

Application of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents

目的:探讨督导式教学门诊在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的具体实践和教学效果。方法:通过合理排班、限制号源等措施设立每周固定的督导式教学门诊时间,安排老师和学员出诊;在教学门诊开展4个月后,通过问卷调查和临床技能考核的形式采集反馈意见并评估教学效果。 结果:共有16名老师和8名学员参加了督导式教学门诊,调查问卷结果显示100%的带教老师和学员认可该教学模式,参加过教学门诊的学员临床技能考核得分显著高于对照组(t =3.631, P<0.05)。结论:督导式教学门诊应用于眼科住院医师规范化培训具有实际可行性,并可以提高学员的临床技能水平。
Objective: To explore the application and effects of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents. Methods: A weekly supervised teaching clinic was set through reasonable scheduling and limiting the registration numbers. After 4 months of application, feedbacks were collected through questionnaire survey from both the teachers and residents. Clinical skills assessments were also taken to evaluate the teaching effect. Results: A total of 16 teachers and 8 residents participated in the supervised teaching clinic. The results of the questionnaire showed that 100% of the teachers and residents agreed with the teaching mode. The clinical skill assessment scores of the residents who participated in the teaching clinic were significantly higher than those of the control group (t=3.631, P<0.05). Conclusion: The application of supervised teaching clinic in standardized training of ophthalmology residents is feasible and can improve the clinical skills of the residents. 

临床指南结合 TBL 教学在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的应用

Application of clinical practice guidelines combined with TBL teaching in resident standardized training of ophthalmic residents

目的:探讨眼科临床指南结合团队式学习(team-based learning,TBL)教学课程在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的应用及教学效果。方法:本研究选取2022年1月—2023年6月在广州医科大学附属第一医院眼科进行住院医师规范化培训的15名住院医师作为研究对象,先后交替使用自学讲课、TBL教学这两种教学模式进行眼科临床指南学习,通过填写满意度调查问卷及评估出科考通过率、学业水平测试成绩、结业考通过率,从主观及客观角度探讨临床指南结合TBL学习模式的教学效果。结果:住院医师对增加眼科临床指南学习具有较高评价,且不认为会增加其学习负担。开展指南学习后,住院医师出科考试及格率、学业水平测试通过率、结业考通过率均为100%。在培养团队合作能力、改善学习氛围两方面,TBL讲课的满意度均高于自学讲课(均P<0.001)。93.3%(14/15)的住院医师更喜欢TBL教学模式。结论眼科临床指南结合TBL教学是一种有效的教学模式,住院医师在主观满意度调查问卷及客观考试成绩的评估中,均达到满意的教学效果。

Objective: To investigate the application and teaching effect of clinical guidelines combined with team based learning(TBL) teaching courses in standardized training for ophthalmic residents. Methods: 15 residents who received standardized training in the ophthalmology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University were recruited from January 2022 to June 2023. Self-study teaching and TBL teaching were successively applied to teach the clinical guidelines of ophthalmology. The subjective and objective teaching effects were evaluated by satisfaction questionnaire, passing rate of phase examination, achievement of academic proficiency test and passing rate of final examination. Results: The clinical guidelines enjoy the high opinion in the residents, and would not be strengthen their learning burden. After the residents studied clinical guidelines, their passing rate of the phase exam, academic proficiency test and final examination were all 100%. In terms of cultivating teamwork ability and study atmosphere, the satisfaction of TBL lectures was significantly higher than that of self-study lectures (P< 0.001). 93.3% (14/15) of the residents preferred TBL lectures. Conclusions: The combination of ophthalmology clinical guidelines and TBL teaching was proved to be an effective teaching model. The residents achieved excellent teaching results in the subjective satisfaction questionnaire and objective examination scores.


Training effectiveness survey of diagnosis and treatment for chalazion from ophthalmology trainees’ perspective in resident standardized training

目的:探讨眼科住院医师规范化培训中睑板腺囊肿诊疗的培训效果及存在的问题,以期改进培训方式。方法:以2020年4月在中山大学中山眼科中心培训的154名学员为对象,进行问卷调查,采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共76名专业型硕士(专硕)、78名住院医师培训(住培)学员完成了问卷调查。专硕具有睑板腺囊肿诊断、保守治疗及手术主刀经验的比例分别为40.8%、11.8%、7.9%;住培则显著高于前者,分别为79.5%(P<0.001)、60.3%(P<0.001)和21.8%(P=0.016)。对于关键诊疗环节的判断,90.8%的专硕选择了临床诊断(P=0.007),94.9%的住培则选择治疗方案(P<0.001)。去除囊壁、术中意外与破溃皮肤的处理是专硕难以掌握的手术步骤(P<0.001);而住培仅为去除囊壁(P<0.001)。结论:睑板腺囊肿诊疗水平在眼科住院医师规范化培训中亟待提高,并根据各类型学员的临床能力和认知差异,进行分级分类培训。
Objective: To explore the teaching effect of diagnosis and treatment on chalazion in the standardized training of ophthalmology residents and its existing problems, in order to improve the quality of the training systems. Methods: A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted with 154 ophthalmology residents in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center in April 2020, and the investigative data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0. Results: Totally 76 medical postgraduates and 78 ophthalmology residents completed the questionnaire survey. The proportions of medical postgraduates who had individual experience on diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of chalazion were 40.8%, 11.8%, and 7.9%. Compared to the former, ophthalmology residents had significantly higher proportion, with 79.5% (P<0.001), 60.3% (P<0.001), and 21.8% (P=0.016), respectively. For judging the important aspect of diagnosis and treatment process, the medical postgraduates chose the clinical diagnosis (90.8%) (P=0.007), while the ophthalmology residents paid more attention on treatment options (94.9%) (P<0.001). In the surgical procedures, removal of cyst wall, management of intraoperative accidents and skin ulcers are all their difficult skills to master for medical postgraduates (P<0.001), while only removal of cyst wall for residents (P<0.001). Conclusion: The training level of diagnosis and treatment of chalazion still needs to be improved in the standardized training of ophthalmology residents. The training should be carried out according to the clinical competence and cognition differences of various types of students.


