

Efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with lowdose rituximab for preventing neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder relapse

目的:探讨小剂量利妥昔单抗(rituximab, RTX)预防视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病(neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, NMOSD)复发的有效性和安全性。方法:采用前瞻性自身对照试验,选取2020年7月至2021年4月临床确诊为NMOSD的38例患者进行研究,给予小剂量RTX治疗。所有患者均进行病史采集、眼科检查和血清学指标检测,记录NMOSD年复发率(ARR)、最佳矫正视力(BCVA)、合并自身抗体情况和追加治疗的情况。视力检查采用Snellen视力表进行,并将结果转换为最小分辨角对数(logMAR)视力记录。随访至少12个月(17.29±2.2)个月,以末次随访为疗效判定时间点,比较治疗前后ARR、BCVA;分析复发与发病年龄、是否合并自身免疫抗体阳性和患自身免疫性疾病的关系。记录不良反应的发生率和追加治疗的时间。结果:共38例患者61眼纳入研究。其中男性4例,女性34例。发病年龄12~60岁,中位发病年龄23 (18~29.3)岁。病程10.0~265个月,中位病程65 (48.3~101.0)个月。治疗前logMAR矫正视力(1.15±0.13),治疗后logMAR矫正视力(1.54±0.39),比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.120,P=0.267)。治疗前ARR(1.50±0.86)次/年,治疗后ARR降低为(0.12±0.07)次/年,比较差异有统计学意义(t=8.304,P<0.001)。追加治疗时间为(6.4±2.3)月。随访期间3例患者复发,复发次数为 5次。 复发者与未复发者的发病年龄、合并免疫抗体阳性比例、合并自身免疫性疾病比例比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。38例患者中,出现输注不良反应7例,给予减慢RTX滴速及加用地塞米松5 mg治疗后均缓解,随访期间未见其他明显不良反应。结论:小剂量RTX可以有效清除B淋巴细胞,预防NMOSD复发,且安全性较好。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with low-dose rituximab for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD). Methods: A prospective self-control study. A total of 38 patients who were diagnosed with NMOSD from July 2020 to April 2021 were recruited for rituximab treatment. All patients collected medical history, ophthalmic examination and serological test. Recorded the annual recurrence rate (ARR), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), combined autoantibodies and therapy times after the first treatment. The BCVA was examined using Snellen chart, and converted to logMAR. The patients were followed up at least 12(17.29±2.2) months, and the last follow-up was taken as the time point of efficacy evaluation. ARR and BCVA before and after treatment were compared. To analyze the relationship between relapse and age of onset, combination of autoimmune antibodies and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of side effects and duration of additional therapy were recorded. Results: A total of 38 NMOSD patients (4 male/34 female, 61 involved eyes) were included in this study. The ages of onset age were 12-60 years, the median onset age was 23 (18~29.3) years. Duration of disease was 10.0~265 months, the median duration was 65 (48.3~101.0) months. Before treatment, the mean BCVA was 1.15 ± 0.13 , the mean BCVA at last follow-up was 1.54 ± 0.39, which was no significant difference (t=1.120, P=0.267). The mean ARR before and after treatment were 1.50±0.86 and 0.12 ± 0.07, respectively, with significant difference (t=8.304, P<0.001). The mean reinfusion period was 6. 4±2.3 months. Five relapses in 3 patients were observed. There were no significant difference between relapsed patients and non-relapsed patients on onset age, with/without auto-immune antibody ratio, with/without auto-immune diseases ratio (all P>0.05). Of 38 patients, 7 patients had side effects, all patients who had side effects, slowing down the infusion speed of RTX or infusing 5 mg of dexamethasone could relieve the discomfort. Conclusions: Low-dose RTX can effectively clear B lymphocytes, prevent NMOSD recurrence and with good safety.


Clinical study of modified combined fascial sheath suspension on the treatment of recurrent severe blepharoptosis

