

Application and prospect of artificial intelligence in the treatment and teaching of cataract surgery

人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)在白内障手术中的应用越来越广泛,二者结合对于白内障手术的术前诊断和分级管理、术中人工晶状体选择、位置预测及术后管理(视力预测、并发症预测及随访)、手术培训和教学方面均起到巨大的促进作用。诚然,AI在与白内障手术相关的管理、分析和研究中还面临着许多问题,但其广泛的应用前景不可忽视。现对AI在白内障手术治疗和教学中的应用做以总结,并对其未来的发展做出展望。
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in cataract surgery. The combination of the two can play a great role in improving preoperative diagnosis, grading management of cataract surgery, intraoperative intraocular lens selection and location prediction, postoperative management (vision prediction, complication prediction and follow-up), surgical training and teaching. It is true that AI still faces many problems in the management, analysis and research related to cataract surgery, but its broad application prospects cannot be ignored. This review summarizes the application of AI in cataract surgery and teaching, and the future prospects of AI.

近 20 年热休克蛋白在眼科中的研究进展及趋势:文献计量学研究

Advances and trends of heat shock proteins in ophthalmology in the past 20 years

目的:探讨2003—2023年热休克蛋白(heat shock proteins,HSP)在眼科领域中的研究进展及前沿趋势。法:利用Web of Science数据库检索2003年1月—2023年12月26日HSP在眼科领域的文献,采用文献计量学方法、应用VOSviewer及CiteSpaces软件对发文量、国家、机构、期刊、作者、关键词以及学科领域等数据进行定量分析及可视化。结果:共纳入1 079篇HSP在眼科领域的相关文献,总体发文量处于波动状态。美国(=394)是发文量最多的国家,Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science(=80)是发表相关文献最多的期刊。研究热点主要分为三部分,分别为青光眼发病机制、白内障发病机制及HSP在基因层面的眼科疾病机制研究。研究的前沿主题是青光眼、胆固醇、分子伴侣。生物化学与分子生物学、多学科材料科学和细胞生物学学科领域具有最高的中介中心性值,分别为0.60、0.28和0.26。多学科化学(爆发年份:2017—2023年;强度为6.3)是该领域研究前沿涉及的学科。结论:HSP在眼科领域的研究重点是揭示疾病的遗传背景,探究其在青光眼及白内障中的分子机制以及治疗应用。该领域分子机制研究的进展有赖于多学科的合作。
Objective: To investigate the advances and trends of heat shock proteins (HSP) in ophthalmology published from  2003 to 2023. Methods: The Web of Science database was used to retrieve the literature on heat shock proteins in ophthalmology published from January 1, 2003 to December 26, 2023. Bibliometric methods and VOSviewer and CiteSpaces software were used to analyze and visualize data, including publication count, countries, organizations, journals, authors, keywords and subject categories. Results: A total of 1079 publications related to HSP in ophthalmology were included, and the overall number of publications was fluctuating. The United States (=394) was the leading contributor among countries. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (=80) was the journal with the largest number of publications. The pathogenesis of glaucoma, the pathogenesis of cataract and the mechanism of ophthalmic diseases at the genetic level of HSP were identified as the research hotspots. Glaucoma, cholesterol, and molecular chaperones were identified as frontier research topics. Biochemistry & molecular biology, multidisciplinary materials science, and cell biology have the highest betweenness centrality values of 0.60, 0.28, and 0.26, respectively. Multidisciplinary chemistry (burst years: 2017 to 2023; strength = 6.3) was a subject involved in the research frontier of this field. Conclusion: Research on heat shock proteins in ophthalmology mainly focuses on revealing the genetic background of the diseases and exploring the molecular mechanisms and therapeutic applications in glaucoma and cataracts. The advance in the study on molecular mechanisms in this field depends on multidisciplinary collaboration.
Review Article

The status quo and advances in categorization of congenital cataract

The status quo and advances in categorization of congenital cataract


Congenital cataract (CC) is one of the most common causes of pediatric visual impairment. As our understanding of CC's etiology, clinical manifestations, and pathogenic genes deepens,various CC categorization systems based on diferent classifcation criteria have been proposed. Regrettably, the application of the CC category in clinical practice and scientifc research is limited. It is challenging to obtain preciseinformation that could guide the timely treatment decision-making for pediatric cataract patients or predict their prognosis from a specific CC classification. This review aims to discuss the statusquo of CC categorization systems and the potential directions for future research in this field, focusingon categorization principles and scientific application in clinical practice. Additionally, it aims to propose the potential directions for future research in this domain.

Congenital cataract (CC) is one of the most common causes of pediatric visual impairment. As our understanding of CC's etiology, clinical manifestations, and pathogenic genes deepens,various CC categorization systems based on diferent classifcation criteria have been proposed. Regrettably, the application of the CC category in clinical practice and scientifc research is limited. It is challenging to obtain preciseinformation that could guide the timely treatment decision-making for pediatric cataract patients or predict their prognosis from a specific CC classification. This review aims to discuss the statusquo of CC categorization systems and the potential directions for future research in this field, focusingon categorization principles and scientific application in clinical practice. Additionally, it aims to propose the potential directions for future research in this domain.



