

Research progress of artificial intelligence in screening and diagnosis of eye diseases

近年来随着人口老龄化的发展、人群用眼方式的改变,现有的眼科医疗资源正越来越难以满足日渐增长的医疗需求,亟需新型的诊疗模式予以补足。眼科人工智能作为眼科领域的新兴元素,在眼病的筛查诊断中发展迅速,主要表现为“眼部图像数据+人工智能”的模式。近年来,随着该模式在白内障、青光眼、糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)等常见病中研究的深入,相关技术日渐成熟,表现出了较大的应用优势与应用前景,部分技术甚至成功转化并被逐渐应用于临床。眼科诊疗向智慧医学模式的过渡,有望缓解日益增长的医疗需求与紧缺的医疗资源之间的矛盾,从而提高整体的医疗服务水平。
The development of population aging and changes in the way people use their eyes over the recent years have increasingly challenged the existing ophthalmic medical resources to meet the growing medical needs, thus urgently calling for a novel diagnostic and treatment mode. Despite its status as an emerging sector in ophthalmology, ophthalmic artificial intelligence has developed rapidly in the screening and diagnosis of eye diseases, as can be seen in practices adopting the “eye imaging data + AI” mode. In recent years, with the intensified research on this mode with respect to common diseases such as cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, relevant technologies have grown increasingly mature, presenting undeniable application superiority and prospects. Some of the relevant technical achievements have also been successfully transformed for practical usage, and are gradually being applied to clinical practices. Ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment are transitioning toward the era of intelligent medical services, which are expected to reduce the contradictions between the growing medical needs and the shortage of medical resources, as well as ultimately improve the overall experience of medical services.


Artificial intelligence application for infantile eye diseases

In recent years, with the acceleration of digitalization and informatization in medical field, artificial intelligence (AI) is more and more widely applied, especially in ophthalmology. Infants are in the critical period of visual development, during which eye diseases can lead to irreversible visual impairment and bring heavy burden to family and society. Due to the particularity of infants and the shortage of pediatric ophthalmologists, it is challenging to carry out large-scale screening for eye diseases of infants. According to the latest studies, AI has been studied and applied in the fields of congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, strabismus, amblyopia, retinopathy of prematurity, and evaluation of visual function, and it has achieved remarkable performance in the early screening, diagnosis stage and treatment suggestions, solving many clinical difficulties and pain points effectively. However, AI for infantile ophthalmology is not as developed as for adult ophthalmology, so it needs further exploration and development.


Research progress of exosomes in eye diseases

外泌体(exosome)是直径30 nm~150 nm的纳米级囊泡,由脂质双分子层、蛋白质和遗传物质组成。人体内几乎所有类型的细胞都能分泌外泌体。它们在细胞通信、免疫调节、炎症反应和新生血管形成中起着关键作用。目前,外泌体已在肿瘤、心血管及泌尿系统中得到广泛研究。近年来,外泌体在眼科疾病中的作用受到越来越多的关注。外泌体在角膜病变、年龄相关性黄斑病变、糖尿病视网膜病变、青光眼等常见眼科疾病的发生、发展中发挥重要作用。不同间充质干细胞来源的外泌体在眼科疾病中的治疗潜力是当下的热点。间充质干细胞来源的外泌体具有与间充质干细胞相似的抗炎、抗凋亡、神经保护和组织修复的作用,因此外泌体可能是多种眼科疾病无细胞疗法治疗研究的新方向。进一步了解外泌体的生物学特性以及外泌体在眼科疾病的最新研究进展,将为相关眼病的发生机制和防治策略提供参考依据。
Exosomes are nanoscale vesicles with a diameter of 30 nm to 150 nm, which are composed of lipid bilayers, proteins, and genetic material. Almost all types of cells in the human body can secrete exosomes. Tey play key roles in cellular communication, immune regulation, infammatory responses and neovascularization. At present, exosomes have been widely studied in tumors, cardiovascular and urinary systems. In recent years, the role of exosomes in eye diseases has attracted more and more attention. The exosomes play an important role in the occurrence and development of common eye diseases such as keratopathy, age-related macular disease, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, etc. Currently it is a hot topic that the therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles derived from diferent mesenchymal stem cells in eye  diseases. Te exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells have anti-infammatory, anti apoptotic, neuroprotective and tissue repairing effects, which are similar to those of mesenchymal stem cells. Thus, exosomes may be a novel direction of research in the treatment of many eye diseases without cell therapy. Further understanding of the biological characteristics of exosomes and the latest research progress of exosomes in common eye diseases will provide reference for the pathogenesis and prevention strategies of related eye diseases.