目的:观察和评价改良联合筋膜鞘(combined fascial sheath,CFS)悬吊术治疗复发性上睑下垂的可行性和临床效果。方法:纳入2017年3月至2020年3月于河北省眼科医院眼整形门诊就诊的26例复发性重度上睑下垂患者(32只眼),均采用改良CFS悬吊术予以矫正。术后随访1年,分别于术后1个月、3个月、6个月及1年时复诊,对患者术后上睑缘中点到角膜反光点的距离(marginal reflex distance-1,MRD1)、眼皮折皱深度、长度、弧度和并发症等情况为主要观察指标给予记录和效果评估。结果:26例患者共32只患眼,临床治愈27只眼(84.4%),改善4只眼(12.5%),无效1只眼(3.1%),对1只无效眼术后6个月进行再次调整,调整后达到临床治愈标准。1例出现结膜脱垂,经过药物与加压包扎治疗后结膜脱垂症状消失,无暴露性角膜炎或其他并发症发生病例。结论:改良CFS悬吊术矫正复发性重度上睑下垂,具有操作简单、创伤小、治疗效果确切、并发症少等优点,值得临床推广与应用。
Objective: To observe and evaluate the feasibility and clinical effect of modified combined fascial sheath (CFS) suspension on the treatment of recurrent severe blepharoptosis. Methods: A total of 26 patients (32 eyes) with recurrent severe ptosis treated in Hebei Eye Hospital from March 2017 to March 2020 were included. All patients were corrected by modified CFS suspension. The patients were followed up for 1 year, and returned to the hospital at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year respectively. The marginal reflex distance-1 (MRD1), eyelid crease depth, length, radian, and complications were recorded as the main observation indexes and the effect was evaluated. Results: In the 32 eyes of 26 patients, 27 eyes (84.4%) were completely corrected, 4 eyes (12.5%) were improved, while 1 eye (3.1%) had no improvement, the invalid eye was adjusted again 6 months after operation, and reached the effective standard after adjustment. Conjunctival prolapse occurred in 1 case, and the symptoms of conjunctival prolapse disappeared after the treatment with drugs and pressure dressing, and no case of exposure keratitis or other complications occurred. Conclusion: Modified combined fascial sheath suspension is an effective method on the treatment of recurrent severe blepharoptosis with the advantages of simple operation, less trauma, definite therapeutic effect, and fewer complications, which is worthy of clinical promotion and application.


Morphological analysis of meibomian glands in patients with recurrent and primary meibomian gland cyst under in vivo confocal microscope

目的:分析复发与初发睑板腺囊肿患者的睑板腺组织形态学改变在活体共聚焦显微镜(in vivo confocal microscope,IVCM)下的表现及特点。方法:采用横断面研究方法,选取2018年10月至2019年4月在汕头大学·香港中文大学联合汕头国际眼科中心门诊就诊的10例复发性睑板腺囊肿患者、10例初发性睑板腺囊肿以及10例对照组作为观察对象。所有对象行眼科常规检查及IVCM检查。IVCM检测指标包括睑板腺开口面积、开口最短径、开口最长径、睑板腺开口附近腺管形态、睑板腺腺泡样结构形态,分析比较三组的计量指标。结果:复发性睑板腺囊肿组睑板腺开口短径(109.08±49.96) μm,开口长径(144.95±68.10) μm,开口面积为11 621.62 (3 976.49~24 828.82) μm2初发性睑板腺囊肿组睑板腺开口短径(101.53±29.55) μm,开口长径(130.08±45.21) μm,开口面积10 615.07(5 813.29~18 275.44) μm2 ;对照组睑板腺开口短径(44.14±14.37) μm,开口长径(55.98±13.46) μm,开口面积2 233.29(1 437.72~2 945.65) μm2 。与对照组相比,复发性、初发性睑板腺囊肿组睑板腺开口短径、开口长径及开口面积均明显扩大,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);复发与初发睑板腺囊肿组之间差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。复发性睑板腺囊肿组睑板腺腺管扩张,周边腺泡样结构纤维组织增生,伴有炎症细胞浸润。初发性睑板腺囊肿组睑板腺腺管扩张,周边腺泡样结构未见明显纤维组织增生。结论:IVCM可在活体下观察睑板腺囊肿患者睑板腺形态学上的微观改变,复发性睑板腺囊肿睑板腺腺泡样结构形态与初发性睑板腺囊肿表现有差异。
Background: To analyze the morphological changes of meibomian glands in patients with recurrent and primary meibomian gland cyst under in vivo confocal microscope (IVCM). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in Shantou International Eye Center from September 2018 to April 2019. Ten patients with recurrent meibomian cyst, 10 patients with primary meibomian cyst and 10 control subjects were selected in this clinical trial. All subjects received routine ophthalmologic examination and IVCM examination. IVCM examination parameters included open area of meibomian gland, and the maximum and minimum diameter of meibomian gland opening. Relevant parameters were analyzed and statistically compared among different groups. Results: The average minimum diameter of meibomian glands opening in the recurrent meibomian gland cyst group was (109.08±49.96) μm, the average maximum diameter of meibomian glands opening was (144.95±68.10) μm, and the median open area of meibomian gland was 11 621.62 (3 976.49–24 828.82) μm2 . In the primary meibomian gland cyst group, the average minimum diameter of meibomian glands opening was (101.53±29.55) μm, the average maximum diameter of meibomian glands opening was (130.08±45.21) μm, and the median open area of meibomian gland was 10 615.07 (5 813.29–18 275.44) μm2 . The opening of meibomian glands in both the recurrent and primary meibomian gland cyst groups was enlarged, which significantly differed from that in the control group (both P<0.05). No statistical significance was noted between the recurrent and primary meibomian gland cyst groups (P>0.05). The acinus structure around the gland tube was manifested with serious hypertrophic scar complicated with inflammatory cell infiltration. Conclusion: IVCM can detect the morphological changes of meibomian glands in meibomian gland cyst patients. The IVCM findings of recurrent and primary meibomian gland cyst are different.


