结论:术前做好充足的准备、术前心理护理,术后严密观察生命体征和眼部敷料的情况,做好相关的生活和饮食指导,遵医嘱及时有效用药,注意患儿异常的反应及眼部的情况,及时发现并处理并发症,给予细致的出院指导,有利于患儿早日康复。
Abstract Objective: To reduce the psychological burden of the children and families who are scheduled to the corneal transplantation, and to improve the patients’ tolerance and reduce postoperative complications. Methods: The perioperative care was given to 45 patients with corneal transplantation. Results: All children were treated well by careful treatment and care. Conclusion: Before operation, comprehensive preparation and psychological nursing care should be delivered. After operation, the physicians and nurses should guide the patients to live a healthy lifestyle, remind them to take the drugs timely, identify the abnormal symptoms and postoperative complications in children with abnormal responses, implement effective treatment timely to accelerate postoperative recovery


Change of corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor before and after laser in situkeratomileusis and multiple linear regression analysis of the correlative factors

[摘 要] 目的:研究准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situkeratomileusis,LASIK)前后角膜滞后量(corneal hysteresis,CH)和角膜阻力因子(corneal resistance factor,CRF)变化量,对其相关因素进行多元线性回归分析。方法:前瞻性研究。纳入行LASIK手术的近视眼及近视散光患者70眼(38例),术前与术后6个月各项参数分别由眼反应分析仪(ocular response analyzer,ORA)、非接触眼压仪、超声角膜测厚仪及Pentacam眼前节分析仪测量。分析LASIK手术前后△CH,△CRF与术前、手术设计等参数的相关性,并对相关参数进行多元线性回归分析。结果:手术前后CH分别为(10.05±1.36),(8.15±0.90) mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),CRF分别为(9.91±1.38),(6.92±0.88) mmHg,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);△CH与△CRF分别为(1.90±1.15),(2.99±1.23) mmHg。△CH与术前CH,CRF,眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP),预计切削深度(ablative depth,AD)以及AD/CCT呈正相关;△CRF与术前CH,CRF,IOP,AD,AD/CCT,术前等值球镜(spherical equivalent,SE)以及预计 基质床厚度(residual stromal bed’s thickness,RSBT)有相关性。采用多元线性回归对LASIK手术前后△CH,△CRF与术前、手术设计等各相关参数进行分析,回归方程为:△CH=?6.182+0.658CH术前+8.421AD/CCT (R2=0.639,P<0.01),△CRF=?0.007+0.725CRF术前?0.014RSBT (R2=0.689,P<0.01)。结论:LASIK术前后CH与预计AD和角膜厚度比值密切相关,CRF变化量与预计角膜RSBT密切相关,在设计手术时应慎重考虑预计AD与预计RSBT。
Abstract Objective: To discuss the change of corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor before and after laser in situkeratomileusis (LASIK), and to analyze their related factors by multivariate linear regression. Methods: In this prospective study, 70 eyes (38 patients) with myopia and myopic astigmatism undergoing LASIK were included. Related factors were measured preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively by ocular response analyzer, noncontact tonometer (NCT), ultrasonic pachymeter, and Pentacam system. The correlation was analyzed between △CH, △CRF and preoperative and operative design’s parameters, and correlative factors analyze. △CH and △CRF were analyzed by the multiple linear regression. Results: CH before and after LASIK were (10.05±1.36) and (8.15±0.90) mmHg, and CRF before andafter LASIK were (9.91±1.38) and (6.92±0.88) mmHg. There was significant difference between preoperative and postoperative CH and CRF (P<0.01). △CH and △CRF were (1.90±1.15) and (2.99±1.23) mmHg. Preoperative CH, CRF, intraocular pressure (IOP), ablative depth (AD) and AD/CCT were positive correlated with △CH. Preoperative CH, CRF, IOP, AD, AD/CCT, preoperative spherical equivalent (SE) and predicted residual stromal bed’s thickness (RSBT) were correlated with △CRF. The regression equation of △CH and △CRF and influencing factors were △CH =?6.182 + 0.658CHpreoperative + 8.421AD/CCT (R2=0.639, P<0.01), △CRF =?0.007 + 0.725CRFpreoperative ? 0.014RSBT (R2=0.689, P<0.01). Conclusion: The change of CH before and after LASIK is correlative with AD/CCT. The change of CRF before and after LASIK is correlative with predicted residual stromal bed’s thickness. Ablative depth and predicted residual stromal bed’s thickness should be considered carefully during the surgical design.


