Purpose:To screen proper concentration of clarithromycin ophthalmic gel by observingthe efficacy of different concertrations of clarithromycin ophthalmic gel for treatingstaphylococcal corneal ulcers.
Methods:Corneal ulcer was induced in the right eye of 40 rabbits, 3.0 x 10°CFU/mlstaphylococcus aureus suspension was injected midstromally into the central cornel.These rabbits were divided randomly into $ groups ,each group received respectivelytopical blank matrix, clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.1%, clarithromycin ophthalmicgel 0.25%,levofloxacin ophthalmic gel, clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.25% andrecombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor (Rb-bFGF), 4 times every day, 2drops each time. The eyes were examined respectively with the slit lamp beforetreatment(day0), on day3, day5, day7, day 10, day 14 to observe theprogression of corneal ulceration. including the area of the corneal ulcer and mark of keratitis.
Resuls:Under the same way of giving medicine, experimental coreal ulcer studiesshowed a statistically significant decrease in all tratement groups on measurements ofthe area of the comeal ulcer and mark of keratitis(P<0.05), and clarithromycinophthalmic gel 0.25% had a better action than clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.1%against staphylococcus aureus corneal ulcer.
Conclusion:Clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0,25% was proved to be an effective ocularmedication for the therapy of gram-positive bacterial corneal ulcer.