

Artificial intelligence diagnosis of eye-related systemic diseases

全身疾病通过一定途径累及眼球,产生眼部病变,这些眼部病变的严重程度与全身疾病的进展密切相关。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)通过识别眼部病变,可以实现对全身疾病的评估,从而实现全身疾病早期诊断。检测巩膜黄染程度可评估黄疸;检测眼球后动脉血流动力学可评估肝硬化;检测视盘水肿,黄斑变性可评估慢性肾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)进展;检测眼底血管损伤可评估糖尿病、高血压、动脉粥样硬化。临床医生可以通过眼部影像评估全身疾病的风险,其准确度依赖于临床医生的经验水平,而AI识别眼部病变评估全身疾病的准确度可与临床医生相媲美,在联合多种检测指标后,AI模型的特异性与敏感度均可得到显著提升,因此,充分利用AI可实现全身疾病的早诊早治。
Systemic diseases affect eyeballs through certain ways, resulting in eye diseases; The severity of eye diseases is closely related to the progress of systemic diseases. By identifying eye diseases, artificial intelligence (AI) can assess systemic diseases, so as to make early diagnosis of systemic diseases. For example, detection of the degree of icteric sclera can be used to assess jaundice. Detection of the hemodynamics of posterior eyeball can be used to evaluate cirrhosis. Detection of optic disc edema and macular degeneration can be used to evaluate the progress of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Detection of ocular fundus vascular injury can be used to assess diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Clinicians can estimate the risk of systemic diseases through eye images, and its accuracy depends on the experience level of clinicians, while the accuracy of AI in identifying eye diseases and evaluating systemic diseases can be comparable to clinicians. After combining various detection indexes, the specificity and sensitivity of AI model can be significantly improved, so early diagnosis and early treatment of systemic diseases can be realized by making full use of AI.


Prevention and telemedicine of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones

With the increasing coverage and availability of smart phones, the application of realizing intelligent health management has become an emerging research hotspot. The new generation of smart phones can perform health analysis by tracking the step numbers, monitoring heart rate and sleep quality, taking photos and other approaches, thereby becoming a new medical aid tool. With the continuous development of deep learning technology in the field of image processing, intelligent diagnosis based on medical imaging has blossomed in many disciplines, which is expected to completely change the traditional eye diseases diagnosis and treatment mode of hospitals. The conventional diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases often relies on various forms of images, such as slit lamp biological microscope, fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography, etc. As a result, ophthalmology has become one of the fastest growing areas of medical artificial intelligence (AI). The deployment of ophthalmological AI diagnosis and treatment system on smart phones is expected to improve the diagnostic efficiency and screening coverage to relieve the strain of medical resources, which has a great development prospect. This review focuses on the prevention and telemedicine progress of eye diseases based on deep learning and smart phones, taking diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract as examples to describe the specific research, application and prospect of deep learning and smart phones in the management of eye diseases.


Prospect of application of artificial intelligence and block chain in the information construction of Biobank

近年来,使用人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术对临床大数据及图像进行分析,对疾病做出智能诊断、预测并提出诊疗决策,AI正逐步成为辅助临床及科研的先进技术。生物样本库作为收集临床信息和样本供科研使用的平台,是临床与科研的桥梁,也是临床信息与科研数据的集成平台。影响生物样本库使用效率及合理共享的因素有信息化建设水平不均衡、获取的临床及检验信息不完全、各库之间信息不对称等。本文对AI和区块链技术在生物样本库建设中的具体应用场景进行探讨,展望大数据时代智能生物样本库信息化建设的核心方向。
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been applied to analyze clinical big data and images and then make intelligent diagnosis, prediction and treatment decisions. It is gradually becoming an advanced technology to assist clinical and scientific research. Biobank is a platform for collecting clinical information and samples for scientific research, serving as a bridge between clinical and scientific research. It is also an integrated platform of clinical information and scientific research data. However, there are some challenges. First, clinical and laboratory information obtained is incomplete. Additionally, the information among different databases is asymmetric, which seriously impedes the information sharing among different Biobanks. In this article, the specific application scenarios of AI technology and blockchain in the construction of a Biobank were discussed, aiming to pinpoint the core direction of the information construction of an intelligent Biobank in the era of big data.
Original Article

Harnessing AI–human synergy for deep learning research analysis in ophthalmology with large language models assisting humans

Harnessing AI–human synergy for deep learning research analysis in ophthalmology with large language models assisting humans

Background: Research innovations inoculardisease screening, diagnosis, and management have been boosted by deep learning (DL) in the last decade. To assess historical research trends and current advances, we conducted an artifcial intelligence (AI)–human hybrid analysis of publications on DL in ophthalmology.

