For Authors

Before you submit


Submissions are categorized into the Article Types listed below. Please select the appropriate Article Type to start your submission.



 A timely succinct commentary on any aspect of clinical or laboratory ophthalmology, usually in relation to the subject matter of a paper to be published in the same issue. All editorials are commissioned.

  ·  Word count: up to 1500

  ·  Tables/illustrations: up to 2 images/tables

  ·  References: up to 25 references


 Original research

Original research can be submitted under Clinical science or Laboratory science. Research reviews that systematically synthesise evidence(e.g. Systematic reviews, Meta-ananlysis, Sccoping reviews, Mixed methods reviews, etc.) should be submitted as Systematic reviews. Research should include the following:

 ·  Title

 ·  Synopsis/Precis: a 35 word summary of the main findings or outcomes of the study for the 'At a Glance' article

 ·  Structured abstract: (250 words, headings: "Background/Aims", "Methods", "Results", and "Conclusion")

 ·  Introduction

 ·  Materials and methods

 ·  Results

 ·  Discussion

Clinical science: up to 3000 words, up to 5 images/tables,35 references

Laboratory Science: up to 3000 words, up to 5 images/, 35 references

Please include the key messages of your article after your abstract using the following headings. This section should be no more than 3-5 sentences and should be distinct from the abstract; be succinct, specific and accurate.

 ·  What is already known on this topic - summarise the state of scientific knowledge on this subject before you did your study and why this study needed to be done

 ·  What this study adds - summarise what we now know as a result of this study that we did not know before

 ·  How this study might affect research, practice or policy - summarise the implications of this study

 This will be published as a summary box after the abstract in the final published article.

Systematic review

This article type includes all research reviews that systematically synthesise evidence (e.g. Systematic reviews, Meta-analysis, Scoping reviews, Mixed methods reviews, etc). Please include the research type in your title to make the nature of your study clear.

Please see Original research for more guidance on article requirements.



Reviews will address any aspect of clinical or laboratory ophthalmology. Most articles are commissioned but uninvited reviews are also welcome; prior discussion with the Editor is recommended. Research reviews that systematically synthesise evidence (e.g. Systematic reviews, Meta-analysis, Scoping reviews, Mixed methods reviews, etc) are classified by the journal as Systematic reviews and must be submitted as such.

Unstructured abstract: up to 250 words

Word count: up to 3000 words

Tables/illustrations: up to 5 images and tables
References: up to 100 references


Short report

Short reports are suited for single observation mechanistic studies, observation studies that do not delineate a mechanism and observational clinical studies, such as biomarker studies, which do not have a validation cohort. Short reports are commissioned only.

Title: maximum of 20 words

Unstructured abstract: up to 100 words

Word count: up to 1,000 words
Tables/illustrations: up to 3 images and tables

References: up to 10 references



Commentaries provide an expert analysis of articles published by Eye Science. Commentaries are commissioned only and readers seeking to respond to a published article should submit using the eLetters paper type.


Contact Information

If you have questions about the submission process, please contact the Editorial Office by email at or by Wechat(eyescience). If you are having logging in to Editorial Manager, please contact support team by

Communication about manuscripts occurs primarily through email and only with corresponding authors, so it is important for authors to keep their contact information (address, institution, phone numbers, and email address) current in Editorial Manager.


Username and Password

Editorial Manager is used for processing all submissions and relies on correct email addresses for all authors and reviewers. Your username and password are the same regardless of your role as author or reviewer.

Duplicate registrations create substantial problems, such as authors unable to access invitations to revise or reviewers unable to access review invitations. Please follow the steps below to update important information. Be sure to save any changes by clicking “Update” or “Submit” as appropriate before exiting. Please do not register a second time, if you believe your information is already in the system.



Log into the home page using your username and password and hit enter or click “Author Login” Click “Update My Information” and review your contact information. Only one email address can be listed. Please be sure you use an email you frequently check and is the least likely to change should you relocate to a new institution. Here you can update all your current contact information and change your password. Please remember to click “Submit” to save changes before closing the window. Change data as needed-Be sure to click “Submit” on the bottom of the page.



If you do not know your username and password but believe you are in the system, please do the following:

Go to Editorial Manager, Click on “Send Login Details” and enter your email address you believe you be registered in the system. If you are already in the system, it will notify you via email to reset your password. If you have changed your email address recently and Editorial Manager does not recognize you, we suggest you also try entering in your previous email address so that you do not generate duplicate registrations within the system.



If you have never been in the system in any role (author or reviewer) go to the home page, click on “Register Now” and follow the steps provided on the website.

If for any reason you cannot access your information or are not sure if you are in the system, please send an email to with your first name, last name, city and state or city and country as appropriate and your new email address. The Editorial Office can verify if you have an existing account.


Author Checklist

Please prepare the following items prior to logging into Editorial Manager:

·  Designate one author as the corresponding author with contact details

·  If the paper was previously rejected by another journal, please prepare and submit copies of the reviews and your responses to them in the Cover Letter.

·  Provide at least 4-12 taxonomy topics on the submission form.


When uploading files, please make certain that:

·  Precis is 35 words or fewer, acronyms spelled out, written in full sentences rather than a bulleted list, and upload as the Precis file.

·  Manuscript file contains a title page.
·  Manuscript file contains an abstract.

·  Manuscript file contains continuous line numbering

·  Figures and tables are not embedded in the manuscript file

·  Submit figures and tables as separate file.

·  Abstract conforms to the journal’s structured format.

·  Figures are in tiff or eps format

·  Tables include titles, brief description, and footnotes.

·  Online-only figures/tables are in PDF and properly labeled.


Further considerations:

·  Use the active voice when writing the manuscript.

·  Spell out acronyms

·  Spell-check and grammar-check your manuscript prior to submission

·  Ensure that references are in the correct AMA style format

·  Make certain that all references are cited in the permission from person(s) mentioned in the acknowledgment section.


Forms Submission

·  Authors Contribution Form

·  ICMJE Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure

·  Copyright Assignment

·  Pictures & Perspectives Copyright

·  Consort Agreement for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Optional)


