

Surgical treatment of upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and analysis of the complicated causes

Objective: To evaluate the surgical treatment outcome of upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and analyze the complicated causes. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on patients who underwent surgical treatment for complicated upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and were followed up for more than 6 months at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020. Pre- and postoperative lid height, lagophthalmos, upper lid margin curvature, eyelid entropion and corneal fluorescein staining scores
were evaluated. Results: A total of 18 cases (19 eyes) were included, among which 17 cases (18 eyes: 8 eyes of ptosis overcorrection, 6 eyes of ptosis undercorrection, and 4 eyes with normal eyelid height) were post-frontalis flap suspension, and 2 cases (2 eyes: 1 eye of ptosis undercorrection, 1 eye of ptosis overcorrection) post-levator resection. All patients had a complete correction of upper eyelid entropion and a significant reduction in corneal epithelial fluorescein staining score (P<0.05). Both the complicated ptosis undercorrection and overcorrection were treated with satisfactory outcome. Correction of entropion did not change the eyelid height in patients with preoperative normal height. The intraoperative findings showed that several factors related to original ptosis surgery may be involved in complicated upper eyelid entropion, including: the skin incision too close to the upper lid margin, excessive resection of the orbicularis oculi muscle along the eyelid margin, poor separation of the frontalis muscle flap, inappropriate eyelid plate fixation site of the frontalis muscle flap, and ptosis overcorrection caused by inaccurate evaluation of the intraoperative eyelid height, etc. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of the upper eyelid entropion secondary to ptosis correction is safe and effective, but is complicated and difficult. Skillful ptosis surgery and appropriate surgical techniques are crucial to reduce its occurrence.


Children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery assessed by the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory

目的:利用儿童Glasgow受益调查问卷(Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory,GCBI)评估先天性上睑下垂手术后儿童健康相关生活质量(health-related quality of life,HRQOL)的受益,并探索受益的影响因素。方法:验证GCBI中文版评估先天性上睑下垂矫正术后长期患儿生活质量的信效度,并用其评估术后儿童HRQOL受益与性别、手术年龄、术后随访时间等相关性。结果:共178名先天性上睑下垂接受下垂矫正术后儿童完成问卷,结果显示不同性别、年龄均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显(P<0.05)。结论:GCBI中文版具有良好的信度和效度,适用于评估先天性上睑下垂儿童术后受益结果。先天性上睑下垂儿童接受下垂矫正术后不同性别均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显。
Objective: To explore the benefits of children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery using the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory (GCBI) and the factors influencing the benefits. Methods: To verify the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of GCBI in evaluating the long-term life quality of children after correction of congenital ptosis, and to evaluate the correlation between the HRQOL benefit of children after surgery and gender, surgical age, postoperative follow-up time, etc. Results: A total of 178 children after congenital ptosis surgery completed the questionnaire. Different genders or ages of children with congenital ptosis both showed positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term (<1 year) benefit was more obvious after surgery (P<0.05). Conclusion: The Chinese version of GCBI has good reliability and validity,and is suitable for evaluating the postoperative benefit results of children with congenital ptosis. All the children with congenital ptosis received positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term benefit (<1 year) was more obvious.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
