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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Construction and evaluation of animal models of conjunctivochalasis

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2023年4月 第38卷 第4期 305-311 发布时间:2023-04-18 收稿时间:2023/4/19 10:31:42 阅读量:5451
conjunctivochalasis animal model matrix metalloproteinase-1 matrix metalloproteinase-3
Objective:To establish an animal model of conjunctivochalasis by subconjunctival injection of matrix metalloproteinase 1 and 3. Methods:New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into four groups, the control group had no intervention measures; Pseudo model group was injected susbconjunctival with normal saline; MMP-1 group was injected subconjunctival with matrix metalloproteinase 1; MMP-3 group was injected subconjunctival with matrix metalloproteinase 3. Afer 8 weeks, the results of anterior segment photography and optical coherence test, tear fern test and conjunctival tissue light microscopy were observed. Results:No conjunctival folds were observed in the control group and Pseudo model group, the lacrimal fern-shaped crystalline structures were intact, and no destruction of collagen and elastic fbers was found under the light microscope. In MMP-1 group, conjunctival folds were formed, lacrimal ferns crystalline structures were damaged, and collagen and elastic fbers were damaged under light microscope. No conjunctival folds were found in MMP-3 group, and the lacrimal ferns crystalline structure was partially destroyed, while the collagen and elastic fibers were partially destroyed under light microscope. Conclusion:Subconjunctival injection of matrix metalloproteinase-1 can construct the animal model of conjunctivochalasis of 1-2 grades.
在前期建模的初步试验中,本课题组尝试了基质金属蛋白酶(metalloproteinase,MMP)-3球结膜下注射、肿瘤坏死因子-α(Tumour necrosis factor alpha,TNF-α)溶液点眼、D-半乳糖皮下注射三种方法[2]。结果示MMP-3球结膜下注射的动物的下球结膜在外力作用下形成皱褶,并见疏松和排列紊乱的胶原纤维、碎片状的弹力纤维、成纤维细胞的局灶性坏死。表明球结膜下注射MMPs可能是构建CCH动物模型的可行方法。

1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料

1.1.1 实验仪器
眼前节照相仪,产自芬兰Smartscope M5 OPTOMED公司;Cirrus 4000 HD OCT光学相干断层扫描仪,产自德国CARL ZEISS集团。
1.1.2 实验试剂
1.1.3 实验试剂的配置
10 μg重组人MMP-1(现配现用)+3.33 mL灭菌注射用水,配成浓度为3 000 μg/L;10 μg重组人MMP-3(现配现用)+3.33 mL灭菌注射用水,配成浓度为3 000 μg/L。
1.1.4 实验动物
20只普通级12~14周雄性新西兰白兔,体重2.0~2.5 kg,来自上海市松江区松联实验动物厂。动物许可证号:SCXK(沪)2017-0008。
饲养环境:单笼常规饲养,自由饮水和进食,使用全价颗粒饲料喂饲;室温控制在25 ℃左右;湿度为40%~70%;通风:每小时15次空气交换;每天12 h光照,工作照度150~300 lx,动物照度100~200 lx;噪声≤60 dB。
本动物实验的所有过程均遵循“视觉和眼科学研究学会(Association for research in vision and ophthalmology,ARVO)关于在眼科和视觉研究中使用动物的声明”以及中华人民共和国科学技术部制定的“关于善待实验动物的指导意见”。

1.2 实验方法

1.2.1 实验动物的分组
1.2.2 干预措施
空白对照组:无任何干预措施。伪造模组:给予灭菌注射用水兔眼球结膜下注射,每侧兔眼0.3 mL,2侧/次,每周1次,共8周。MMP-1组:给予MMP-1灭菌注射用水溶液兔眼球结膜下注射,每侧兔眼0.3 ml L,2侧/次,每周1次,共8周。MMP-3组:给予MMP-3灭菌注射用水溶液兔眼球结膜下注射,每侧兔眼0.3 L,2侧/次,每周1次,共8周。
1.2.3 球结膜下注射药物方法
固定器固定实验动物兔,注射前使用盐酸丙美卡因滴眼液点兔眼行表面麻醉。1 mL注射器抽取配制好的MMP-3溶液,针头剖面向上,由外眦向内眦方向进针,以5 °的角度刺入结膜,待针头有突破感后停止进针,回抽无血液后注入药物。注射后球结膜肿胀,一般3~5 d完全消退,无需特殊处理。注射结束后给予盐酸左氧氟沙星滴眼液点兔眼预防眼部感染(每日3次,共3 d)。

1.3 观测指标

1.3.1 眼前节照相
1.3.2 眼前节光学相干断层扫描(AS-OCT)
图1 兔右眼颞侧点结膜囊OCT检测示意图
Figure 1 OCT detection of conjunctival sac in temporal point of rabbit right eye
(A)鼻侧点,角膜缘鼻侧垂线和下睑缘的交点处; (B)中央点,角膜中央垂线和下睑缘的交点处; (C)颞侧点,角膜缘颞侧垂线和下睑缘的交点处。
(A) The nasal point, the intersection of the nasal vertical line of the limbal cornea and the lower eyelid margin ;(B) the central point, the intersection of the central vertical line of the cornea and the lower eyelid margin; (C) the temporal point, the intersection of the temporal vertical line of the limbal cornea and the lower eyelid margin.
1.3.3 泪液蕨类试验(tear reining test, TFT)
使用10 mL的玻璃毛细管在下睑结膜囊泪阜处通过虹吸方法吸取泪液标本(未使用表面麻醉药物或其他化学性药物),尽量不接触眼表。将泪液标本吹入载玻片,在25 ℃室温下(空调控制温度与湿度)干燥10~20 min,置于双目光学显微镜下观察(放大倍数为100)评级。
1.3.4 球结膜组织光镜检查

2 结果

2.1 兔眼前节照片

图2 兔眼前节照片
Figure 2 Photo of rabbit’s anterior segment
(A) Control group; (B) Pseudo Model group; (C) MMP-1 group; (D) MMP-3 group. No conjunctival folds were observed in Figures A, B, and D, while the black arrow in Figure C indicates bulbar conjunctival folds.