All DL-related articles in ophthalmology, which were published 
between 2012 and 2022 from Web of Science, were included. 500 high-impact articles annotated with key research information were used to fne-tune alarge language models (LLM) for reviewing medical literature and extracting information. After verifying the LLM's accuracy in extracting diseases and imaging modalities, we analyzed trend of DL in ophthalmology with 2 535 articles. 

Researchers using LLM for literature analysis were 70% (p= 0.000 1) faster than those who did not, while achieving comparable accuracy (97% versus 98%, p = 0.768 1). The field of 
DL in ophthalmology has grown 116% annually, paralleling trends of the broader DL domain. The publications focused mainly on diabetic retinopathy (p = 0.000 3), glaucoma (p = 0.001 1), and age-related macular diseases (p = 0.000 1) using retinal fundus photographs (FP, p = 0.001 5) and optical coherence tomography (OCT, p = 0.000 1). DL studies utilizing multimodal images have been growing, with FP and OCT combined being the most frequent. Among the 500 high-impact articles, laboratory studies constituted the majority at 65.3%. Notably, a discernible decline in model accuracy was observed when categorizing by study design, notwithstanding its statistical insignificance. Furthermore, 43 publicly available ocular image datasets were summarized. 

This study 
has characterized the landscape of publications on DL in ophthalmology, by identifying the trends and breakthroughs among research topics and the fast-growing areas. This study provides an efcient framework for combined AI–human analysis to comprehensively assess the current status and future trends in the feld. 
Background: Research innovations inoculardisease screening, diagnosis, and management have been boosted by deep learning (DL) in the last decade. To assess historical research trends and current advances, we conducted an artifcial intelligence (AI)–human hybrid analysis of publications on DL in ophthalmology.

All DL-related articles in ophthalmology, which were published 
between 2012 and 2022 from Web of Science, were included. 500 high-impact articles annotated with key research information were used to fne-tune alarge language models (LLM) for reviewing medical literature and extracting information. After verifying the LLM's accuracy in extracting diseases and imaging modalities, we analyzed trend of DL in ophthalmology with 2 535 articles. 

Researchers using LLM for literature analysis were 70% (p = 0.000 1) faster than those who did not, while achieving comparable accuracy (97% versus 98%, p = 0.768 1). The field of 
DL in ophthalmology has grown 116% annually, paralleling trends of the broader DL domain. The publications focused mainly on diabetic retinopathy (p = 0.000 3), glaucoma (p = 0.001 1), and age-related macular diseases (p = 0.000 1) using retinal fundus photographs (FP, p = 0.001 5) and optical coherence tomography (OCT, p = 0.000 1). DL studies utilizing multimodal images have been growing, with FP and OCT combined being the most frequent. Among the 500 high-impact articles, laboratory studies constituted the majority at 65.3%. Notably, a discernible decline in model accuracy was observed when categorizing by study design, notwithstanding its statistical insignificance. Furthermore, 43 publicly available ocular image datasets were summarized. 

