General practitioners provide basic, continuous, comprehensive and holistic medical services to individuals and their families, which requires them to have a more “extensive” knowledge structure. However, within the limited training period, how to successfully complete subspecialty training and acquire the clinical skills and knowledge needed in community health services is an urgent problem which need to be explored. Based on the basic characteristics of community health service, the ophthalmology training of the standardized training of general practitioners, focus on the eye and systemic diseases, ophthalmic emergency and side-effect of systemic drug on eye would help general practitioners rapidly and accurately find and diagnose all kinds of serious emergent ophthalmologic diseases, and then refer to professional eye institutions in time, which avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment and save more valuable time for subsequent professional treatment. It would make the general practitioners become good healthy gatekeepers for the local community residents.
随着亚太眼科学会(Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology,APAO)永久会址和秘书处落户在中山大学中山眼科中心珠江新城院区眼科学国家重点实验室大楼(中国广州),在大数据时代背景下,建设先进的亚太级眼科学科学数据中心已成为亚太眼科创新战略发展的需要。通过建设科学数据中心,一方面缓解眼科学国家重点实验室项目科研数据增长压力,一方面为眼科大数据与人工智能等新兴科研项目开展提供保障平台,为亚太眼科学科建设打下坚实的数据基础。科学数据中心设计建设遵照国家《科学数据管理办法》实施,以加强和规范科学数据管理,保障科学数据安全,提高开放共享水平,更好支撑国家科技创新、经济社会发展和符合国家信息安全建设方针。
As the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) secretariat permanently located in the building of State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology (Guangzhou, China). In big data time, it’s a problem for the development of the Asia-pacific ophthalmology innovation strategy to construct the Asia-pacific science data center of ophthalmology. Through the construction of science data center, alleviate the pressure of the state key laboratory of ophthalmology data growth, for big data and new research fields such as artificial intelligence to provide guarantee, provided a basis for the Asia-pacific eye subject construction. Science data center construction in accordance with national “scientific data management method”, to strengthen and standardize the scientific data management, to ensure the safety of scientific data, improve the level of open sharing, better support scientific and technological innovation, economic and social development and national security as a policy.