

Preliminary clinical observation on the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with foldable capsule buckle at a distance of ≥ 15 mm from the edge of the corneal membrane

目的:初步评价折叠顶压球囊(foldable capsule buckle,FCB)治疗孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinaldetachment,RRD)的有效性、安全性以及手术可操作性。方法:裂孔位置距角膜缘后≥15 mm的采用前瞻性临床病例研究。选择2020年3月至2021年9月在济南明水眼科医院院行FCB植入术治疗裂孔位置距角膜缘后≥15 mm的10例RRD患者(10眼)。应用眼部B型超声、眼底照相评价手术效果。根据术后有无FCB是否暴露、复视情况、排斥反应、眼球运动障碍等术后并发症的发生情况评价手术的疗效和安全性。结果:随访6个月~2年。10例RRD患者在术后通过眼部B超、眼底照相及光学相干断层扫描(opticalcoherence tomography,OCT)评估视网膜均复位。1例合并黄斑区视网膜脱离的患者视力提高。9例患者术后出现复视,术后1~3个月复视消失,1例在术后4个月仍存在复视,行FCB取出,术后视网膜未出现再脱离,复视症状消失。结论:初步研究可确定折叠顶压球囊植入治疗裂孔位置比较靠后(距角膜缘后≥15 mm)且传统巩膜扣带术操作难度大的孔源性视网膜脱离安全、有效,对眼球损伤小,易于操作。
Objective: To preliminarily evaluate the effectiveness, safety and surgical operability of foldable capsule buckle (FCB) in the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods: It is a prospective clinical case study. Ten patients (10 eyes), with a distance of ≥ 15 mm from the posterior margin of the angular membrane at the location of the fissure, who underwent FCB implantation surgery for RRD at Jinan Mingshui Ophthalmology Hospital from March 2020 to September 2021 were enrolled. The surgical outcome was evaluated by B-ultrasound, fundus photography and optical coherence tomography (OCT). The surgical efficay and safety were evaluated by the postoperative complications, such as FCB exposure, diplopia, rejection, and eye movement limitation. Results: The mean follow-up time was 1 year (6 months to 2 years). Retinal reattachment was evaluated by B-ultrasound, fundus photography and OCT after operation in 10 patients. One patient with macular retinal detachment had improved visual acuity. 9 patients developed diplopia after operation, but diplopia disappears 1-3 months after operation. One patient still had diplopia 4 months after operation, and FCB was removed 4 months after operation. No retinal detachment occurred after operation, and the symptoms of diplopia disappeared.Conclusion: It is confirmed by this preliminary research that the implantation of the foldable capsule buckle is safe and effective to treat rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with a relatively posterior position (≥15 mm from the back of the corneal limbus) with little damage to the ocular and easy to operate, compared with the difficulty and complexity in traditional scleral buckling surgery.


Research progress in clinical factors affecting surgical decisions for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment,RRD)是一种严重威胁视力的眼部疾病,目前治疗手段以手术为主,手术方式主要有视网膜气体填充术(pneumatic retinopexy,PR)、巩膜扣带术(scleral buckling,SB)以及经睫状体扁平部玻璃体切割术(pars plana vitrectomy,PPV)。目前对于RRD手术术式的选择仍然存在争议,因此研究及制定RRD手术方式抉择的临床策略具有重要的临床意义。而临床上制定RRD患者手术方案往往与患者的年龄、视网膜脱离时间、裂孔的类型、位置、数量、大小等等临床因素有关,该文就影响孔源性视网膜脱离手术抉择的相关临床因素进行综述。
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a serious eye disease threatening vision. Surgery is main treatment currently, and surgery approaches include pneumatic retinopexy (PR), scleral buckling (SB), and pars plana vitrectomy(PPV). There is still controversy over the selection of RRD surgery approaches, so it is great significant to study and develop clinical strategies for RRD surgery approaches. The surgical plans for RRD patients are often related to clinical factors, such as the patient’s age, retinal detachment time, type, location, quantity, size, etc. This article reviews the related clinical factors affecting the surgical decision for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.


Clinical presentation and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in phakic eyes after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation for high-myopia

Objective: To analyze the clinical presentation, surgical management, and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in patients with high-myopia corrected by posterior chamber phakic (PCP) intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: Nine eyes of 9 patients in whom RRD developed after PCPIOL implantation from April 2012 to June 2021 in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were retrospectively studied. Mean follow-up after retinal detachment surgery was (4.96±4.78)months. Results: Mean patient age was (30.44±20.11) years old. RRD occurred (32.10±17.80) months after PCPIOL implantation. Four (44.4%) breaks were horseshoe tear, 1 (11.1%) was atrophic hole and 4 participants (44.4%) had a giant retinal tear. Nine cases had causative breaks located anterior to the equator while peripheral retina lattice degeneration was found in 6 eyes. RRD extended from 1 to 4 quadrants (3.0±1.12 quadrants) and 8 cases were macula-off retinal detachments. Four eyes’ proliferative vitreoretinopathy were more severe than level C. Initial reattachment rate was 77.80%. Final retinal reattachment was 100%. Final follow-up BCVA was significantly better than baseline (P<0.05). Furthermore, concurrent cataract occurred in 2 eyes in which silicone oil was used as tamponade. Ocular hypertension was detected in 4 eyes after surgery. Conclusion: The existed lattice degeneration and postoperative vitreous traction may be risk factors for RRD after PCPIOL implantation.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
