Retina and Posterior Segment

AB001. Innate immunity, aging and angiogenesis


Abstract: Disorders of lipid metabolism and macrophage function have been implicated in tissue aging and in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Genetic studies and expression profiling have identified widespread abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism in the aging macrophage. In addition, the molecular pathways that regulate the transition from aging to disease have not been elucidated. The current status regarding the mechanisms that regulate macrophage aging and the molecular mechanisms of transition to disease in the context of AMD will be presented with a special focus on factors that influence pathologic angiogenesis and neurodegeneration.

Review Article

Age related macular degeneration: from evidence based-care to experimental models


Abstract: To describe the current aging population in China and globally, especially as it applies to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). To review the current standards of care for treating both wet (exudative) eAMD and dry (atrophic) aAMD. And to introduce a model for experimentation that is based on the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) using eye bank tissue. A literature search that outlines current aging populations, standards of clinical treatment as defined by large, multicenter, randomized clinical trials that present level-I data with a low risk for bias. An experimental model system of AMD is presented that enables scientific analysis of AMD pathogenesis by applying grading criteria from the AREDS to human eye bank eyes. Analysis includes proteomic, cellular, and functional genomics. The standard of care for the treatment of eAMD is currently defined by the use of several anti-vascular endothelial growth (anti-VEGF) agents alone or in combination with photodynamic therapy. Monotherapy treatment intervals may be monthly, as needed, or by using a treat-and-extend (TAE) protocol. There are no proven therapies for aAMD. AMD that is phenotypically defined at AREDS level 3, should be managed with the use of anti-oxidant vitamins, lutein/zeaxanthin and zinc (AREDS-2 formulation). By understanding the multiple etiologies in the pathogenesis of AMD (i.e., oxidative stress, inflammation, and genetics), the use of human eye bank tissues graded according to the Minnesota Grading System (MGS) will enable future insights into the pathogenesis of AMD. Initial AMD management is with lifestyle modification such as avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet and using appropriate vitamin supplements (AREDS-2). For eAMD, anti-VEGF therapies using either pro re nata (PRN) or TAE protocols are recommended, with photodynamic therapy in appropriate cases. New cellular information will direct future, potential therapies and these will originate from experimental models, such as the proposed eye bank model using the MGS, that leverages the prospective AREDS database.

Medical Education Column
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
Review Article

Advances in the diagnosis and management of acute retinal necrosis


Abstract: Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) is a devastating syndrome characterized by panuveitis, retinal necrosis, and a high rate of retinal detachment that may result in poor visual outcomes if not promptly diagnosed and treated. ARN is most commonly caused by viruses within the herpesvirus family. Etiologies include varicella-zoster virus, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus, and may be promptly diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction testing of aqueous or vitreous fluid. The true incidence of ARN is not known due to its rarity; as a result, clinical treatment is often guided by retrospective case series, case reports, and expert opinion. Standard of care has evolved over time but currently includes a combination of systemic and intravitreal antiviral in conjunction with topical or oral steroids and surgical therapy as needed. Combination therapy may reduce the rate of severe vision loss and increase the rate of visual acuity gain, although further studies are needed in this area. In particular for patients with mild to moderate disease, combination therapy may reduce the rate of retinal detachment. Adjunctive therapies including oral corticosteroid and prophylactic laser barricade are incompletely studied, but corticosteroid in particular, may reduce inflammation, which also is involved in the severe disease pathogenesis observed in ARN. This review discusses the advances in diagnosis and treatment of ARN, including management with combination antiviral medication and surgical interventions.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