Correlation of vasculogenic mimicry in the primary and recurrent pterygium

目的:探讨血管生成拟态(vasculogenic mimicry,VM)与翼状胬肉初发型及复发型的相关性。方法:采用血小板-内皮细胞黏附分子/过碘酸雪夫(platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1/periodic acid-schiff,CD31/PAS)免疫组织化学双重染色法检测139例翼状胬肉组织(初发型105例;复发型34例)和10例正常结膜中VM的表达,分析VM与初发型及复发型翼状胬肉的相关性及其与患者性别、年龄等因素的关系。原代培养人翼状胬肉成纤维细胞(human pterygium fibroblasts,HPFs),免疫细胞化学染色法鉴定,利用三维培养及PAS染色观察初发型和复发型HPFs构成VM管腔个数的差异。结果:10例正常结膜均未见VM结构,初发型翼状胬肉VM阳性率43.81%,复发型翼状胬肉VM阳性率82.35%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。相关性分析显示VM与复发型翼状胬肉呈显著正相关(r=0.332)。不同性别、年龄及病程的翼状胬肉患者VM的表达差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。原代培养的HPFs Vimentin表达阳性,符合成纤维细胞特性。细胞三维培养及PAS染色结果提示HPFs具有构建体外VM模型的能力,且复发型HPFs构成的VM管腔数明显高于初发型,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:翼状胬肉组织中存在VM结构,可作为其血供途径之一。VM与翼状胬肉的复发具有密切关系。
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of vasculogenic mimicry in the primary and recurrent pterygium. Methods: Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1/periodic acid-schiff (CD31/PAS)immunohistochemical double staining method was adopted to detect the expression of VM in 139 cases of pterygium (105 cases of primary pterygium and 34 cases of recurrent pterygium)and 10 cases of normal conjunctival tissues. The correlation between VM and primary pterygium, recurrent pterygium and the factors such as gender and age of patients were analyzed. Human pterygium fibroblasts (HPFs) were primary cultured and identified by immunocytochemical staining. The differences in the number of VM channels between primary HPFs and recurrent HPFs were observed by three-dimensional culture and PAS staining. Results: There was no VM structure in 10 normal conjunctiva and the positive rate of VM was 43.81% in primary pterygium and 82.35% in recurrent pterygium with a significantly difference (P<0.001). Correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between VM and recurrent pterygium (r=0.332). There was no significant difference in the expression of VM in pterygium patients with different sex, age and course (all P>0.05). Vimentin was positive in the primary cultured cells, which was consistent with the characteristics of fibroblasts. The results of three-dimensional culture and PAS staining indicated that HPFs had the ability to construct VM model in vitro, and the number of VM channels constituted by recurrent HPFs was significantly higher than that by primary HPFs, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: VM exists in pterygium tissues, and it can be used as one of the blood supply routes, which is closely related to the recurrence of pterygium.


Clinical study of fungal recurrence after corneal transplantation for fungal keratitis

Fungal keratitis is one of the important causes of corneal blindness in China. Due to the lack of reasonable treatment for some patients in the early stage of infection, the disease is protracted and refractory, and eventually, corneal transplantation is the main treatment. However, Fungal keratitis infection is very stubborn, and there is still a certain probability of recurrence after surgery. Therefore, understanding the latest research advances in fungal keratitis as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different types of antifungal drugs and corneal transplantation, and choosing a reasonable treatment plan according to the indications can maximize the control of the infection, reduce the recurrence rate of the fungus and save the vision of patients. In addition, the relevant literature on fungal recurrence after corneal transplantation was studied to summarize its recurrence pattern, influencing factors and clinical features, as well as treatment means and prognosis. The purpose of this study is to provide a reference basis for formulating a reasonable treatment strategy in line with China’s national conditions.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
