

Prevention and telemedicine of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones

With the increasing coverage and availability of smart phones, the application of realizing intelligent health management has become an emerging research hotspot. The new generation of smart phones can perform health analysis by tracking the step numbers, monitoring heart rate and sleep quality, taking photos and other approaches, thereby becoming a new medical aid tool. With the continuous development of deep learning technology in the field of image processing, intelligent diagnosis based on medical imaging has blossomed in many disciplines, which is expected to completely change the traditional eye diseases diagnosis and treatment mode of hospitals. The conventional diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases often relies on various forms of images, such as slit lamp biological microscope, fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography, etc. As a result, ophthalmology has become one of the fastest growing areas of medical artificial intelligence (AI). The deployment of ophthalmological AI diagnosis and treatment system on smart phones is expected to improve the diagnostic efficiency and screening coverage to relieve the strain of medical resources, which has a great development prospect. This review focuses on the prevention and telemedicine progress of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones, taking diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract as examples to describe the specific research, application and prospect of deep learning and smart phones in the management of eye diseases.


Application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine

当下,我国眼科的发展存在失衡现象,大城市与农村及偏远地区在眼科相关诊疗设施水平、诊疗技术等方面存在巨大差异,仍需探寻新的智能诊疗模式以解决失衡问题。由于眼球是唯一可以直接观察人体血管和神经的器官,眼部可反映其他脏器的健康状态,部分眼科检查的医学图像可对眼部疾病做出诊断等特点,眼科开展人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)具有独到的优势。此外,人工智能可在一定程度上提高跨时间空间传递信息的精准度及效率。人工智能在眼科及远程信息传递的优势为解决眼科发展失衡状况提供了助力。本文从眼科人工智能在眼科远程医疗相关应用的角度,主要分析并总结当下我国人工智能在眼科相关疾病远程医疗中的发展程度、所具优势以及存在问题,并讨论眼科人工智能在远程医疗的应用展望。
At present, there is an imbalance in the development of ophthalmology in China. There are huge differences in the level of ophthalmology related facilities, diagnosis and treatment technologies between big cities and rural, remote areas. New intelligent diagnosis and treatment models are still needed to solve the imbalance. Since the eye is the only organ that can directly observe the blood vessels and nerves of the human body, the eye can reflect the health status of other organs and diagnosis of eye diseases based on medical images of some ophthalmic examinations can be made as well as other characteristics. Therefore, the development of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology has unique advantages. In addition, artificial intelligence can improve the accuracy and efficiency of information transmission across time and space to a certain extent. The advantages of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology and telematics are helping to solve the imbalance in ophthalmology development. From the perspective of the application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine, this paper mainly analyzes and summarizes the development degree, advantages and existing problems of artificial intelligence in the telemedicine of ophthalmic diseases in China, and discusses the prospect of the application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