Research status of corneal morphology and biomechanics after corneal refractive surgery

With the improvement of science and technology and the improvement of surgical methods, corneal refractive surgery has become the main way to treat myopia. The changes of corneal morphology and biomechanics after corneal refractive surgery are of great significance for early detection of postoperative complications and also affect the long-term stability after corneal refractive surgery. There are some differences in the changes of aspheric parameters and biomechanical properties in different surgical procedures and different postoperative recovery stages. Clarifying the reasons and mechanisms of these changes can provide some reference for clinical research.


Investigation on the effect of direct ophthalmoscope training method for medical internships in Sun Yat-sen University

A total of 126 senior of 5-year clinical medicine students in Sun Yat-sen University were recruited. After 1-week internship and direct ophthalmoscope training, a questionnaire survey was conducted to scrutinize students’ feedback about the training methods and learning difficulties during the internship. The results showed that most students thought that the direct ophthalmoscope played an important role in clinical work. However, students generally felt complicated and hard during the learning process due to the communication obstacle between teachers and students caused by the unavailability of vision sharing. In spite of this, most students are still willing to accept further direct ophthalmoscopy training.


A case of iridoshcisis

患者因“左眼视物模糊2 0余年”就诊,2 0余年前曾行左眼小梁切除术,视力:右眼(oculus dexter,OD)无光感(no light perception,NLP),左眼(oculus sinister,OS)光感(light perception,LP)光定位准确,右眼巩膜葡萄肿(鼻上),前房浅约1/4 CT,瞳孔固定散大,晶状体脱位于玻璃体腔,左眼结膜上方滤过泡扁平,前房浅,约1/4 CT,虹膜层状分离漂浮于前房,上方虹膜切口引流通畅,C/D:0.4。眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP)示:右眼13.0 mmHg,左眼16.0 mmHg。超声生物显微(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)示:右眼各象限前房角狭窄,晶体脱位;左眼前房浅,颞侧前房角狭窄,其余象限关闭,虹膜层状分离。B超示:右眼晶体脱离。诊断:左眼虹膜劈裂;右眼晶体脱位。
The patient was treated with ‘left eye blurred vision for more than 20 years’. The patient underwent left trabeculectomy more than 20 years ago. Visual acuity oculus dexter (OD): no light perception (NLP), oculus sinister (OS): light perception (LP), and light positioning was accurate, right eye scleral staphyloma (nose), the anterior chamber was approximately 1/4 CT, the pupil was fixed and scattered, the lens was displaced into the vitreous cavity, and the left eye conjunctiva was filtered. The blister was flat, the anterior chamber was shallow, about 1/4 CT, and the iris layer was separated and floated in the anterior chamber. The upper iris incision led to smooth flow, C/D: 0.4. Intraocular pressure (IOP): R 13.0 mmHg, L 16.0 mmHg. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM): in the right eye, anterior chamber angle was narrow in each quadrant, dislocation of the lens; anterior chamber of the left eye was shallow, anterior chamber angle of the temporal stenosis was narrow, the remaining quadrants were closed, iris lamellar separated. B-ultrasound: the right eye lens was displaced into the vitreous cavity. Diagnosis: left eye Iridoshcisis; right eye lens dislocation.


Misdiagnosis of endogenous Candida endophthalmitis: A case report

Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis is easy to be misdiagnosed because it is quite rare and early clinical features resembling uveitis. A 48-year-old female patient was admitted to Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital Hankou Hospital, her first diagnosis was uveitis, and the posterior anterior chamber puncture was confirmed as endogenous Candida endophthalmitis.


Effect of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central hole on refractive errors