Application of standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills in ophthalmology nurses

Objective: To explore the application effect of standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills in ophthalmology nurses. Methods: We implemented standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills for 142 ophthalmology nurses in our hospital, compared the difference between the first aid theory and the first aid skill operation before and after the training, and used a self-made questionnaire to conduct training evaluation surveys. Results: After implementing the standardized training of emergency nursing skills, the assessment scores of first aid theory and skill operation of ophthalmology nurses were higher than those of the pre-training assessment. And the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). More than 90% of ophthalmology nurses had a positive opinion on first aid training. Conclusion: Standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills have improved the clinical emergency nursing level of ophthalmology nurses and cultivated a good emergency nursing awareness and teamwork spirit. At the same time, they have strengthened nurses’ self-worth and professional identity, and achieved better training results.


Practice and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in eye hospitals

Standardized training for ophthalmology residents is an essential stage during the development of ophthalmologists. The standardized training system has become more and more mature, while problems still exist in the aspects of coordination between specialized hospitals and general hospitals, teacher resources, unevenness of trainees, combination of postgraduate education and residency standardized training, microsurgical skills training, and so on. Therefore, programs and strategies of standardized training are still under exploration. Eye hospitals, with the excellent disciplinary system, adequate resources, and advanced experience, play a key role in standardized training for ophthalmology residents. Joint Shantou International Eye Center has set up a training model in accordance with national requirements, focusing on the combination of standardization, normalization, and individuation. Besides, by learning from the oversea experience of residents training, Joint Shantou International Eye Center has enriched the training forms, optimized the skill training environment, and highlighted the training of foreign language, scientific research, and systematic clinical thinking. This paper, based on the 5-year experience and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in Joint Shantou International Eye Center, summarizes the current status of standardized training and put forward some measures and suggestions.


Application of flipped classroom combined with revised Mini-CEX in standardized training for ophthalmology residents

目的:探索翻转课堂联合改良的迷你临床演练评估(mini-clinical evaluation exercise,Mini-CEX)在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的应用可行性及效果。方法:回顾性分析上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院眼科在2018—2021年所有参加规范化培训结业考核的住院医师,共计39人。比较翻转课堂教学方法实施前后,包括改良Mini-CEX在内的综合能力考核、毕业合格率、课程出勤率及学员对教学模式的满意度。结果:实验组20人(2020及2021年毕业),对照组19人(2018及2019年毕业)。两组间的性别比例、学历或学制构成差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。实验组的毕业合格率明显高于对照组(100.00% vs 68.42%,P=0.008);改良Mini-CEX(P=0.011)及放射诊断(P=0.025)平均成绩也显著高于对照组。两组的理论考核及心电图诊断的平均成绩无统计学差异。4年间的比较发现,学员的改良Mini-CEX平均成绩(P=0.006)及线下课出勤率(P=0.025)出现显著提升。实验组对教学模式的满意度显著高于对照组。结论:翻转课堂联合改良Mini-CEX应用于眼科住院医师规范化培训教学可获得良好效果,提示了积极的深入研究及拓展应用前景。
Objective: To evaluate the application of flipped classroom combined with revised mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) in standardized training for ophthalmology residents. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 39 residents who participated in the standardized training graduation examination during 2018 to 2021 in ophthalmology department of Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. The comprehensive ability assessment including the improved Mini-CEX, pass rate of program completion, course attendance rate, and students’ satisfaction with the teaching mode were compared before and after the implementation of the flipped classroom teaching method. Results: There are no significant difference of sex or educational level was found between the experimental group (20 people graduated in year 2020 and 2021) and the control group (19 people graduated in year 2018 and 2019). Compared with the controls, the pass rate (100.00% vs 68.42%, P=0.008) and the average scores of revised Mini-CEX (P=0.011) and radiology (P=0.025) were significantly higher in the experimental group, while the average scores of basics and electrocardiograph were almost the same. Among the 4 years, the average revised Mini-CEX scores (P=0.006) and attendance rate of off-line courses (P=0.025) significantly progressed. Surveys of satisfaction degree suggested that the experimental group were significantly more satisfied with the education they accepted during their residency training program. Conclusion: It is effective to apply flipped classroom combined with revised Mini-CEX in residency training program of ophthalmology. Further study and development on this teaching pattern is encouraged.