Prevention and telemedicine of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones

With the increasing coverage and availability of smart phones, the application of realizing intelligent health management has become an emerging research hotspot. The new generation of smart phones can perform health analysis by tracking the step numbers, monitoring heart rate and sleep quality, taking photos and other approaches, thereby becoming a new medical aid tool. With the continuous development of deep learning technology in the field of image processing, intelligent diagnosis based on medical imaging has blossomed in many disciplines, which is expected to completely change the traditional eye diseases diagnosis and treatment mode of hospitals. The conventional diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases often relies on various forms of images, such as slit lamp biological microscope, fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography, etc. As a result, ophthalmology has become one of the fastest growing areas of medical artificial intelligence (AI). The deployment of ophthalmological AI diagnosis and treatment system on smart phones is expected to improve the diagnostic efficiency and screening coverage to relieve the strain of medical resources, which has a great development prospect. This review focuses on the prevention and telemedicine progress of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones, taking diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract as examples to describe the specific research, application and prospect of deep learning and smart phones in the management of eye diseases.

mTOR 在眼科疾病中的研究进展

Progress on mTOR in eye diseases

哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)是一种蛋白激酶,在体内主要参与营养水平、生长代谢的调节。mTOR是癌症、衰老和其他代谢相关病理性疾病的重要靶点,参与了增殖、转分化、自噬等多种生物学过程。眼被认为是具有免疫特权的区域,由于血管系统会影响视力,眼的血管系统位于中心光路以外。眼的许多区域都有将免疫细胞运输至发育不良、受损或衰老有关的病变部位的机制。尽管免疫应答主要是为了修复或保护自身,但是免疫细胞可能会分泌一些细胞因子,导致炎症或纤维化,进而损害视力。研究证实,mTOR与翼状胬肉、年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)、青光眼、白内障、糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)、眼部肿瘤等多种眼病密切相关。目前,mTOR抑制剂通常被用作免疫抑制剂,用于癌症的治疗,但mTOR抑制剂用于眼部疾病的报道尚少。因此,该文就mTOR信号通路在相关眼科疾病中的作用、调控机制、药物治疗等方面进行简要综述,为相关眼科疾病的病理机制与治疗提供思路,以便后续开展更深入的研究。
Mammalian target protein of rapamycin (mTOR) is a protein kinase that primarily involves in the regulation of nutrient levels andgrowth metabolism in vivo. mTOR serves as a crucial target for cancer, aging, and other metabolic related pathological diseases, participating in various biological processes such as proliferation, transdifferentiation, and autophagy. Te eye is considered an area with immune privilege, as the vascular system afects vision and is located outside the central light path. Many areas of the eye have mechanisms for transporting immune cells to the afected areas related to developmental, damaged, or aging. Although the immune response is primarily aimed at reparing or protecting itself, immune cells may secrete some cytokines, leading to infammation or fbrosis, which in turn can damage vision. Results from studies have confirmed that mTOR is closely related to pterygium, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy (DR), eye tumors and other eye diseases. Currently, mTOR inhibitors are widely used as immunosuppressants and approved for cancer treatment; however, there are few reports on the use of mTOR inhibitors for eye diseases. Therefore, in the article it provides a brief overview of the role, regulatory mechanisms, and drug treatment of the mTOR signaling pathway in related ophthalmic diseases, providing ideas for the pathological mechanisms and treatment of related ophthalmic diseases, in order to carry out more in-depth research in the future.