Researchprogress of intraocular lens power calculation formulas for pediatric secondary imp

Ⅱ期人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)植入常用于矫正先天性白内障摘除术后无晶状体眼状态。IOL屈光力计算是影响儿童Ⅱ期IOL植入术后视功能发育和改善的关键因素之一。现有IOL屈光力计算公式是基于成人有晶状体眼的数据研发,能准确预测成人眼IOL植入的屈光力,但是对儿童Ⅱ期IOL植入的屈光力预测准确性欠佳,主要原因包括:1)儿童II期植入术前为无晶状体眼,缺乏部分公式定义中的有晶状体眼的前房深度(是指从角膜前表面中央顶点到晶状体前表面的距离)和晶状体厚度。2)公式根据囊袋内植入IOL预测屈光力,但儿童Ⅱ期IOL睫状沟植入术在临床上应用更为广泛。当IOL植入睫状沟时有效晶状体位置发生前移,可能引起屈光预测误差。3)成人眼的发育已完成,目标屈光度多为正视或近视眼(-3.00 ~ +1.00 D),但是儿童眼仍在发育,需针对其特性测算合适的远视目标屈光度(+0.50 ~ +12.00 D)以适应眼球发育引起的屈光变化。为使Ⅱ期IOL植入患儿达到术前预设的目标屈光度,对现有公式进行选择与优化至关重要。
Secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is a common treatment for pediatric aphakia. The accurate prediction of IOL power calculation plays a pivotal role in the postoperative development and improvement of visual function for pediatric secondary IOL implantation. Current IOL power calculation formulas were developed based on data from adult phakic eyes and displayed good performance in adult population. However, the formulas showed poor performance in pediatric aphakic population due to the following reasons: 1) In these pediatric aphakic patients, the unavailability of phakic anterior chamber depth (the distance from corneal epithelium to the anterior surface of the lens) and lens thickness (LT) greatly limits the application of some IOL power calculation formulas. 2) IOL power calculation formulas predict the effective lens position on the basis of in-the-bag IOL implantation, whereas sulcus implantation is more widely used in pediatric secondary implantation. Effective lens position in capsular placement is more posterior to ciliary sulcus IOL placement. When applying the initial IOL power calculated for capsular implantation to sulcus implantation, it can lead to refractive errors. 3) Adult eyes have completed their development, with target refractions often being emmetropic or myopic (-3.00 ~ +1.00 D), while pediatric eyes are still developing, necessitating the calculation of an appropriate hyperopic (+0.50 ~ +12.00 D) target refraction to accommodate refractive changes due to ocular growth.To achieve the predetermined target refractive outcomes, the selection and optimization of IOL power calculation formulas is critically important for pediatric secondary IOL implantation.


Survey on teaching needs and satisfaction of the eight-year program medical students to the whole-course tutors

目的:了解八年制医学生对全程导师的教学需求与满意度。方法:将中山大学八年制临床医学生分为低年级、高年级两组,均进行匿名线上问卷调查。分析问卷结果,并比较两组间的不同。结果:回收问卷352份。学生对导师个人“比较满意”占比高(低年级45.56% vs 高年级37.79%,P=0.087),对全程导师制度“比较满意”占比高(低年级 36.67% vs 高年级33.14%,P=0.806)。对全程导师制度“很了解”与“比较了解”的学生在低年级中明显低于高年级的占比(16.67% vs77.91%,P<0.001)。低年级学生期待全程导师在职业规划、临床思维、科研思维、心理健康发挥较大影响的占比均高于高年级的实际评估(构成比4个方面均P<0.001,选择“有很大影响”及“比较有影响”在低、高年级占比分别为83.33% vs 36.63%,92.22% vs 29.07%,91.67% vs 31.39%,62.78% vs 38.37%)。结论:学生对全程导师个人及制度均较满意,但存在低年级对该制度了解少、师生联系少、导师实际作用低于学生预期、科研训练机会不足等问题。亟需完善全程导师制,推动临床医学高水平人才的培养。
Objective: To evaluate the teaching needs and satisfaction of the eight-year program medical students to the whole-course tutors. Methods: An anonymous online questionnaire survey was conducted among the eight-year program medical students at Sun Yat-sen University. All students were divided the junior group and the senior group, and the differences between the two groups were compared. Results: A total of 352 valid questionnaires were collected. The proportion of students who were fairly satisfied with their whole-course tutors was 45.56% in  the junior group and 37.79% in the senior group (P=0.087). The proportion of students who were fairly satisfied with the whole-course tutorial system was 36.67% in the junior group and 33.14% in the senior group (P=0.806). The proportion of students who “know well” and “know fairly well” about the whole-course tutorial system in the junior group was significantly lower than that in the senior group (16.67% vs 77.91%, P<0.001). The proportion of students in the junior group expecting their whole-course tutors “having a great impact” or “having some impact” on career planning, clinical thinking, scientific research thinking and mental health was significantly higher than that in the senior group (tests for proportions, all P<0.001, 83.33% vs 36.63%, 92.22% vs 29.07%, 91.67% vs 31.39%, 62.78% vs 38.37%). Conclusion: The eight-year program medical students are satisfied with their whole-course tutors and the whole-course tutorial system. However, some problems still exist, such as lower grade students lack of understanding of the whole-course tutorial system, insufficient contact between tutors and students, the actual influences of tutors failing to meet the students’ expectation, and insufficient opportunity of scientific research and training. It is urgent to improve the whole-course tutorial system and promote the cultivation of qualified medical talents.


