

Survey on the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom teaching on ophthalmology

目的:调查八年制临床医学生对眼科学直播课堂的满意度及教学效果。方法:基于八年制临床医 学生的直播课堂教学体验视角,进行问卷调查、课堂测验及课程考试,问卷内容包括调查对象基 本情况、直播课堂教学评价及满意度3个部分。采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共 92名学生完成了问卷调查,男37名,女55名,年龄为(22.9±0.71)岁。课堂内容、课堂资源、平台设 计、平台技术及学习交流5个纬度的得分为40.60±4.582、17.43±2.814、13.07±1.759、13.14±2.052、 20.82±2.685;其中,与线下课堂交流相似性、学习交流积极性2个子条目的得分最低,分别为 3.42±1.131、3.85±0.864,这二者具有相关性(r=0.276,P=0.008)。直播课堂满意度的总得分为 13.52±1.872,课堂内容对其有显著影响(P<0.001),标准化回归系数为0.687。相较于课前测验,课 测验成绩(65.9±11.4分)的提升差异具有统计学意义(P=0.033);但是与2013级相比,2015级学生的 课程考试成绩(72.6±7.0分)降低,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论:课堂内容对直播课堂教学满 意度具有重要影响,需要注意直播课堂与线下课堂交流方式的差异,改进学习交流的参与积极性, 以提升教学效果。
Objective: To investigate the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom on ophthalmology. Methods Based on teaching experience of live-streamed classroofrom the perspective of the 8-year program medical students, a questionnaire survey, classroom tests and course examination were conducted. The content of the questionnaire includes 3 parts: the basic information of the respondents, evaluation of live-streamed classroom teaching and its satisfaction. The SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: A total of 92 students completed the questionnaire survey, including 37 males and 55 females, aged (22.9±0.71) years. The sores of content, resource, platform design, platform technology and learning communication of live-streamed classroom were 40.60±4.582, 17.43±2.814, 13.07±1.759, 13.14±2.052 and 20.82±2.685, respectively. Among all items, the scores of the similarity of offline classroom communication styles and enthusiasm for communication were lowest, with the points of 3.42±1.131 and 3.85±0.864, respectively, and the correlation of the two items were statistically significant (correlation coefficient =0.276, P=0.008). The total score of the live-streamed classroom satisfaction was 13.52±1.872. The classroom content has a significant effect on the satisfaction of the live-streamed classroom (P<0.001), and the standardized regression coefficient is 0.687. Compared with the pre-class test, the post-class test score was 65.9±11.4, with a statistically significant improvement (P=0.033); however, compared with grade 2013, the course test score of the students of grade 2015 was 72.6±7.0, with a statistically significant reduction (P=0.009). Conclusion: The classroom content has an important impact on the satisfaction of live-streamed classroom teaching. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication difference between live -streamed classroom and offline classroom settings, and improve the enthusiasm for participation in the study communication, in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching. 


Survey on teaching needs and satisfaction of the eight-year program medical students to the whole-course tutors

目的:了解八年制医学生对全程导师的教学需求与满意度。方法:将中山大学八年制临床医学生分为低年级、高年级两组,均进行匿名线上问卷调查。分析问卷结果,并比较两组间的不同。结果:回收问卷352份。学生对导师个人“比较满意”占比高(低年级45.56% vs 高年级37.79%,P=0.087),对全程导师制度“比较满意”占比高(低年级 36.67% vs 高年级33.14%,P=0.806)。对全程导师制度“很了解”与“比较了解”的学生在低年级中明显低于高年级的占比(16.67% vs77.91%,P<0.001)。低年级学生期待全程导师在职业规划、临床思维、科研思维、心理健康发挥较大影响的占比均高于高年级的实际评估(构成比4个方面均P<0.001,选择“有很大影响”及“比较有影响”在低、高年级占比分别为83.33% vs 36.63%,92.22% vs 29.07%,91.67% vs 31.39%,62.78% vs 38.37%)。结论:学生对全程导师个人及制度均较满意,但存在低年级对该制度了解少、师生联系少、导师实际作用低于学生预期、科研训练机会不足等问题。亟需完善全程导师制,推动临床医学高水平人才的培养。
Objective: To evaluate the teaching needs and satisfaction of the eight-year program medical students to the whole-course tutors. Methods: An anonymous online questionnaire survey was conducted among the eight-year program medical students at Sun Yat-sen University. All students were divided the junior group and the senior group, and the differences between the two groups were compared. Results: A total of 352 valid questionnaires were collected. The proportion of students who were fairly satisfied with their whole-course tutors was 45.56% in  the junior group and 37.79% in the senior group (P=0.087). The proportion of students who were fairly satisfied with the whole-course tutorial system was 36.67% in the junior group and 33.14% in the senior group (P=0.806). The proportion of students who “know well” and “know fairly well” about the whole-course tutorial system in the junior group was significantly lower than that in the senior group (16.67% vs 77.91%, P<0.001). The proportion of students in the junior group expecting their whole-course tutors “having a great impact” or “having some impact” on career planning, clinical thinking, scientific research thinking and mental health was significantly higher than that in the senior group (tests for proportions, all P<0.001, 83.33% vs 36.63%, 92.22% vs 29.07%, 91.67% vs 31.39%, 62.78% vs 38.37%). Conclusion: The eight-year program medical students are satisfied with their whole-course tutors and the whole-course tutorial system. However, some problems still exist, such as lower grade students lack of understanding of the whole-course tutorial system, insufficient contact between tutors and students, the actual influences of tutors failing to meet the students’ expectation, and insufficient opportunity of scientific research and training. It is urgent to improve the whole-course tutorial system and promote the cultivation of qualified medical talents.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
