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Ocular surface condition after squint surgery

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2019年9月 第34卷 第3期 159-162 发布时间: 收稿时间:2023/11/30 16:22:20 阅读量:2804
strabismus surgical treatment ocular surface condition tear river height
目的:探索斜视患者手术治疗后的眼表恢复状况。方法:选取2015年1月至2018年6月于如皋市广慈医院接受门诊手术治疗的92例水平性斜视患者为研究对象,共126眼,按照手术切口将患者分为3组,行角膜缘切口的42例52眼患者为A组,行跨肌止端切口的17例19眼患者为B组,行近穹窿切口的33例55眼患者为C组。再根据手术累及肌肉条数将患眼分为3组,行单条眼外肌的29眼手术者为单肌组,行2条眼外肌的42眼手术者为双肌组,行3条眼外肌的21眼手术者为三肌组。比较不同切口类型和肌肉累及数患者的眼表健康恢复时间。结果:A,B,C3组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组首次泪膜破裂恢复时间(14.33±3.26) d和泪河高度时间(14.54±1.58) d显著低于B组和C组,差异具有统计学意义(F=4.876,P=0.032;F=4.612,P=0.036)。单肌组,双肌组及三肌组3组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);单肌组的首次泪膜破裂恢复时间(13.42±3.57) d和泪河高度时间(8.65±1.62) d显著低于双肌组和三肌组,差异有统计学意义(F=4.975,P=0.028;F=5.024,P=0.025)。结论:手术累及的肌肉数和手术切口类型对术后眼表健康状况具有重要影响,近穹窿切口的手术方式和累及较少肌肉数量有助于患者术后眼部健康状况的恢复。
Objective: To explore the ocular surface recovery after surgical treatment of strabismus patients. Methods: A total of 92 patients (126 eyes) with strabismus who underwent surgery in our hospital from January 2015 to June 2018 were enrolled. The patients were divided into three groups according to the surgical incision, 42 patients (52 eyes)underwent limbal incision were in group A, 17 patients (19 eyes) underwent trans-muscle end-point incision in group B, and 33 patients (55 eyes) underwent proximal hernia incision in group C. According to the number of muscles involved in the operation, the sick eyes of patients were divided into three groups. The 29 eyes with a single extraocular muscle were a single muscle group, the 42 eyes with 2 extraocular muscles were a double muscle group, and the 21-eye treated with 3 extraocular muscles were a three-muscle group. The ocular surface health recovery time of patients with different incision types and muscle involvement were compared. Results: The first tear film rupture recovery time and tear river height time between group A, B, and C were significantly different,and the data were statistically significant (P<0.05); the first tear film rupture recovery time (14.33±3.26) d and tear river height time (14.54±1.58) d in group A were significantly lower than those in group B and C. The data were statistically significant (F=4.876, P=0.032; F=4.612, P=0.036). The first tear film rupture recovery time and tear river height time between the single, double and three muscle groups were significantly different, and the data were statistically significant (P<0.05); the first tear film rupture recovery time (13.42±3.57) d and tear river height time (8.65±1.62) d were significantly lower in the single muscle group than in the double muscle group and the third muscle group. The data were statistically significant (F=4.975, P=0.028; F=5.024, P=0.025). Conclusion:The number of muscles involved in the operation and the type of surgical incision have an important impact on the health of the ocular surface after surgery. The proximal ankle incision and less number of muscles involved would improve the postoperative recovery of eye health.

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象

选取2015年1月至2018年6月于如皋市广慈医院接受门诊手术治疗的92例(126眼)水平性斜视成年患者为研究对象进行前瞻性分析。入选标准:1 )年龄≥1 8岁;2 )未合并青光眼、角膜病等眼科疾病;3 )患者及其家属知情并签署知情同意书。排除标准:1 )肾、肝等严重器官性疾病;2 )合并自身免疫性疾病;3 )妊娠期妇女、儿童。入选患者中男43例,女49例;年龄(31.27±9.46)岁;病程(24.37±8.15) d。按不同手术切口将患者分为3组:行角膜缘切口的42例52眼患者为A组,行跨肌止端切口的17例19眼患者为B组,行近穹窿切口的33例55眼患者为C组。再根据手术累及肌肉条数将患者分为3组:行单条眼外肌的29眼手术者为单肌组,行2条眼外肌的42眼手术者为双肌组,行3条眼外肌的21眼手术者为三肌组。本研究经如皋市广慈医院伦理委员会审核批准。

1.2 方法

由同一医师于术前和术后采用眼表综合分析仪为所有患者进行术眼首次泪膜破裂时间和泪河高度检测,检测间隔时间至少为30 min。首次泪膜破裂时间检测:患者下颌放置于颌托上,双眼呈自然放松状态,将Placido盘投影到角膜的表面并进行对焦,完成后让患者瞬目两次,然后嘱咐患者持续睁眼直到Placido投影环破裂为止,重复测量两次取平均值。泪河高度检测:仪器中呈现泪河图,医师对泪河上下级之间的长度进行手动测量,若其连续性好则重复两次并取平均值,若连续性较差,则测量3次。术后为3组进行检测,直到首次泪膜破裂时间和泪河高度恢复至术前为止,记录恢复时间。

1.3 观察指标


1.3 统计学处理

采用SPSS 23.0软件进行数据分析。多组计量结果比较采用Fisher检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 不同手术切口的眼表健康恢复时间比较


2.2 不同肌肉条数的眼表健康恢复时间比较

单肌组、双肌组和三肌组首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异统计学意义(P <0.05);单肌组首次泪膜破裂恢复时间和泪河高度时间显著低于双肌组和三肌组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,表2)。

表1 不同手术切口患者的眼表健康恢复时间比较

Table 1 Comparison of ocular surface health recovery time of patients with different surgical incisions

表2 不同肌肉条数的眼表健康恢复时间比较表

Table 2 Comparison of ocular surface health recovery time with different muscle numbers

3 讨论

组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异显著。A组的首次泪膜破裂恢复时间和泪河高度时间显著低于B组 和C组。有研究[7]指出:角膜缘切口会对患者的结膜造成损害,导致结膜杯状细胞的黏蛋白分泌减少,同时还会对患者角膜缘的干细胞造成损害,角膜修复缓慢,角膜上皮完整性被破坏。据文献[8]报道:近穹窿切口术口较小,相对于其他切口来说,被病原菌侵袭的可能性更低,因而术后炎性反应和水肿的发生可能性较小,发生程度也较轻。宋蕾[9]研究也证实角膜缘切口可提高术中操作的准确性,减少上皮机械性损伤,从而减少术后反应和组织水肿,经角膜缘切口手术患者其术后仅具有轻微炎症反应的患者可达94.4%。组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异显著;单肌组的首次泪膜破裂恢复时间和泪河高度时间显著低于双肌组和三肌组,可能原因是角膜缘切口和跨肌止端切口容易对角膜缘神经丛造成损害,使患者角膜知觉退减,减少瞬目,泪膜稳定性被打破。Hamasaki等[10]的研究结果显示:近穹窿切口的手术切口呈隆起状态,引起的机械性损伤小,对黏蛋白的分泌无太大影响。手术所涉及的肌肉条数较多的患者其手术操作时间、切口数均成倍增加,结膜、角膜在空气中的暴露时间也成倍增加,发生炎性反应的可能性较大[11]




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  • Eye Science
