
Degenerative myopia: mechanical theories revisited


Abstract: The article discusses the early abandonment of mechanical theories about eye enlargement in degenerative myopia at the turn of the 20th century. At that time, the number of theories about myopia grew unrestricted, but with scant support from the experimental field. The mechanical theories vanished as a new wave of metabolism-based theories appeared, propelled by the huge advances in molecular biology. Modern techniques allow reconsidering those theories and to put them to test with higher confidence.

Brain and Perception

AB050. Neuronal response to visual contrast varies as function of the cortical layer


Background: For years, studies using several animal models have highlighted the predominant role of the primary visual area in visual information processing. Its six cortical layers have morphological, hodological and physiological differences, although their roles regarding the integration of visual contrast and the messages sent by the layers to other brain regions have been poorly explored. Given that cortical layers have distinct properties, this study aims to understand these differences and how they are affected by a changing visual contrast.

Methods: A linear multi-channel electrode was placed in the primary visual cortex (V1) of the anesthetized mouse to record neuronal activity across the different cortical layers. The laminar position of the electrode was verified in real time by measuring the current source density (CSD) and the multi-unit activity (MUA), and confirmed post-mortem by histological analysis. Drifting gratings varying in contrast enabled the measurement of the firing rate of neurons throughout layers. We fitted this data to the Naka-Rushton equations, which generated the contrast response function (CRF) of neurons.

Results: The analysis revealed that the baseline activity as well as the rate of change of neural discharges (the slope of the CRF) had a positive correlation across the cortical layers. In addition, we found a trend between the cortical position and the contrast evoking the semi-saturation of the activity. A significant difference in the maximum discharge rate was also found between layers II/III and IV, as well as between layers II/III and V.

Conclusions: Since layers II/III and V process visual contrast differently, our results suggest that higher cortical visual areas, as well subcortical regions, receive different information regarding a change in visual contrast. Thus, a contrast may be processed differently throughout the different areas of the visual cortex.

Review Article

Pathologic myopia


Abstract: Pathologic myopia is the major cause of the loss of the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) worldwide, especially in East Asian countries. The loss of BCVA is caused by the development of myopic macula patchy, myopic traction macula patchy, and myopic optic neuropathy (or glaucoma). The development of such vision-threatening complications is caused by eye deformity, characterized by a formation of posterior staphyloma. The recent advance in ocular imaging has greatly facilitated the clarification of pathologies and pathogenesis of pathological myopia and myopia-related complications. These technologies include ultra-wide field fundus imaging, swept-source optical coherence tomography, and 3D MRI. In addition, the new treatments such as anti-VEGF therapies for myopic choroid all neovascularization have improved the outcome of the patients. Swept-source OCT showed that some of the lesions of myopic maculopathy were not simply chorioretinal atrophy but were Bruch’s membrane holes. Features of myopic traction maculopathy have been analyzed extensively by using OCT. The understanding the pathophysiology of complications of pathologic myopia is considered useful for better management of this blinding eye disease.

Review Article

The present and the prospect of bioengineering cornea


Abstract: Corneal blindness represents one of the world’s three major causes of blindness, and the fundamental problem of corneal transplantation is a severe shortage of donor tissues worldwide, resulting in approximately 1.5 million new cases of blindness annually. To address the growing need for corneal transplants two main approaches are being pursued: allogenic and bioengineering cornea. Bioengineering corneas are constructed by naturally generating an extracellular matrix (ECM) component as the scaffold structure with or without corneal cells. It is well established that the scaffold structure directs the fate of cells, therefore, the fabrication of the correct scaffold structure components could produce an ideal corneal substitute, able to mimic the native corneal function. Another key factor in the construction of tissue engineering cornea is seed cells. However, unlike the epithelium and stroma cells, human cornea endothelium cells (HCECs) are notorious for having a limited proliferative capacity in vivo because of the mitotic block at the G1 phase of the cell cycle due to “contact-inhibition”. This review will focus on the main concepts of recent progress towards the scaffold and seed cells, especially endothelial cells for bioengineering cornea, along with future perspectives.

Review Article

Scleral remodelling in myopia and its manipulation: a review of recent advances in scleral strengthening and myopia control


Abstract: The biological mechanisms of eye growth and refractive development are increasingly well characterised, a result of many careful studies that have been carried out over many years. As the outer coat of the eye, the sclera has the ultimate impact on the restraint or facilitation of eye growth, thus any changes in its biochemistry, ultrastructure, gross morphology and/or biomechanical properties are critical in refractive error development and, in particular, the development of myopia. The current review briefly revisits our basic understanding of the structure and biomechanics of the sclera and how these are regulated and modified during eye growth and myopia development. The review then applies this knowledge in considering recent advances in our understanding of how the mechanisms of scleral remodelling may be manipulated or controlled, in order to constrain eye growth and limit the development of myopia, in particular the higher degrees of myopia that lead to vision loss and blindness. In doing so, the review specifically considers recent approaches to the strengthening of the sclera, through collagen cross-linking, scleral transplantation, implantation or injection of biomaterials, or the direct therapeutic targeting and manipulation of the biochemical mechanisms known to be involved in myopia development. These latest approaches to the control of scleral changes in myopia are, where possible, placed in the context of our understanding of scleral biology, in order to bring a more complete understanding of current and future therapeutic interventions in myopia, and their consequences.

Review Article

Clinical features and characteristics of retinopathy of prematurity in developing countries


Abstract: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an emerging cause of childhood blindness in the developing countries. The low and middle-income countries are facing common challenges in the midst of the ‘third epidemic’ of ROP. Improvement in neonatal care facilities has increased survival of preterm babies. Lack of awareness and non-uniform standards of care in the ever-increasing number of neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and special newborn care units (SNCUs) has resulted in this surge of ROP. Apart from low birth weight and the degree of prematurity, use of unblended supplemental oxygen, sepsis, anemia and blood transfusion are important risk factors associated with ROP in developing countries. Atypical forms of aggressive posterior ROP (APROP) are seen in heavier birth weight babies in the developing countries. Prevention of ROP by good quality neonatal care, timely diagnosis by mandatory ROP screening in NICUs and training manpower for laser treatment of ROP requires close collaboration between the neonatologists, ophthalmologists and the policy makers. Team approach and inter-disciplinary co-ordination are keys in a nation’s drive to fight this preventable cause of blindness.

Review Article

Limbal epithelial stem cells in corneal surface reconstruction


Abstract: Cornea serves as the partial front barrier and major light reflection organ of the eye. The integrity of corneal surface is essential for ocular function. Injuries or congenital diseases could significantly destruct the homeostasis of the ocular surface, especially the microenvironment of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs), and will eventually cause dysfunction of corneal regeneration and diminish of LESCs. The loss of LESCs by different reasons are named limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), which is one of the leading cause of vision loss worldwide. To restore the corneal surface, LESC transplantation in the form of tissue or cell cultures is currently a viable and promising method to treat LSCD. In this review, we aim to introduce the characters and niche of LESCs, and discuss different aspects of its application in cornea surface reconstruction.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