目的:观察后房型有晶体眼人工晶体(implantable collamer lens,ICL)V4c植入术后2年的有效性、安全性和稳定性,评估ICL V4c矫正屈光不正的中远期临床疗效。方法:回顾性病例研究。收集在河北省沧州市中心医院眼一科行ICL V4c手术治疗的屈光不正患者,观察并记录术前至术后2年的裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、屈光状态、对比敏感度、高阶像差、眼压、人工晶体拱高、角膜内皮细胞计数、不良反应、主观视觉质量等临床资料,进行统计学分析。结果:完成随访的96例术眼,术后2年的平均裸眼视力(LogMAR)为0.021±0.065,平均最佳矫正视力(LogMAR)为0.002±0.041,优于术前最佳矫正视力,有效性指数为1.05,安全性指数为1.09,等效球镜数值稳定,对比敏感度提升,高阶像差有所增加,但主观视觉质量良好,眼压基本稳定,内皮细胞丢失率为1.6%,平均拱高为(549.6±50.0) μm,随访期间未发现眼内感染、继发性青光眼、晶状体混浊、黄斑水肿、视网膜脱离等并发症。结论:ICL V4c植入术矫正屈光不正具有良好的中远期临床效果。
Abstract Objective: To assess the medium-long term efficacy, safety and stability of a newly developed posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens (model V4c Visian Implantable Collamer Lens) to correct refractive errors. Methods: Retrospective case series. This study evaluated eyes that had implantation of ICL V4c to correct ametropia for at least two years. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuities, refraction, contrast sensitivity, high-order aberration, quality of life, intraocular pressure, endothelial cell density, pIOL vault, and adverse events were evaluated to assess the efficacy, safety and stability of V4c. Results: The study comprised 96 eyes of 50 patients. At 2 years postoperatively, the mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) were 0.021±0.065 logMAR and 0.002±0.041 logMAR, which were better than preoperative CDVA. The efficacy and safety indices were 1.05 and 1.09, respectively. The spherical equivalent was stable withimproved contrast sensitivity and increased high-order aberrations, but the subjective visual quality was well. The IOP remained stable over time. The mean vault was (549.6±50.0) μm and the mean endothelial cell loss was 1.6%. No eye developed intraocular infection, secondary glaucoma, lens opacity, macular edema or retinal detachment. Conclusion: The good medium-long term outcomes support the use of ICL V4c for the correction of myopia.


Research progress on Helicobacter pylori infection as a risk factor for central serous chorioretinopathy

幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H P)感染是中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(central serous chorioretinopathy,CSC)的一个危险因素,但是在HP感染和CSC相关性的研究仍存在争议,目前有两种观点:一是认为HP感染可能是CSC的一个危险因素,二是认为两者之间并没有相关性。本文将就对HP感染是否为CSC危险因素文献进行综述,同时探讨其发病机制。
Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is a risk factor for central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). But the existing studies tend to support two distinctively different trends regarding the link between HP infection and CSC. The first group tend to support that: HP infection may be a risk of CSC, and the second tend to claim to no correlation between the two. This paper will review the literature on whether HP infection is a risk factor for CSC and discuss its pathogenesis.


Relationship between the hemodialysis of diabetic nephropathy and the development of diabetic retinopathy

糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)在糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)人群,特别是终末期糖尿病肾病(end stage diabetic nephropathy,ESRD)患者中的发病率和严重程度明显高于糖尿病人群。其中ESRD的一项重要治疗手段——血液透析(Hemodialysis,HD)可能会增加机体氧化应激反应、出血风险以及视神经的缺血缺氧,加重DR的发生发展;但另一方面也可通过清除尿毒症毒素、控制血压以及清除多余体液等途径改善糖尿病和DN对眼部的损伤。
The incidence and severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN), especially those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), were higher than those with diabetes. Hemodialysis (HD), an important treatment of ESRD, may aggravate DR by increasing the oxidative stress, fundus hemorrhage and hypoxia of the optic nerve. On the other hand, HD can improve the ocular damage caused by diabetes mellitus and DN by removing uremia toxin, controlling blood pressure and removing excess body fluid.


Construction of Asia-pacific ophthalmology data center

随着亚太眼科学会(Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology,APAO)永久会址和秘书处落户在中山大学中山眼科中心珠江新城院区眼科学国家重点实验室大楼(中国广州),在大数据时代背景下,建设先进的亚太级眼科学科学数据中心已成为亚太眼科创新战略发展的需要。通过建设科学数据中心,一方面缓解眼科学国家重点实验室项目科研数据增长压力,一方面为眼科大数据与人工智能等新兴科研项目开展提供保障平台,为亚太眼科学科建设打下坚实的数据基础。科学数据中心设计建设遵照国家《科学数据管理办法》实施,以加强和规范科学数据管理,保障科学数据安全,提高开放共享水平,更好支撑国家科技创新、经济社会发展和符合国家信息安全建设方针。
As the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) secretariat permanently located in the building of State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology (Guangzhou, China). In big data time, it’s a problem for the development of the Asia-pacific ophthalmology innovation strategy to construct the Asia-pacific science data center of ophthalmology. Through the construction of science data center, alleviate the pressure of the state key laboratory of ophthalmology data growth, for big data and new research fields such as artificial intelligence to provide guarantee, provided a basis for the Asia-pacific eye subject construction. Science data center construction in accordance with national “scientific data management method”, to strengthen and standardize the scientific data management, to ensure the safety of scientific data, improve the level of open sharing, better support scientific and technological innovation, economic and social development and national security as a policy.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
