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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


High attention on the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of small orbital apical tumors

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年11月 第37卷 第11期 843-848 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/12/6 0:55:57 阅读量:5525
orbital apical tumors diagnosis imaging examination surgery endoscope
Although orbital apical tumor is a rare ophthalmic disease, its special location can cause great harm to the body, especially to the function of the optic nerve. Misdiagnosis and improper treatment are not only unable to solve the problem, but also irretrievably harmful to the body. At present, there is no consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of orbital apical tumors, which are mostly based on subjective cognition and experience of doctors. In this paper, the clinical characters of orbital apical tumors were analyzed through the past clinical cases of misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and the key points of proper diagnosis of orbital apical tumors were expounded. Meanwhile, by combining with different clinical cases, the treatment plans, especially the surgical approaches, were analysed to provide a basis for the appropriate treatment of orbital apical tumors, in order to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of orbital apex tumor, and improve the success rate of treatment.
      眶尖肿瘤是一种非常独特的眼眶肿瘤,临床少见。眼眶由7块骨头围绕,呈锥形状,而眶尖为其最后端,由蝶骨小翼、蝶骨大翼、腭骨眶突包绕而成,为筛后孔、视神经孔、眶上裂所在区域,90%以上支配眼部的神经、血管均从此处进入眼眶[1]。由此不难想象眶尖肿瘤的复杂性、危害性,以及处理的困难性、危险性与挑战性。近年来,随着高分辨率计算机断层扫描(high resolution computed tomography,HRCT)及磁共振(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)等高分辨率影像技术、微卫星导航技术、内窥镜微创技术等迅速发展,眶尖肿瘤的诊断、治疗取得了一系列突破,但也涌现出了许多问题,需要进行临床理性分析并引起高度重视。

1 临床表现


2 诊断与鉴别诊断


3 治疗方法


3.1 深外侧开眶手术径路


3.2 经颅 - 眶手术径路


3.3 内窥镜下经蝶筛手术径路


4 结语



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  • Eye Science