This study 
has characterized the landscape of publications on DL in ophthalmology, by identifying the trends and breakthroughs among research topics and the fast-growing areas. This study provides an efcient framework for combined AI–human analysis to comprehensively assess the current status and future trends in the feld. 
Review Article

Application of artificial intelligence in ocular fundus diseases

Application of artificial intelligence in ocular fundus diseases

Artificial intelligence (AI) is about simulating and expanding human intelligence. AI based on deep learning (DL) can analyze images well by using their inherent features, such as outlines, frames and so on. As researchers generally diagnoses ocular fundus diseases by images, it makes sense to apply AI to fundus examination. In ophthalmology, AI has achieved doctor-like performance in detecting multiple ocular fundus diseases through optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, fundus photographs, and ultra-wide-field (UWF) images. It has also been widely used in disease progression prediction. Nonetheless, there are also some potential challenges with AI application in ophthalmology, one of which is the black-box problem. Researchers are devoted to developing more interpretable deep learning systems (DLS) and confirming their clinical feasibility. This review describes a summary of the state-of-the-art AI application in the most popular ocular fundus diseases, potential challenges and the path forward.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is about simulating and expanding human intelligence. AI based on deep learning (DL) can analyze images well by using their inherent features, such as outlines, frames and so on. As researchers generally diagnoses ocular fundus diseases by images, it makes sense to apply AI to fundus examination. In ophthalmology, AI has achieved doctor-like performance in detecting multiple ocular fundus diseases through optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, fundus photographs, and ultra-wide-field (UWF) images. It has also been widely used in disease progression prediction. Nonetheless, there are also some potential challenges with AI application in ophthalmology, one of which is the black-box problem. Researchers are devoted to developing more interpretable deep learning systems (DLS) and confirming their clinical feasibility. This review describes a summary of the state-of-the-art AI application in the most popular ocular fundus diseases, potential challenges and the path forward.


Application and analysis of artificial intelligence voice system in postoperative follow-up of children with congenital cataract

Objective: This study was designed to explore its potential value for new medical service model based on the intelligent voice follow-up system and analyze its application effect during the outbreak of COVID-19. The actual effectiveness of this intelligent voice follow-up system applied in the Internet hospital to carry out medical consultation service was discussed. Methods: In this study, an intelligent voice follow up system was developed for postoperative follow-up of children with congenital cataract. First, a well-designed and structured questionnaire contents were developed for postoperative follow-up. Secondly, the intelligent voice follow-up system was deployed. The system would automatically jump to the next follow-up step according to the user’s response, and give appropriate suggestions. Finally, the data of telephone recording, call time, children’s attributes were collected and statistically analyzed. Results: From February 24 to March 15, 2020, 561 families of children with congenital cataract from Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were recruited by using the intelligent voice follow-up system. The system completed a total of 1 154 calls, of which 561 cases received follow-up data, reaching an average effective call rate of 48.6%. Among 561 cases, 204 (36.4%) thought that the extended time of follow-up visit would affect the recovery of children, while 309 (55.1%) thought that it exerted no effect on the recovery. 360 children (64.2%) achieved good ocular recovery without complications, whereas 169 cases (30.1%) developed ocular symptoms. These include white spots in the pupil area, redness and eye secretions. Statistics of different behavior of children showed that there were 417 (74.3%) children wearing glasses, 135 (24.1%) children did not wear glasses, another 9 (1.6%) children wearing glasses were not clear, often rubbing the eyes of children were more likely to appear redness (20.4%), eye secretions (17.0%) and white spots in the pupil area (6.8%) and other adverse reactions. Conclusion: The intelligent voice follow-up system shows great application potential in clinical follow-up, which can be employed as a new service mode of intelligent medical treatment.


Application of artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system for community-based cataract screening


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system for cataract screening in community. Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out based on a telemedicine platform. Patient history, medical records and anterior ocular segment images were collected and transmitted from community healthcare centers to Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center for evaluation by both ophthalmologists and artificial intelligence-assisted cataract diagnostic system. Results: Of all enumerated subjects, 35.7% were male and the median age was 66 years old. Of all enumerated slit-lamp images, 98.7% met the requirement of acceptable quality. This artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system achieved an AUC of 0.915 for detection of severe cataracts in the external validation dataset. For subjects who were advised to be referred to tertiary hospitals by doctors, 80.3% of them received the same suggestion from this artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system.Conclusion: This artificial intelligence-assisted cataract diagnostic system showed high applicability and accuracy in community-based cataract screening and could be a potential model of care in community-based disease screening.


Opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in ophthalmic drug discovery and development

近年来随着人类生活方式的改变、用眼频率的增加,眼科药物的市场需求持续增长,但是目前眼病治疗仍面临“缺医少药”的困境。由于新药研发面临成本高、周期长、成功率低的风险,眼科药物创新迭代的进程日趋缓慢。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)作为一种全新的技术手段,有望赋能眼科药物研发的全过程,包括药物靶点发现、化合物筛选、药物动力学模型创新与临床试验开展等,以期为眼科药物研发“降本增效”。且随着大数据体系的完善、硬件计算力的提升以及生命科学与智能科学的深度融合,AI在眼科药物研发中的作用将进一步得到提升,助力眼科药物研发实现从精准化到智能化的跨越。
With the change of human lifestyle and overuse of eyes in recent years, the market demand for ophthalmic drugs continues to grow. However, the ocular therapy is still facing the shortage of doctors and drugs. Due to the risk of high cost, long lead time and low success rate, the process of novel ophthalmic drug innovation and iteration is getting slower. As an emerging technology, artificial intelligence is expected to enable the whole process of ophthalmic drug discovery and development, including drug target discovery, compound screening, pharmacokinetic model innovation and clinical trials, thus reducing R&D costs and increase efficiency for ophthalmic drug discovery and development. In addition, with the improvement of big data, hardware calculation and the deep integration of life science and intelligent science, the role of artificial intelligence in ophthalmic drug discovery and development will be significant improved , contributing to achieve the leap from precision to intelligence.


Simplifying routine tests before ophthalmic surgeries: Opportunities and challenges in the era of big data

手术前常规检查在临床诊疗中被广泛应用,但在一些低风险择期手术前对患者进行常规检查,对提高医疗质量并无帮助,反而降低了医疗效率,增加了医疗费用。为提高效率,一些地区、机构和专家学者陆续通过宣传教育、发表共识、制定指南等方式控制无指征术前常规检查,但效果仍依赖于执业者的重视程度和专业水平。大数据机器学习方法以其标准化、自动化的特点为解决这一问题提供了新的思路。在回顾已有研究的基础上,我们抽取2017至2019年在中山大学中山眼科中心进行眼科手术的3.4万名患者的病史和体格检查资料大数据,涵盖年龄、性别等口学信息,诊断、既往疾病等病史信息,视功能、入院时身体质量指数(BMI)等体格检查信息。并以此为基础使用机器学习方法预测术前胸部X线检查是否存在异常,受试者操作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)曲线下面积达到0.864,预测准确率可达到81.2%,对大数据机器学习精简术前常规检查的新方式进行了先期探索。
Preoperative routine tests are widely prescribed in clinical settings. However, these tests do not help improving the quality of medical care in low-risk elective surgery. Instead, they are associated with lower efficiency and increasing fees. To improve the efficiency, many regions, institutions, and scholars have attempted to reduce preoperative routine tests without indications through propaganda, education, consensus, and guidelines. Nevertheless, the effects are still highly dependent on the expertise and emphasis of practitioners. Machine learning based on big data provide a new solution with its standardization and automation. Through literature review, we extracted the big data, including demographic features such as sex and age, histories including diagnosis and chronic diseases, and physical examination features such as visual function and body mass index. A total of 34 000 patients undergone ocular surgeries in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen university from 2017 to 2019. Machine learning was adopted to predict the risk of finding abnormalities in chest X-ray examination, with an accuracy of 81.2%. Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was 0.864. The study could be an early exploration into the field of simplifying preoperative tests by machine learning.


Establishment of ophthalmic data center and intelligent service cloud platform

The establishment of standardized data center can promote the accumulation of high-quality data resources and the development of medical artificial intelligence. On the basis of medical big data, medical artificial intelligence systems in different application scenarios can be established and integrated into an intelligent service cloud platform, which improves the management efficiency of intelligent medical systems. This article takes ophthalmology as a prototype to summarize the experience of the establishment of ophthalmic data center and intelligent service cloud platform, aiming to provide reference and guidance for ophthalmology and other specialties to carry out artificial intelligence research, establish data center and build an intelligent service cloud platform.