The current situation and reform of the eight-year medical education

The purpose of the eight-year medical education is to train students for well-qualified medical talents that are in line with our national conditions. This article introduces the establishment and development of the eight-year medical education in China, and various aspects of exploration in its reform which includes the reform of the tutoring system, teaching philosophy, teaching approach, means of teaching, special courses and so on. It also summarizes the current situation of the eight-year medical education and discusses potential strategies to improve the education system and the quality of eight-year medical students.


Application and prospect of endogenous stem cells in lens regeneration and repair

Endogenous stem cells have significant advantages in cell therapy for excellent histocompatibility, low tumorigenicity risk, unnecessity for in vitro expansion and culture, and low disease transmission risk. There have been some applications for endogenous stem cells in treating diseases, targeting some organic and functional diseases throughout the body. In ocular tissue, the lens is a breakthrough for regenerative therapy due to its potential to grow throughout life and observation accessibility. Achieving lens regeneration in adult mammals attributes to some prerequisites. Firstly, the location of endogenous stem cells in the lens has been identified. Then, surgical approaches have been advanced to preserve lens stem cells and create a microenvironment suitable for lens regeneration. Protein compositional analysis of the regenerated lens reveals that it is similar to a mature lens rather than an embryonic lens, suggesting that the regulation of lens regeneration is not the same as the induction of embryonic onset. The strategy for regulating lens regeneration needs to focus not only on the activation and proper differentiation of stem cells but also on regulating the process of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT). In the future, in order to apply the experiences of lens regeneration to other ocular tissues, to mobilize endogenous cells and promote their growth, some strategies could be used. These strategies include mimicking cellular stress via the addition of cellular active ingredients, such as exosome, mitochondria, and small molecular compounds. Additionally, we can also try to restore lens tissue structure and microenvironment through surgical or biomaterial assistance.


Effect evaluation of general education curriculum of medical artificial intelligence

Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of medical education curriculum named “Development and Application of Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence”, and provide reference for the development of other related curriculums. Methods: Longitudinal observational study method was adopted. During the fall semester of 2020, we conducted an education curriculum named “Development and Application of Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence” and analyzed the results of mid-term and final examinations, and curriculum evaluation of students. Results: There were 118 undergraduate students taking the course and most of them were junior students majoring in clinical medicine. The score of the mid-term examination was in the range of 77.2±10.07, and 56 students (47.46%) got more than 80 points. The score of the final examination was in the range of 82.24±6.77, and 91 students (77.12%) got more than 80 points. The score of course evaluation of students was in the range of 98.76±3.55, and more than 90% of the students thought that teachers have made full preparations before class, together with clear teaching logic and accurate expressions in class. Conclusion: The smooth progress of our course proved the feasibility of medical artificial intelligence teaching. The teaching setting interspersed with theory and practice could help students to master knowledge and technology better, so as to achieve the teaching objectives.


Effect evaluation of ideological and political education in the eight-year clinical medicine ophthalmology integrated curriculum

Objective: To investigate the student satisfaction and educational effect of integrating ideological and political elements into the eight-year clinical medicine ophthalmology integrated curriculum. Methods: An anonymous paper questionnaire survey was administered to fifth-grade clinical medicine students ofthe eight-year clinical medicine program of Sun Yat-sen University to assess students’ satisfaction with ideological and political education as well as the educational effectiveness. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on thequestionnaire results, and the qualitative data were represented by frequency and percentage. Results: Ninety valid surveys were collected. 91% of the students agreed with the incorporation of ideological and political elements into the curriculum, 93% of the students thought the incorporation of ideological and political elements into the curriculum was good or very good, and 82% of the students believed that the ideological and political curricula helped arouse their interest in ophthalmology. The overall correct rate for ideological and political questions reached 92.9%, with the following correct rates from most accurate to least accurate: doctor-patient communication (100%), history of ophthalmology (98.9%), policy (83.3%), and research frontier (82.2%). Conclusion: Eight-year clinical medicine students are highly satisfied with the integration of intellectual and political components into the ophthalmology integration curriculum. Ideological and political education has yielded favorable results, with students demonstrating a thorough grasp of ideological and political facts. Future curricula should expand students’ awareness of research frontiers and policy issues while maintaining their interest in doctor-patient communication and the history of ophthalmology.