
Clinical application of ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope in peripheral retinopathy in myopic patients

目的:评价欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查近视患者眼底周边部视网膜病变的应用价值。方法:本研究为前瞻性病例研究,收集爱尔眼科医院要求行屈光手术的近视患者1 000例(2 000只眼),分别进行小瞳下欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜眼底检查和散瞳后三面镜检查,记录检查结果并进行比较分析。结果:通过欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查发现有周边视网膜病变共230例(310只眼),检出阳性率为15.50%;三面镜检查发现周边部视网膜病变共242例(322只眼),检出阳性率为16.10%。两种检查方法对近视患者周边部视网膜病变检出阳性率具有很好的一致性(Kappa值0.8~1.0)。结论:欧堡Daytona 200度超广角成像系统为检查周边部视网膜病变提供了更省时高效的方法,在屈光手术前筛查视网膜周边部病变,具有广阔的临床应用前景。
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of peripheral retinal diseases in myopic patients examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). Methods: This was a prospective case-control study. We collected 1 000 myopic patients (2 000 eyes) who were scheduled to undergo refractive surgery in Aier Eye Hospital. They were examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) with non-mydriasis and three-mirror contact lens with mydriasis. The examination results were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 230 cases (310 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). The positive rate was 15.50%; 242 cases (322 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by three- mirror contact lens, and the positive rate was 16.10%. The two methods were consistent in the detection of peripheral Retinopathy in myopic patients (the Kappa value is between 0.8 and 1.0). Conclusion: 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) is an effective and rapid method for detecting peripheral retinopathy. It provides a broad clinical application prospects for peripheral retinopathy screening before refractive surgery.


Clinical application of ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope in peripheral retinopathy in myopic patients

目的:评价欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查近视患者眼底周边部视网膜病变的应用价值。方法:本研究为前瞻性病例研究,收集爱尔眼科医院要求行屈光手术的近视患者1 000例(2 000只眼),分别进行小瞳下欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜眼底检查和散瞳后三面镜检查,记录检查结果并进行比较分析。结果:通过欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查发现有周边视网膜病变共230例(310只眼),检出阳性率为15.50%;三面镜检查发现周边部视网膜病变共242例(322只眼),检出阳性率为16.10%。两种检查方法对近视患者周边部视网膜病变检出阳性率具有很好的一致性(Kappa值0.8~1.0)。结论:欧堡Daytona 200度超广角成像系统为检查周边部视网膜病变提供了更省时高效的方法,在屈光手术前筛查视网膜周边部病变,具有广阔的临床应用前景。
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of peripheral retinal diseases in myopic patients examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). Methods: This was a prospective case-control study. We collected 1 000 myopic patients (2 000 eyes) who were scheduled to undergo refractive surgery in Aier Eye Hospital. They were examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) with non-mydriasis and three-mirror contact lens with mydriasis. The examination results were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 230 cases (310 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). The positive rate was 15.50%; 242 cases (322 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by three- mirror contact lens, and the positive rate was 16.10%. The two methods were consistent in the detection of peripheral Retinopathy in myopic patients (the Kappa value is between 0.8 and 1.0). Conclusion: 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) is an effective and rapid method for detecting peripheral retinopathy. It provides a broad clinical application prospects for peripheral retinopathy screening before refractive surgery.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