Exploration on the methodology ability of standardized training of ophthalmologists

Objective: To understand the current situation and needs of scientific research training for ophthalmologists in general hospitals during standardized training, and to provide scientific basis for the future development of courses to improve the scientific research capabilities of residents. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was used to conduct a questionnaire survey among 42 residents in the Eye Center of Peking University Third Hospital in July 2021, and the results were analyzed. We conduct research from three aspects: scientific research status, scientific research ability and scientific research needs. The scientific research ability is scored by the mastery of conventional scientific research skills and the use of software. Finally, the score obtained by summarizing the various scores is the scientific research ability score. Correlation analysis is carried out on the status of scientific research and possible ability scores, and the corresponding analysis methods are selected according to the data type for other data. Results: A total of 42 residents of Peking University Third Hospital participated in the questionnaire survey, including 20 males and 22 females, with an average age of 25 years. 90.5% of residents have participated in scientific research, and the content of scientific research mainly comes from the arrangement of supervisors (90.5%). Only 14.3% of residents have good scientific research capabilities (research ability scores of
18 points and above). In addition, 92.9% of residents believe that clinical research is helpful to the understanding of clinical skills, and 97.6% of participants believe that it is necessary to conduct continuing education and training on clinical research methods. Conclusion: The scientific research ability of ophthalmology residents is generally low. The current standardized training cannot meet the needs of the residents’ scientific research ability training. The curriculum design and content arrangement need more extensive and practical expansion.


Implement the standardized training and education of ophthalmic residents

住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)是我国新医改的一项重要举措,旨在通过住培来使我国临床 整体医疗水平同质化提高,解决民众日益增长的医疗需求和各地医疗发展不平衡之间的矛盾。我 国眼科住培改革经历十余年,在追求同质化的实践中发现一些值得重视的问题,如教学师资的选 拔和培训、临床操作类教学的落实、教学师资待遇的提升以及包括人文在内的住院医师诊疗能力 全面培养等。本文探讨了这些问题的根源和解决方法,希望通过改革将住培这一临床医学基础工 程更好的落到实处。
Standardized resident training (called ‘ZhuPei’ for short in Chinese) is an important measure of the New Healthcare Reform in China, aiming to promote the homogenization of clinical medicine level which tackles the constraints of unbalanced medical development so that people’s ever-growing medical demand can be supplied. With the reality of over 10 years’ ophthalmology standardized resident training experience in China, certain crucial issues are put forward, such as the selection and training of teachers, the implementation of clinical training course, the concern of teachers’ salary and promotion, the residents’ capabilities of diagnosis and treatment including humanistic care, etc. This article discusses the root causes of those issues and the solutions to them, intending to implement the standardized resident training as a basic clinic medical engineering through the New Healthcare Reform


Current status and correlation between attitudes and competency of interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainees

Objective: To evaluate the current status and correlations between attitudes and competency for interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainee. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the communication attitudes and interpersonal communication ability of standardized training trainees from three grades in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, and the correlation between communication attitude and communication ability was further analyzed. Results: A total of 196 trainees were included. The scores of positive attitude, negative attitude, and interpersonal communication skills were 51.38±6.52, 36.80±5.70, and 2.41±0.40, respectively. In addition, the dimension of coaching and counseling scores were 2.50±0.64, the dimension of providing effective and negative feedback scores were 2.61±0.50, and the dimension of supportive communication scores were 2.29±0.44. The positive attitudes of communication skills were significantly related to the interpersonal communication skills and three-dimensionality (P<0.01). The interpersonal communication skills were significantly associated with sex, grades, interest in ophthalmology, social support from the family and friends (P<0.05). Conclusion: Ophthalmology trainees have excellent positive attitudes toward communication skills, but the overall communication skills are weak and influenced by a variety of factors. More attention should be paid to the development of interpersonal communication skills of the trainees, and specialized training in doctor-patient communication is warranted.



Shoot the arrow at the target: exploration of ophthalmologic training in the standardized training process of general practitioners

General practitioners provide basic, continuous, comprehensive and holistic medical services to individuals and their families, which requires them to have a more “extensive” knowledge structure. However, within the limited training period, how to successfully complete subspecialty training and acquire the clinical skills and knowledge needed in community health services is an urgent problem which need to be explored. Based on the basic characteristics of community health service, the ophthalmology training of the standardized training of general practitioners, focus on the eye and systemic diseases, ophthalmic emergency and side-effect of systemic drug on eye would help general practitioners rapidly and accurately find and diagnose all kinds of serious emergent ophthalmologic diseases, and then refer to professional eye institutions in time, which avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment and save more valuable time for subsequent professional treatment. It would make the general practitioners become good healthy gatekeepers for the local community residents.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