The application prospect of cannabidiol in eye diseases

大麻二酚(Cannabidiol,CBD)为大麻提取物中的一种非成瘾性活性成分,是目前研究最热门的植物源性大麻素之一。内源性大麻素系统(endocannabinoid system,ECS)在眼表和视网膜中的研究也已经取得显著进展。CBD可以广泛存在于整个眼球,且其分布和功能具有组织特异性。近年来研究发现CBD具有良好的抗炎、抗损伤、降低眼压及神经保护作用。该文详细介绍了CBD在眼部疾病中的研究进展,以及其对各种眼部疾病的治疗潜力。此外,还讨论了CBD在临床眼科治疗中的应用面临的挑战和未来的发展方向。
Cannabidiol(CBD), a non-addictive active ingredient in cannabis extract, is one of the most popular plant-derived cannabinoids. The study on the endoenuous cannabionoid system (ESC) has made significant progress in the ocular surface and retina. CBD exists extensively in the eyeball, and its distrution and functions of anti-inflammatory,antiinjury, reducing intraocular pressure, and neuroprotective effects have been found. This article introduces the research progress in CBD in eye diseases and the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol for various eye diseases in detailed.Furthermore, the challenges and prospect for the application of CBD in clinical ophthalmology were discussed.


Investigation on health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation

Objective: To investigate the health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation, and to provide basis for more targeted and high-quality health education for primary nurses. Methods: A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the health education needs of parents of children with ophthalmopathy before surgery from April 2020 to June 2020, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: The top three of parents’ needs for preoperative health education of children with eye diseases were the effect and significance of the surgery and the related professional health knowledge of eye diseases. The differences of medical payment methods, children’s age, diseases, parents’ age, and occupational status was significant in the scores of preoperative health education needs (P<0.05). The main ways of parents obtaining health education knowledge were network platforms such as medical staff explanation and official accounts. Conclusion: The parents of children with eye diseases have a high demand for preoperative health education. Medical workers should enrich their knowledge, strengthen specialty learning and related knowledge training, organically combine professional knowledge with health education, and explore the methods of effective online health education to serve patients better.


Systemic lupus erythematosus and eye diseases

系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)是一类累及多种器官的结缔组织病,且SLE的发病机制十分复杂,常引起关节炎、脑病、肾病、皮肤损害,眼部病变亦是SLE常见疾病,且常引起视力障碍,甚至致盲、致残。该文通过整理文献,浅谈SLE相关眼病的类型、病因、眼部表现,以及SLE常用的中医辨证论治。
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a class of connective tissue diseases that affect a variety of organs. Moreover, the pathogenesis of SLE is very complex, often causing arthritis, encephalopathy, kidney disease and skin damage, ocular lesions are also common diseases of SLE, and it can often cause visual impairment, and even blindness and disability. By collating the literature, this paper discusses the types, etiology, and ocular manifestations of SLE-related eye diseases, as well as the dialectical treatment of SLE commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.


Advances in application of artificial intelligence in infantile eye diseases

近年来人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术在医学领域的应用发展迅猛,尤其在眼科领域,成果显著,极大地提高了相关影像数据的诊断效率,推动了该领域研究的进展。然而,大多数AI的应用都集中于成人眼病,在婴幼儿眼病方向的研究较少。究其原因,可能是婴幼儿眼部影像数据采集配合度低,部分影像设备应用受限,且相关领域专业眼科医生数量匮乏。然而,婴幼儿期是视觉发育最重要的阶段,也是出生缺陷早期筛防诊治的重灾区,对患儿的视觉发展具有长远且重要的影响,亟需AI相关产品提高婴幼儿眼病筛查效率,缓解医疗资源不足的现状。本文将对近年AI在婴幼儿眼病领域的研究应用现状、进展及存在的相关问题进行综述。
In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, especially in ophthalmology, has developed rapidly with remarkable results. This has greatly improved the diagnostic efficiency of relevant imaging data and promoted further research in this field. However, most applications of AI are focused on adult eye diseases, and few studies have addressed infantile eye diseases. This may be because of the non-cooperative nature of infants, the limited availability of imaging equipment in infants, and the lack of pediatric ophthalmologists. Infancy is the most important stage of vision development. Disturbance during this period have a profound and lasting influence on vision development. Hence, early screening, diagnosis, and treatment of birth defects is important. AI-related products, which improves the efficacy of infant eye disease screening, are urgently needed. This paper reviews the current status, progress, and existing problems of recent research related to application of AI in infantile eye diseases.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
