

Application of artificial intelligence in anterior segment ophthalmic diseases

随着人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的快速发展,基于深度学习(deep learning,DL)和机器学习的AI技术在医学领域上的应用受到了广泛的关注。AI在眼科的应用也逐渐向更全面更深入的层次发展,通过角膜断层扫描、光学相干断层扫描、裂隙灯图像等技术,AI在对角膜病变、结膜病变、白内障、青光眼等眼部疾病的诊断和治疗方面都表现出了良好的性能。然而AI在眼科的应用方面也存在一些诸如结果可解释性的欠缺、数据集标准化的缺乏、数据集质量的不齐、模型适用性的不足和伦理问题等挑战。在5G和远程医疗飞速发展的时代,眼科AI同时也有许多新的机遇。本文综述了AI在前段眼科疾病中的应用、临床实施的潜在挑战和前景,为AI在眼科领域的进一步发展提供参考信息。
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the application of AI technology based on deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) in the medical field has received widespread attention. The application of AI in ophthalmology is gradually being shifted to a more comprehensive and in-depth level. Trained on corneal tomography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), slit-lamp images, and other techniques. AI can achieve robust performance in the diagnosis and treatment of corneal lesions, conjunctival lesions, cataract, glaucoma and other ophthalmic diseases. However, there are also some challenges in the application of AI in ophthalmology, including the lack of interpretability of results, lack of standardization of data sets, uneven quality of data sets, insufficient applicability of models and ethical issues. In the era of 5G and telemedicine, there are also many new opportunities for ophthalmic AI. In this review, we provided a summary of the state-of-the-art AI application in anterior segment ophthalmic diseases, potential challenges in clinical implementation and its development prospects, and provides reference information for the further development of artificial intelligence in the field of ophthalmology.


Universal artificial intelligence platform for collaborativemanagement of cataracts (authorized Chinese translation)

目的:建立和验证一个涉及多级临床场景的白内障协作通用的人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)管理平台,探索基于AI的医疗转诊模式,以提高协作效率和资源覆盖率。方法:训练和验证的数据集来自中国AI医学联盟,涵盖多级医疗机构和采集模式。使用三步策略对数据集进行标记: 1)识别采集模式;2)白内障诊断包括正常晶体眼、白内障眼或白内障术后眼;3)从病因和严重程度检测需转诊的白内障患者。此外,将白内障AI系统与真实世界中的居家自我监测、初级医疗保健机构和专科医院等多级转诊模式相结合。结果:通用AI平台和多级协作模式在三步任务中表现出可靠的诊断性能: 1)识别采集模式的受试者操作特征(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)曲线下面积(area under the curve,AUC)为99.28%~99.71%);2)白内障诊断对正常晶体眼、白内障或术后眼,在散瞳-裂隙灯模式下的AUC分别为99.82%、99.96%和99.93%,其他采集模式的AUC均 > 99%;3)需转诊白内障的检测(在所有测试中AUC >91%)。在真实世界的三级转诊模式中,该系统建议30.3%的人转诊,与传统模式相比,眼科医生与人群服务比率大幅提高了10.2倍。结论:通用AI平台和多级协作模式显示了准确的白内障诊断性能和有效的白内障转诊服务。建议AI的医疗转诊模式扩展应用到其他常见疾病和资源密集型情景当中。
Objective: To establish and validate a universal artificial intelligence (AI) platform for collaborative management of cataracts involving multilevel clinical scenarios and explored an AI-based medical referral pattern to improve collaborative efficiency and resource coverage. Methods: The training and validation datasets were derived from the Chinese Medical Alliance for Artificial Intelligence, covering multilevel healthcare facilities and capture modes. The datasets were labelled using a three step strategy: (1)capture mode recognition; (2) cataract diagnosis as a normal lens, cataract or a postoperative eye and (3) detection of referable cataracts with respect to aetiology and severity. Moreover, we integrated the cataract AI agent with a real-world multilevel referral pattern involving self-monitoring at home, primary healthcare and specialised hospital services. Results: The universal AI platform and multilevel collaborative pattern showed robust diagnostic performance in three-step tasks: (1) capture mode recognition (area under the curve (AUC) 99.28%–99.71%), (2) cataract diagnosis (normal lens, cataract or postoperative eye with AUCs of 99.82%, 99.96% and 99.93% for mydriatic-slit lamp mode and AUCs >99% for other capture modes) and (3)detection of referable cataracts (AUCs >91% in all tests). In the real-world tertiary referral pattern, the agent suggested 30.3%  of people be ’referred’, substantially increasing the ophthalmologist-to-population service ratio by 10.2-fold compared with the traditional pattern. Conclusions: The universal AI platform and multilevel collaborative pattern showed robust diagnostic performance and effective service for cataracts. The context of our AI-based medical referral pattern will be extended to other common disease conditions and resource-intensive situations.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
