

Clinical analysis of endophthalmitis after minimally invasive vitrectomy

目的:分析23G/25G微创玻璃体切割术后发生眼内炎的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2014年6月—2023年5月于中国人民解放军中部战区总医院行微创玻璃体切割术后,临床诊断为眼内炎患者(开放性眼外伤患者除外)的临床特征。结果:纳入8 955例行微创玻璃体切割术患者,其中11例微创玻璃体切割术后患眼发生眼内炎,发生率为0.12%。平均年龄(60.8±7.6)岁。11例其中,5例(45.4%)患者合并糖尿病;原发眼疾构成情况:黄斑疾病7例(63.6%)、增殖期糖尿病性视网膜病变继发玻璃体积血2例(18.2%),视网膜裂孔继发玻璃体积血1例(9.1%)、视网膜脱离1例(9.1%);术中联合行白内障手术3例(27.3 %);术毕8例(72.7%)患眼玻璃体腔填充无菌空气,3例(27.3%)填充平衡盐溶液,术毕所有患者均未缝合巩膜穿刺切口;术后低眼压3例(27.3 %)。术后发生眼内炎的时间为(2.8±1.1)d。11例患者经过局部和全身抗感染治疗后炎症控制不佳,均再次行玻璃体切割术联合术中配置万古霉素液灌注,其中9例术毕玻璃体腔填充硅油,术后所有眼内炎得到控制,10例(91.0%)患者最终矫正视力有所提高。结论:微创玻璃体切割术后,免缝合的巩膜切口可能是病原微生物侵入眼内导致眼内炎的潜在途径。尤其要重视黄斑手术中玻璃体不全切除引起巩膜切口处发生玻璃体束综合征可能是术后发生眼内炎的危险因素之一。

Objective: To analyze risk factors for endophthalmitis occurred after 23G/25G minimally invasive vitrectomy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinical characteristics of patients with endophthalmitis (except patients with open eye trauma) after minimally invasive vitrectomy in General Hospital of Central Theater Command(Wuhan,430064) from June 2014 to May 2023. Results: This study included 8,955 patients, of which 11 cases occurred endophthalmitis after minimally invasive vitrectomy, with an incidence rate of 0.12%. The average age was (60.8±7.6) years, and 5 patients (45.4%) were complicated with diabetes; The composition of primary eye diseases: 7 cases (63.6%) of macular disease, 2 cases (18.2%) of vitreous hemorrhage secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy and 1 case (9.1%) vitreous hemorrhage secondary to retinal fissure, 1 case (9.1%) of retinal detachment; During the operation, 3 cases (27.3%) underwent combined cataract surgery; After the operation, 8 cases (72.7%) were filled with sterile air in the vitreous cavity of affected eye, the other 3 cases (27.3%) were filled with equilibrium liquid,and sclera puncture incision was not sutured in all patients; 3 cases (27.3%) had low intraocular pressure after operation. The time for postoperative endophthalmitis to occur after operation was 2.8±1.1day. 11 patients had poor inflammation control after local and systemic anti-inflammatory treatments, and all underwent vitrectomy combined with intraoperative injection of vancomycin solution. Among them, 9 patients were filled with silicone oil in the vitreous cavity after the surgery. After the operation, all the endophthalmitis were controlled and final corrected visual acuity of 10 patients improved. Conclusions: Minimally invasive vitrectomy and suture-free scleral incision may be a potential way for pathogenic microorganisms to invade the eye and cause endophthalmitis. Particular attention should be paid to the ‘Vitreous Wick Syndrome’ at the scleral incision caused by incomplete vitrectomy in macular surgery, which may be one of the risk factors for postoperative endophthalmitis.



Acquired visual loss attributed to an accommodative spasm after FS-LASIK surgery: a case report