2.2 兔结膜囊OCT照片

对照组( A组)、伪造模组( B组)及MMP-3组( D组)未见结膜皱褶形成,MMP-1组(C组)可见结膜皱褶形成。见图3。
图3 兔结膜囊OCT照片
Figure 3 OCT photo of rabbit conjunctival sac
(A) Control group, the red dot was the lower eyelid; (B) Pseudo Model group: the red triangle representing the cornea and the red pentagon representing the iris; (C) MMP-1 group; (D) MMP-3 group. In FIG. A, B and D, conjunctival folds were not observed. In FIG. C, the red thin arrow pointed to conjunctival folds, while the red thick arrow pointed to bulbar conjunctiva and its lower sclera.

2.3 泪液蕨类实验

图4 泪液蕨类实验(×100)
Figure 4 Tear reining test
(A) Control group, the fine arrow indicated complete lacrimal ferns; (B) Pseudo Model group, complete lacrimal ferns; (C) MMP-1 group, the black triangle showed that the lacrimal fernion crystalline structure was completely destroyed; (D) MMP-3 group, the black pentagon showed partial destruction of lacrimal ferns crystalline structure.

2.4 球结膜组织H E染色

对照组( A组)、伪造模组( B组)、MMP-1组(C组)及MMP-3组( D组)之间未见明显区别。见图5。
图5 球结膜组织HE染色(×100)
Figure 5 HE staining of bulbar conjunctival tissue
(A) Control group; (B) Pseudo Model group; (C) MMP-1 group; (D) MMP-3 group. In the figure, it can be seen that after HE staining, the nucleus of the conjunctival tissue is blue, while the cytoplasm, muscle fibers, collagen fibers, etc. are red in varying shades. The conjunctival epithelium consists of two to four layers of epithelial cells.

2.5 球结膜组织Masson染色

图6 球结膜组织Masson染色(×200)
Figure 6 MASSON staining of bulbar conjunctival tissue
(A) Control group; (B) Pseudo Model group; (C) MMP-1 group; (D) MMP-3 group. The red arrows in Figures A and B indicate dense and parallel arrangement of collagen fibers; The red pentagram in Figures C shows that the collagen fibers are loosely combined and lose their parallel arrangement structure; The collagen fibers in the left area of the red triangle star in Figure D are loosely bound, while a parallel arrangement structure can still be seen in the right area.

2.6 球结膜组织弹力纤维染色

图7 球结膜组织弹力纤维染色(×200)
Figure 7 Dyeing of elastic fibers in bulbar conjunctival tissue
(A) Control group; (B) Pseudo Model group; (C) MMP-1 group; (D) MMP-3 group. In Figure A and B, the black arrows show that the elastic fibers are dyed purple, slim, complete and walk naturally. In Figure C, the black five-pointed star shows that the elastic fibers are broken into small segments and distributed in clusters. In Figure D, the elastic fiber fragments can be seen in the left area of the black triangle star, and the intact elastic fiber can be seen in the right area.

3 讨论

到目前为止,构建CCH疾病动物模型的问题尚没有明确答案。该病发病相关的因素包括:老龄化[3]、基因突变[4]、下睑缘张力增高[5]、细胞凋亡[6]、紫外线辐射[7]、氧化应激[8]、屈光不正和眼轴长度[9]、眼泪的渗透压、热休克蛋白[10]、佩戴角膜接触镜(干燥和摩擦引起结膜炎症)[11]、自身免疫性甲状腺疾病(机体过度表达炎症因子)[12]等。上述病因诱使炎症因子增多,导致MMP与基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子(tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase,TIMP)的平衡失调,或者直接影响MMP活性(譬如老龄化[13]),引起弹力纤维的降解变性。结膜固有层中弹力纤维明显减少可引起球结膜弹性下降、张力降低。进而球结膜与眼球的附着力下降,在下睑缘的反复挤压下形成皱褶[14]。结膜皱褶突出于眼球表面曲面,影响眼泪的流动和泪河的形成[15]。引起结膜松弛症患者的泪液排泄延缓[16]。泪液清除延迟导致泪液中炎症因子大量堆积,形成恶性循环,致结膜松弛不断进展。
临床上常用的泪河、泪膜的客观检测指标有泪膜破裂时间、泪液分泌实验、泪液蕨类实验。泪液分泌实验主要检测的是泪腺及副泪腺的分泌功能,与CCH的泪河以及泪膜的不稳定性机制无关,不适合作为检测指标。泪膜破裂时间反映的是泪膜的稳定性,适合作为检测指标。它的测量有裂隙灯下荧光素染色和干眼综合仪这两种方法,检测过程中均需主动眨眼。由于实验动物无法配合该动作,检测难以完成。文献资料显示,泪液中盐类和高分子物质(包括蛋白和黏蛋白)是影响泪液蕨样结晶的决定因素[17] ,TFT试验间接反映了泪液黏蛋白的功能,黏蛋白是泪膜的重要组成部分。结膜松弛症患者的泪液中羊齿状结晶明显减少,出现黏蛋白异常[18-19]。且该实验方法易于操作,重复性好,故其适合作为检测指标。




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1、上海市普陀区卫生系统自主创新项目(PTKWWS201812);上海市卫生健康委员会科研课题(202040418)。This work was supported by the Health System Independent Innovation Project of Shanghai Putuo District (PTKWWS201812) and Research Project of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission(202040418).()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
