

Research on abnormal movement behavior caused by damage to visual function of glaucoma and prospect of rehabilitation treatment

青光眼是全世界范围内不容忽视的致盲性眼病,其起病隐匿,视功能损害进展迅速,晚期预后不理想。长期发展且未行治疗的青光眼患者视神经呈进行性损害,引起视力急剧下降、视野不可逆性缺损,严重降低患者的生活质量。为了适应逐渐恶化的视功能,患者注视行为发生明显变化,由此在日常活动中引起步态行为随之改变,意外事故频繁发生。故目前对于青光眼的研究引起国内外广泛重视,虚拟现实技术(virtual reality,VR)作为青光眼早期诊断及康复治疗的新手段已被现代医学所尝试。本文具体阐述了青光眼的视觉损害与注视行为及运动行为间的联系,并总结了目前国内外关于VR诊断青光眼及作为康复治疗的相关研究。
Glaucoma is a blinding eye disease that cannot be ignored worldwide. Its onset is insidious, visual impairment is progressing rapidly, and the late prognosis is not ideal. Long-term untreated glaucoma patients show progressive damage to the optic nerve, causing a sharp decline in vision, irreversible visual field defects, and severely reducing the quality of life of the patients. In order to adapt to the gradual deterioration of visual function, the patient’s gaze behavior changes significantly, which causes the gait behavior to change in daily activities, and accidents occur frequently. Therefore, the current research on glaucoma has attracted wide attention in the nation and abroad,and virtual reality (VR) technology has been tried in modern medicine as a new method for early diagnosis and rehabilitation of glaucoma. This article specifically elaborates the relationship between the visual impairment of glaucoma and the gaze behavior and movement behavior, and summarizes the current domestic and foreign research on the diagnosis of glaucoma and the rehabilitation of VR technology.


Correlation between the binocular visual field and visual function quality of life in patients with primary chronic glaucoma

目的:评估与原发性慢性青光眼患者生活质量最具相关性的视觉指标。方法:回顾性病例系列研究。收集2010年3月至2010年8月就诊于首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院且符合入选及排除标准的原发性慢性闭角型青光眼和原发性开角型青光眼患者131例262只眼。采用Humphrey Field AnalyzerII 750i型视野分析仪对入选患者分别进行单眼Central 24-2程序和Esterman双眼视野检查程序(Esterman Binocular Visual Field Test,EBVFT)各两次检查,以保证所得数据的可靠性。使用LogMAR视力表检查并记录受试者日常单眼生活视力和日常双眼生活视力、非接触式眼压计测量眼压、直接眼底镜检查视神经的杯盘比。记录病史及目前所使用抗青光眼药物,角膜及晶状体状态。应用视功能相关生活质量量表-25(25-Item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire,VFQ-25)对患者进行生活质量评估,并将双眼日常生活视力、较好眼生活视力、较差眼视野MD(mean defect)值、较好眼视野MD值、(Esterman Visual Field Test,EVFT)效用值和VFQ-25得分进行相关性分析。结果:共有131例受试者符合入选条件。在患者生存质量的统计中,自我评价视力、近距离活动、远距离活动、社会功能、依赖程度、色觉、视野这7项得分较好,即受试者完成该7项的能力较高。VFQ-25总分与EBVFT效用值成正相关(r=0.24998,P=0.004<0.05),与双眼日常生活视力成负相关(r=?0.37778,P<0.0001),与较差眼视野MD值成正相关(r=0.22917,P=0.0187<0.05),与较好眼生活视力、较好眼视野、较差眼生活视力无明显相关关系。结论:原发性慢性青光眼患者双眼视觉(双眼视野和双眼日常生活视力)和VFQ-25有良好的相关性,可用于评估慢性青光眼患者的生活质量。
Objective: To assess the correlation between the Esterman binocular visual field (EBVF) and the visual function quality of life (VFQ) in primary chronic glaucoma patients. Methods: It is a retrospective case series study.One hundred and thirty-one patients, that is to say, two hundreds and sixty-two eyes, with primary chronic glaucoma satisfying the methodological criteria were recruited for this study, who were chosen from Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University from March 2010 to August 2010. The Humphrey Field Analyzer Model II 750i (Humphrey Instruments, Zeiss Company) was used to perform an Esterman binocular visual field test (EBVFT) and bilateral monocular full-threshold central visual field testing using the 24-2 SITA Standard program. Visual acuities were examined by logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) scale. Intraocular pressure and cup-disc ratio were also recorded. The history with glaucoma and anti-glaucoma drugs, and the state of the cornea and crystalline lens were also remarked. All interviews were administered face to face by the same experienced interviewer, by using the 25-Item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25). Agreement between the scores from these tests and the VFQ-25 was evaluated. Results: A total of 131 patients were recruited. In the statistics of the quality of life, seven domain scores of the VFQ-25 (self-assessment vision, color vision, near action, distant action, social function, mental health and peripheral vision) were better than the others, which meant the ability of completing the seven domain was higher. Substantial agreement was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the Esterman test (r=0.24998, P=0.004<0.05), strong negative correlation was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the binocular visual acuity of daily life (r=?0.37778, P<0.0001), and positive correlation was found between the composite score of the VFQ-25 and the MD of the worse eye (r=0.22917, P=0.0187<0.05).Conclusion: In this sample of clinic-based patients with primary chronic glaucoma, the efficiency score of the binocular visual field tests correlated well with the composite score of the VFQ-25. Binocular visual function can be well used in evaluating the quality of life of the glaucoma patients.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