本文报告1例2 8岁男性青年患者,行飞秒制瓣准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术 后1个月视力进行性下降,小瞳下行电脑验光矫正视力,右眼为0.3(-0.25×86°),左眼为0.2(-0.50×91°)。眼前节及眼底检查未见器质性病变,视觉电生理检查未见异常。视光专科检查示负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA):+2.00 D/?10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:右眼(oculus dexter,OD) 10 cpm(+),左眼(oculus sinister,OS) 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU)12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2△BO@D,13△BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD +1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS +0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0,进一步证实了“调节痉挛”的诊断。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次,结合调节放松训练。4周后,裸眼视力及屈光度稳定在正常范围。临床上对于视力下降原因不明、排除眼部器质性疾病的患者,经过仔细询问病史、睫状肌麻痹检影和视功能检查“调节痉挛”不难诊断。除传统的睫状肌麻痹剂和近附加镜外,治疗方案建议加用视功能训练可使视力恢复并稳定。
A 28-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of blurred vision in both eyes after LASIK flap made by femtosecond laser surgery for 1 month. The best corrected visual acuity based on computerized optometry was 0.3 (-0.25×86°) in the right eye and 0.2 (-0.50×91°) in the left eye. Routine examinations were conducted to exclude eye diseases. Visual electrophysiological examination showed no abnormalities. Optometry specialty examination: negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were +2.00 D/?10.00 D (when doing PRA, the patient could see clear slowly after a pause). Flipper examination showed: OD 10 cpm(+), OS 22 cpm(+), OU 12 cpm(+). Phoria-measurement showed 2 prism degree BO@D and 13 prism degree BI@N. AC/A=1. The patient’s high PRA, flipper examination results and convergence insufficiency at near distance indicated the possibility of “convergence insufficiency and accommodative spasm”. Cycloplegic refraction was planned to assess the real diopter. After instillation of cycloplegic drops, the UCVA improved to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×93 in the right eye, in the left eye to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×75. the BCVA was 1.0 (+1.00/-0.50×80°) in the right eye and 1.0 (+0.75/-0.25×65°) in the left eye. A diagnosis of accommodative spasm was made. The patient was counseled and continued cycloplegic drops one time daily before bedtime, participated in vision training for 4 weeks. This patient was a rare occurrence of accommodative spasm after FSLASIK surgery. Young patients with poor gain in UCVA can be subjected to a corrective procedure accidentally. Relaxation exercises and cycloplegic drops may cure accommodative spasm. For patients with unexplained causes of vision loss and excluded organic diseases of the eye, it is not difficult to diagnose “accommodative spasm” by careful medical history inquiry, ciliary muscle paralysis optometry and visual function examination. In addition to traditional ciliary palsy agent and reading glasses, it is suggested that visual function training can restore and stabilize the treatment effect.


Acquired visual loss attributed to an accommodative spasm after FS-LASIK surgery: a case report

本文报告1例28岁男性青年患者,行飞秒制瓣准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术后1个月视力进行性下降,小瞳下行电脑验光矫正视力,右眼为0.3(-0.25×86°),左眼为0.2(-0.50×91°)。眼前节及眼底检查未见器质性病变,视觉电生理检查未见异常。视光专科检查示负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA):+2.00 D/-10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:右眼(oculus dexter,OD) 10 cpm(+),左眼(oculus sinister,OS) 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU) 12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2△BO@D,13△BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD +1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS +0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0,进一步证实了“调节痉挛”的诊断。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次,结合调节放松训练。4周后,裸眼视力及屈光度稳定在正常范围。临床上对于视力下降原因不明、排除眼部器质性疾病的患者,经过仔细询问病史、睫状肌麻痹检影和视功能检查“调节痉挛”不难诊断。除传统的睫状肌麻痹剂和近附加镜外,治疗方案建议加用视功能训练可使视力恢复并稳定。
A 28-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of blurred vision in both eyes after LASIK flap made by femtosecond laser surgery for 1 month. The best corrected visual acuity based on computerized optometry was 0.3 (-0.25×86°) in the right eye and 0.2 (-0.50×91°) in the left eye. Routine examinations were conducted to exclude eye diseases. Visual electrophysiological examination showed no abnormalities. Optometry specialty examination: negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were +2.00 D/?10.00 D (when doing PRA, the patient could see clear slowly after a pause). Flipper examination showed: OD 10 cpm(+), OS 22 cpm(+), OU 12 cpm(+). Phoria-measurement showed 2 prism degree BO@D and 13 prism degree BI@N. AC/A=1. The patient’s high PRA, flipper examination results and convergence insufficiency at near distance indicated the possibility of “convergence insufficiency and accommodative spasm”. Cycloplegic refraction was planned to assess the real diopter. After instillation of cycloplegic drops, the UCVA improved to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×93 in the right eye, in the left eye to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×75. the BCVA was 1.0 (+1.00/-0.50×80°) in the right eye and 1.0 (+0.75/-0.25×65°) in the left eye. A diagnosis of accommodative spasm was made. The patient was counseled and continued cycloplegic drops one time daily before bedtime, participated in vision training for 4 weeks. This patient was a rare occurrence of accommodative spasm after FSLASIK surgery. Young patients with poor gain in UCVA can be subjected to a corrective procedure accidentally. Relaxation exercises and cycloplegic drops may cure accommodative spasm. For patients with unexplained causes of vision loss and excluded organic diseases of the eye, it is not difficult to diagnose “accommodative spasm” by careful medical history inquiry, ciliary muscle paralysis optometry and visual function examination. In addition to traditional ciliary palsy agent and reading glasses, it is suggested that visual function training can restore and stabilize the treatment effect.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
